Секреты и уловки
Давайте рассмотрим несколько основных советов по игре за капитана. Когда вы впервые начинаете пробежку, вам нужно сосредоточиться на предметах для мобильности. Его способности с самого начала наносят изрядный урон, поэтому постарайтесь найти любой предмет, который увеличивает скорость передвижения. Трудно сказать, какой предмет вы получите, но если вы играете с Артефактом командования, вы можете контролировать, какие предметы вы получите.
Добывать легендарные предметы может быть сложно, но с помощью сигнального маячка Капитана вы сможете сразу же открыть легендарный сундук, не тратя денег. Легендарный сундук появляется после того, как вы достигнете четвертого уровня, и в нем гарантированно будет легендарный предмет. Они могут стоить больших денег, но вы можете взломать сундук и получить предмет бесплатно.
Решение, какие способности Капитана использовать, может сбивать с толку, поэтому давайте рассмотрим каждую способность
У капитана только одно основное оружие, но важно знать, что вы можете заряжать дробовик Vulcan. Зарядка способности сузит разброс пуль
Если вы находитесь в непосредственной близости от группы врагов, вам не захочется тратить время на зарядку способности.
Для Captain’s Utility OGM-72 «DIABLO» Strike наносит намного больше урона, чем Orbital Probe. Обратной стороной удара является то, что он имеет 40-секундное время восстановления и 20-секундную задержку после его использования. Orbital Strike имеет более короткое время восстановления, наносит меньше урона и может использоваться только три раза. Если вы ищете безумно мощную способность и не хотите использовать ее немедленно, выберите OGM-72 ‘DIABLO’ Strike. В целом, однако, удар непрактичен, потому что вы можете просто использовать свои обычные атаки в те 20 секунд, на которые он откладывается.
Наконец, давайте посмотрим на четыре маяка, которые может вызвать Капитан. Выше мы узнали, что с помощью хакерского маячка можно открыть легендарный сундук. Маяк полезен, когда дело доходит до разблокировки сундуков и покупаемых предметов, но он гораздо менее эффективен, если вы играете с Артефактом жертвоприношения. Это позволяет предметам падать с монстров, но сундуки больше не появляются. Не используйте маячок для взлома, если у вас активен Артефакт Жертвоприношения .
Капитан может иметь активными только два типа маяков, но те, которые вы выберете, должны зависеть от типа сборки, которую вы хотите. Если вы хотите получить исцеляющий билд, выберите исцеляющий маяк. В качестве альтернативы, если вы хотите нанести большой урон и использовать утилиту для борьбы с толпой, выберите шокирующий маяк — он особенно полезен во время событий портала. Вы определенно можете выбрать два одинаковых маяка (например, наличие двух хакерских маяков ускорит ваш бег). В целом, все сводится к тому, какой из них вы предпочитаете, потому что все маяки хороши. Маяк пополнения запасов — это нормально, но есть предметы, которые сокращают время восстановления вашего снаряжения, поэтому вместо этого вам следует выбрать более сильный маяк.
Важно отметить, что шокирующий маяк оглушает врагов на 3 секунды, но срабатывает и каждые 3 секунды. Это означает, что враги могут быть оглушены
Если вам удастся оглушить большую группу врагов, сейчас самое время использовать удар OGM-72 «DIABLO».
Теперь у вас должно быть базовое представление о том, как играть Капитаном. Выходи и командуй полем битвы!
Scaling Difficulty
The difficulty indicator
Scaling difficulty is a core mechanic of Risk of Rain 2. As a run progresses, the difficulty will steadily rise, making enemies both stronger and more numerous.
The steadily rising difficulty is represented in-game through a bar in the top right corner of the screen. This bar shows the selected initial difficulty, the current run timer and the current status of the scaling difficulty. As the bar progresses, it will pass through multiple named sub-difficulties in order:
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard
- Very Hard
- Insane
- Impossible
The HAHAHAHA sub-difficulty has a maximum of level 99.
In addition to the increase over time, every time an environment is completed (aside the Bazaar Between Time and Void Fields), the difficulty will jump forward, which will cause a spike in difficulty, and the bar will also increase faster. This increase is exponential, which means that as more are completed, the game becomes exponentially harder.
The game files mention a «Very Easy» difficulty, although it is never seen during normal gameplay.
Effects of difficulty
Each of these sub-difficulties contain two intermediate «notches». Every time a «notch» is reached, or the next sub-difficulty is reached, enemies will level up, which is indicated by a visual effect and a level-up sound similar to a player level-up, although with a lower pitch. Just like players, enemies gain 30% health and 20% damage (compared to their base values shown in the Logbook) per additional level.
In addition to enemy levels, the difficulty also affects the spawn rate of enemies. As the sub-difficulties progress, enemies will spawn faster and in greater numbers. After a while, stronger enemies will start to spawn outside of the , including mini-bosses (such as Greater Wisps) and Teleporter Bosses (such as Stone Titans). Higher difficulty also increases the frequency of , and even allows for elite mini-bosses and Teleporter Bosses.
The final effect of difficulty is the cost of interactables. When reaching a new environment, the cost of Chests, Shrines of Chance, Turrets, etc. is calculated relative to the difficulty.
The core mechanics of scaling difficulty do not change in multiplayer, but two numerical changes are applied:
- The initial difficulty is higher, although this is not reflected on the bar. This is why the spawn rate is higher and chests are more expensive. Enemies still start at level 1, however.
- Time has a greater effect on scaling difficulty (the bar advances faster). This is reflected on the bar, although the effect is subtle for a low player count.
Unlike the first game, playing multiplayer solo (starting a server but not waiting for other players) will not change the scaling compared to «true» singleplayer.
Как получить неофициальную концовку
В зависимости от того, кого вы спросите, есть также неофициальный третий способ победить Risk of Rain 2. Он включает в себя создание настолько нелепой сборки, что игра вылетает. Это не какой-то официальный финал; это больше похоже на мета-финал. Вы «обыграли» игру в том смысле, что стали настолько могущественными, что само программное обеспечение рассыпалось под вашей мощью.
Чтобы добраться до этого момента, потребуется изрядно поработать. Вы, наверное, уже видели, насколько хаотичными могут быть битвы, когда у вас огромные стопки предметов. Цель этого финала — сделать битвы максимально хаотичными. Это означает создание стопки предметов, которые мгновенно убивают врагов, заполняют экран взрывчаткой или создают необходимость в таких огромных вычислениях, за которыми игра просто не успевает.
Да, это может быть немного глупо. Но в том-то и дело. Прогоны в рогаликах не должны длиться вечно; что-то должно дать в какой-то момент. Вот почему преданные фанаты предпочитают этот неофициальный финал: он показывает, что они накопили столько сил, что сама игра подчиняется их воле. Вот это мета.
С учетом всего сказанного, единственный правильный способ победить Risk of Rain 2 — победить Митрикса. Это откроет истинный финал, в котором показаны финальная кат-сцена и титры. Уничтожение себя у обелиска — достойный способ завершить забег, но если вы действительно хотите пойти ва-банк, создайте настолько интенсивную сборку, что игра вылетает.
Effective limit
The following amount of stacks of Soulbound Catalyst is needed to instantly recharge equipment on kill.
Equipment | Base Cooldown | Amount Needed |
15sHeal over time. Activate to send to an ally.Gain a Woodsprite follower that heals for 1.5% of your maximum health/second. Can be sent to an ally to heal them for 10% of their maximum health. 15sDrop a permanent effigy that cripples ALL characters inside. Can place up to 5.ALL characters within are slowed by 50% and have their armor reduced by 20. Can place up to 5. | 15s | 7 |
20sCleanse all negative effects.Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles. 20sCall down a lightning strike on a targeted monster.Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing 3000% damage and stunning nearby monsters. | 20s | 9 |
30sTransform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.Turn into a draconic fireball for 5 seconds. Deal 500% damage on impact. Detonates at the end for 800% damage. | 30s | 14 |
45sFire a swarm of missiles.Fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12×300% damage. 45sCreate a quantum tunnel between two locations.Create a quantum tunnel of up to 1000m in length. Lasts 30 seconds. 45sHeal on use.Instantly heal for 50% of your maximum health. 45sThrow a cursed doll that repeatedly triggers your ‘On Kill’ effects.Throw a cursed doll out that triggers any On-Kill effects you have every 1 second for 8 seconds. 45sYou and all your allies enter a frenzy.All allies enter a frenzy for 7 seconds. Increases movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 100%. 45sGain massive armor for 5 seconds.Gain 500 armor for 5 seconds. 45sReveal all nearby interactables.Reveal all interactables within 500m for 10 seconds. 45sTransform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only recycle once.Transform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only be converted into the same tier one time. 45sThrow a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.Throw three large saw blades that slice through enemies for 3×400% damage. Also deals an additional 3×100% damage per second while bleeding enemies. Can strike enemies again on the way back. 45sBurn everything nearby… including you and allies.Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning to yourself. The burn is 0.5x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies. | 45s | 22 |
60sGain temporary flight.Sprout wings and fly for 15 seconds. Gain +20% movement speed for the duration. 60sGain +100% Critical Strike Chance for 8 seconds. 60sFire a black hole that draws enemies in.Fire a black hole that draws enemies within 30m into its center. Lasts 10 seconds 60sHeal for a percentage of the damage you deal for 8 seconds.Heal for 20% of the damage you deal. Lasts 8 seconds. 60sGain a massive boost to ALL stats. Chance to gain an affliction that reduces ALL stats.Drink the Tonic, gaining a boost for 20 seconds. Increases damage by +100%. Increases attack speed by +70%. Increases armor by +20. Increases maximum health by +50%. Increases passive health regeneration by +300%. Increases movespeed by +30%.When the Tonic wears off, you have a 20% chance to gain a Tonic Affliction, reducing all of your stats by -5% (-5% per stack). | 60s | 29 |
100sCall drones for back up. Lasts 25 seconds.Call 4 Strike Drones to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds. | 100s | 49 |
140sFire a ball of energy that electrocutes nearby enemies before detonating.Fires preon tendrils, zapping enemies within 35m for up to 600% damage/second. On contact, detonate in an enormous 20m explosion for 4000% damage. 140sRain meteors from the sky, hurting both enemies and allies.Rain meteors from the sky, damaging ALL characters for 600% damage per blast. Lasts 20 seconds. | 140s | 69 |
Eclipse 8
When taking damage on Eclipse 8, allies gain a number of stacks of equal to , rounded down. Maximum health is reduced by a factor of , where is the number of stacks.
Contrary to its name, «permanent» damage is not permanent; it is reset at the beginning of every stage. All curse stacks are also removed when resurrecting with Dio’s Best FriendCheat death. Consumed on use.Upon death, this item will be consumed and you will return to life with 3 seconds of invulnerability., but not when using Blast Shower20sCleanse all negative effects.Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles..
The formula for health reduction is hyperbolic, meaning health lost is not 1% per curse stack/2.5% damage taken. It instead is reduced by much less than this, making this modifier slightly more forgiving than expected.
There is a minimum damage to gain a curse stack of 2.5% of max health, so very small hits will not cause curse and Helfire Tincture45sBurn everything nearby… including you and allies.Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning to yourself. The burn is 0.5x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies. is still usable. However, all of REX’s self-damaging moves will trigger the permanent damage effect.
Как разблокировать жест утопленника
Чтобы разблокировать «Жест утопленников», вы должны убить 20 крабов-отшельников, прогнав их за край карты. Хотя формулировка задачи гласит, что вы должны прогнать их за пределы карты. край карты, убийство крабов-отшельников с падением также считается.
Раки-отшельники появляются на пятом уровне Abyssal Depths и будет прятаться по карте, издалека кидая в вас камни. Когда вы подойдете к ним, они убежат в обратном направлении. Подойдя к ним, когда они находятся у края карты или обрыва, вы можете убить их, прогнав. Сделайте это 20 раз, и вы разблокируете «Жест утопленника».
Рекомендуем ознакомится с другими гайдами на популярные игры tattoo-mall.ru. Расскажем про секреты и хитрости, которые можно использовать в играх со своей выгодой. А также про полезные и интересные историй в видеоиграх.
Есть два подхода к решению этой задачи. Первый — добраться до Abyssal Depths и отправиться на более высокие уровни карты
Увидев краба-отшельника, осторожно уменьшите его здоровье до уровня, при котором он умрет от повреждений при падении. Избегайте использования таких предметов, как нестабильная катушка Тесла, Razorwire и дроны так что вы случайно не убьете их
Второй (и более простой) вариант — пройти мимо Abyssal Depths, пока не дойдете до Titanic Plains во втором круге , так как в этот момент на карте появятся крабы-отшельники. В Titanic Plains есть несколько легко доступных краев карты, которые идеально подходят для этой задачи. Если вы пойдете в магазин с Небесного луга, вы можете потратить лунные монеты, чтобы гарантировать, что следующий этап — Титанические равнины.
Оказавшись там, дождитесь появления крабов-отшельников, затем загоните их к краю карты. Если сбить их здесь, они погибнут от повреждений при падении. Сделайте это 20 раз, и «Жест утопленников» станет вашим.
- Items that increase damage or attack speed are invaluable on Loader, especially on-hit items which deal bonus total damage. In combination with her Charged Gauntlet, items such as Ukulele…and his music was electric.25% chance to fire chain lightning for 80% TOTAL damage on up to 3 (+2 per stack) targets within 20m (+2m per stack). and Kjaro’s BandHigh damage hits also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado. Recharges over time.Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage over time. Recharges every 10 seconds.
While higher attack speed is useful for filling up Scrap Barrier quickly and dealing damage with procs, be mindful that Knuckleboom knocks smaller enemies away with every hit. With higher attack speed values, its damage may suffer simply because enemies are constantly being pushed out of reach. This is a non-issue against larger enemies or bosses.
substantially increase her damage output.
- Knuckleboom briefly stuns and knocks back lighter enemies such as Lemurians, Beetles, Imps, and Hermit Crabs.
Grapple Fist & Spiked Fist
However, hitting an enemy at the very limit of Spiked Fist’s range will not trigger the grappling effect or put the skill on cooldown, but will still deal damage. This may be a bug.
only go on cooldown if the attack connects with an enemy or terrain; if not, it reels back in and is immediately ready for re-use.
- It is possible to charge up Charged Gauntlet while attached to something by Grapple Fist or Spiked Fist. Use this to gain damage when using Charged Gauntlet, as its damage is increased by Loader’s movement speed. On top of dealing massive amounts of damage, it can also allow her to cover great distances very quickly.
- Release Charged Gauntlet at the apex of Grapple Fist’s trajectory (right when Loader starts going upwards) to maintain maximum momentum when trying to go far.
- When attached to something with Grapple Fist or Spiked Fist, repeatedly toggling sprint can rapidly increase Loader’s movement speed and/or swinging radius (distance between Loader and what she’s attached to). The swinging radius can extend infinitely, being limited only by the boundaries of the map.
- Like Artificer’s , Loader can sprint while charging up Charged Gauntlet by toggling sprint after beginning the charge.
- Loader can move faster while using Knuckleboom by pressing the sprint key between attacks.
- Scrap Barrier will apply to Knuckleboom, Charged Gauntlet, and Thunder Gauntlet, but not M551 Pylon or Thunderslam.
- Loader makes exceptional use of the H3AD-5T v2Increase jump height. Hold ‘Interact’ to slam down to the ground.Increase jump height. Creates a 5m-100m radius kinetic explosion on hitting the ground, dealing 1000%-10000% base damage that scales up with fall distance. Recharges in 10 (-50% per stack) seconds., as she is more than capable of meeting the height requirement for its max damage. Additionally, she can use the fall speed increase to gain more velocity for Charged Gauntlet and Thunder Gauntlet.
Loader pairs well with the Hardlight AfterburnerAdd 2 extra charges of your Utility skill. Reduce Utility skill cooldown.Add +2 (+2 per stack) charges of your Utility skill. Reduces Utility skill cooldown by 33%.
This also significantly augments her mobility, allowing her to use Charged and Thunder Gauntlet to move around even more easily.
, as a large chunk of her damage comes from her utility skill.
- While Thunder Gauntlet technically is stronger than Charged Gauntlet early on (2100%+1000% compared to 2700%), Charged Gauntlet eventually eclipses it thanks to its piercing property. As enemies become more plentiful, Charged Gauntlet can plow through them and deal its full damage to each, as opposed to Thunder Gauntlet only dealing its full damage to a single enemy.
- Thunder Gauntlet works well with Thunderslam, as the ricochet from hitting a target can be used to follow up with a slam, though Charged Gauntlet can work as well since it can be used to pierce through an enemy.
The chance to activate is determined by the formula
The chance to block is not affected by 57 Leaf CloverLuck is on your side.All random effects are rolled +1 (+1 per stack) times for a favorable outcome. or PurityReduce your skill cooldowns by 2 seconds. You are unlucky.All skill cooldowns are reduced by 2 (+1 per stack) seconds. All random effects are rolled +1 (+1 per stack) times for an unfavorable outcome..
Amount | Chance |
1 | 13% |
2 | 23.1% |
3 | 31% |
4 | 37.5% |
5 | 42.9% |
6 | 47.4% |
7 | 51.2% |
8 | 54.5% |
9 | 57.4% |
10 | 60% |
11 | 62.3% |
12 | 64.3% |
13 | 66.1% |
14 | 67.7% |
15 | 69.2% |
16 | 70.6% |
17 | 71.9% |
18 | 73% |
19 | 74% |
20 | 75% |
Amount | Chance |
21 | 75.9% |
22 | 76.7% |
23 | 77.5% |
24 | 78.3% |
25 | 78.9% |
26 | 79.6% |
27 | 80.2% |
28 | 80.8% |
29 | 81.3% |
30 | 81.8% |
31 | 82.3% |
32 | 82.8% |
33 | 83.2% |
34 | 83.6% |
35 | 84% |
40 | 85.7% |
60 | 90% |
80 | 92.3% |
100 | 93.8% |
255 | 97.5% |
Welcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 – beta branch) $ Scraping memory... done. $ Resolving... done. $ Combing for relevant data... done. Complete! The following is an audio transcript from the trial of D. Cooper, wanted for 5 counts of serial manslaughter. “Mr. Cooper, do you recognize this item?” “I do.” “Is it true that you used this weapon on your victims?” “Yes.” “And, Mr. Cooper, is it true that... that you would use this dagger to expose the healed wounds of your victims? In an attempt to spill yet more innocent blood from them?” “Oh yes. Was my favorite part.” “Your favorite part, you say. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I think you all can see that Mr. Cooper is a truly deranged man - who took the lives of countless innocent people. However, if you are not fully convinced, I have one more piece of evidence to provide for the jury’s consideration. Your honor, if I may prepare an audio recording of Mr. Cooper?” “Proceed.” “Thank you, your honor. Now, please play back the recording.” The remainder of this court transcript has been sealed. Reason: i think im gonna be sick
- The Fuel Array’s explosion does not bypass , so it can theoretically be weaponized to deal massive area damage if the player’s one-shot protection becomes active. This can only be done with large amounts of healing, however, since the player will need to recover at least 40% of their health before the Fuel Array explodes.
Engineer can make excellent use of the Fuel Array’s volatile nature, as his will also have their own Fuel Arrays. While this does cut their lifespan short, they will explode when sufficiently damaged and inflict colossal damage on any enemies nearby.
- This is especially effective when using Engineer’s , which will charge straight towards enemies.
- This strategy is much more feasible in multiplayer runs than singleplayer, as dying from the Fuel Array will not immediately end the run.
A lot of people would say that loading cargo is a dull job. The Loader could not disagree more. Other jobs don’t supply their employees with a fully articulate titanium exoskeleton capable of lifting 250 tons. Other jobs don’t allow their employees to meet the crews of countless starships from across the galaxy. Other jobs don’t let you use your exoskeleton for your own entertainment, much less outfit it with custom-built grappling hooks powered by a winch capable of hauling up to 100 tons. Other jobs don’t involve being approached by a legend among the UES work force, and asked to embark on a classified mission to the Uncharted Territories. Other jobs don’t involve fighting exotic and strange alien creatures, and exploring mystical ruins on another planet. A lot of people would say that loading cargo is a dull job. The Loader could not disagree more.
Order: Soulbound Catalyst Tracking Number: 890***** Estimated Delivery: 11/06/2056 Shipping Method: High Priority/Fragile Shipping Address: 1414 Place, Fillmore, Venus Shipping Details: If you thought the ring was a rare find, wait until you get your hands on this! It turns out the method the King used did not originate from his time period. His court discovered a ritual performed by a tribe from much further back. It, of course, dealt with sacrifice, but in substantial groups. This was supposed to concentrate the catalyzing properties of the item it was imbued into. Payment will be at least twice as much as our previous deal. We can discuss it later - another night.
Список заданий
Название — Описание — Награда
- Keyed Up — Победить босса Teleporter за 15 секунд или меньше — Rusted Key
- «Is This Bugged?» — Провалить Shrine of Chance 3 раза подряд — Paul’s Goat Hoof
- …Maybe One More. — Создать один и тот же предмет 7 раз подряд на 3D принтере — Bundle of Fireworks
- The Basics — открыть 10 уникальных белых предметов — Crowbar
- Learning Process — Погибнуть 5 раз — Tougher Times
- Advancement — Завершить ивент Teleporter — Armor-Piercing Rounds
- Flawless — Полностью зарядить Teleporter без ударов — Backup Magazine
- Elite Slayer — Победить элитного монстра (Elite-type monster) — Medkit
- Rapidfire — Получить прибавку к скорости атаки +200% (attack speed) — Predatory Instincts
- Experimenting — Подобрать 5 разных видов экипировки — Fuel Cell
- Death Do Us Part — Открыть скрытую комнату в Abandoned Aqueduct — Runald’s Band & Kjaro’s Band
- Slaughter — Победить 3000 противников — Infusion
- Prismatically Aligned — Завершить испытание Prismatic Trial — Harvester’s Scythe
- Going Fast Recommended — Получить прибавку к скорости передвижения +300% — Wax Quail
- Glorious Battle — Зарядить телепорт с менее 10% здоровья — Berzerker’s Pauldron
- Deja Vu? — Вернуться к первому этапу — Sentient Meat Hook
- The Lone Survivor — Оставаться в живых в течение 30 минут подряд — Dio’s Best Friend
- Macho — Нанести 5000 урона за один выстрел — Unstable Tesla Coil
- Deicide — Победить элитного босса на сложности Monsoon — Brainstalks
- Newtist — Найти и активировать 8 уникальных алтарей (Newt Altars) — Soulbound Catalyst
- Her Concepts — Найти алтарь на N’kuhana — N’kuhana’s Opinion
- Naturopath — Без лечения, достичь и завершить третий ивент Телепортера (Teleporter) — Rejuvenation Rack
- The Long Road — Завершить 20 этапов в одиночном прохождении — 57 Leaf Clover
- The Demons And The Crabs — Убить 20 крабов (Hermit Crabs), отгоняя их от края карты — Gesture of the Drowned
- Multikill! — Убить 15 противников одновременно — Helfire Tincture
- Moon Worshipper — Нести 5 лунных предметов (Lunar items) в одиночном прохождении — Glowing Meteorite
- One with the Woods — Полностью улучшить храм (Shrine of the Woods) — Gnarled Woodsprite
- Mechanic — Починить 30 дронов или туррелей — The Back-up
- Bookworm — Собрать 10 логов монстров (Monster or Environment Logs) — Radar Scanner
- — Открыть сундук (Timed Security Chest) на Rallypoint Delta — Preon Accumulator
- Ascendant — Победить босса Телепортера (Teleporter bosses) после активации 2 храмов гор (Shrines of the Mountain) — Royal Capacitor
- Funded! — накопить $30,480 золота — The Crowdfunder
- Pause. — Освободить выжившего, застывшего во времени — Artificer
- Engineering Perfection — Завершить 30 этапов — Engineer
- Warrior — Добраться и завершить третий ивент Телепортера (3rd Teleporter event) без смертей — Huntress
- Verified — Завершить первый ивент Телепортера (Teleporter event) 5 раз — MUL-T
- True Respite — Уничтожить себя на Обелиске — Mercenary
Как видите, многие из этих достижений вы получите, просто поиграв в игру некоторое время. Тем не менее, некоторые из этих задач могут быть довольно сложными для выполнения. Рассмотрим подробно некоторые из них ниже.
Death Do Us Part
Обнаружение скрытой комнаты в Заброшенном акведуке (Abandoned Aqueduct) даст вам два очень изящных предмета. Возможно, вы уже находили вход в эту комнату ранее (гигантский круглый вход в скале на краю карты), но не знаете, как войти в нее. Оказывается, в полу есть два переключателя, расположенных рядом, которые должны быть включены одновременно, чтобы разблокировать дверь. Это легко сделать в многопользовательском режиме, но в одиночном вам, вероятно, нужно будет выбрать Инженера, башни которого можно разместить на этих переключателях.
Внутри вам нужно победить двух уникальных монстров Старших Лемурийцев (Elder Lemurians) внутри (подсказка: не позволяйте им приблизиться), чтобы они бросили свои соответствующие предметы и выполнили задание.
//--AUTO-TRANSCRIPTION FROM CARGO BAY 5 OF UES --// “Hey, toss me a crowbar?” Jesse walked over to the toolbox and rummaged around. Plucking a crowbar from the container, she went over to James. “Thanks,” he grunted, attempting to pry the chest open. Jesse sat herself on the table next to James, idly watching him work. “I swear, this had to be the one chest that CAN’T be paid open... Crash must have... broken the circuitry inside.” James mumbled to himself. “Yeah.” Jesse looked around, her eyes falling on a palette of chests that had been recovered from the recent expeditions. Sighing, she hopped to her feet. “I’m heading to the mess hall. Want anything?” “Yeah, how about a better crowbar? This thing is only a second edition.” James stretched, tossing the crowbar over his shoulder. Patting the still unopened chest, he chuckled. “It’s good, but to be honest… it’s getting a little old.” Jesse laughed.
The Scene Director
When activated during the start of a stage, the Scene Director spawns everything at once. Once it has selected «reserved» spots for the Teleporter and player spawns, it starts populating the map with interactables, then monsters. Finally, during cleanup, if at least one player has a Rusted KeyGain access to a Rusty Lockbox that contains a powerful item.A hidden cache containing an item (80%/20%) will appear in a random location on each stage. Opening the cache consumes this item., it will spawn a for each player who has keys. The items within the Lockboxes are determined when they spawn, so changing the number of Rusted Keys during the stage won’t affect the contents of the Lockboxes.
Credit Income
The Scene Director holds 2 credit budgets, one for its interactables and one for its monsters. The base amount of credits given to the Scene Director when the stage starts depends on the environment.
Credits type | Distant Roost | Titanic Plains | Wetland Aspect | Abandoned Aqueduct | Rallypoint Delta | Scorched Acres | Abyssal Depths | Siren’s Call | Sky Meadow | Gilded Coast |
Interactables | 180 | 220 | 280 | 220 | 280 | 280 | 400 | 400 | 520 | |
Monsters | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 230 | 230 | 300 | 200 |
The amount of interactable credits is then increased by +50% per additional player beyond the first. For instance, on Abyssal Depths, the Scene Director will hold 400 credits in singleplayer, 600 with 2 players, 800 with 3, and a whopping 1000 with 4. This total represents how much the Scene Director will have to work with.
Note that whenever the «vault» of Abyssal Depths is open, the Scene Director is granted 160 additional interactable credits. These credits are not increased by player count, however, and this does not apply to the «vault» of Distant Roost either.
The amount of monster credits is not increased by player count, but rather multiplied by the . For instance, entering Abandoned Aqueduct with 2 players at the start of «Medium» (which is a coefficient of 2.3) will give the Scene Director 230 monster credits to work with. The only exception to this rule is the first stage, which always has a monster credit amount of 0.
Spawning Interactables
When spawning interactables, the Scene Director will repeatedly select a spawn card from its deck, only selecting between cards it can currently afford. It then pays for it, attempts to spawn it and starts again. The process is interrupted only if one of 2 conditions are met :
- The Scene Director’s credit count reaches 0 or less.
- The Scene Director has no interactable it can afford.
Because there is no hard limit to the number of possible spawns, this means that almost all maps will hold at least one Barrel or , since these interactables have a cost of 1 and a rather high weight. It is likely they’ll be selected a few times when the Scene Director has few credits remaining (less than 10).
Spawning Monsters
When spawning monsters, the Scene Director will use the same routine as when spawning interactables, with one main difference: a limit of 40 monsters. When this limit is reached, the Scene Director will discard its remaining credits and finish its setup. Monsters spawned this way do not use any of the checks used by the Combat Directors — they can never be Elite or too cheap, although they will always be valid and within the budget.
Monsters spawned by the Scene Director use their own reward coefficient of 0.0667, which is one-third of what an equivalent monster would give before the Teleporter Event. Details on how monster rewards are calculated are given in the Combat Director section.
Version History
- Anniversary Update
- Quality of Life
- Now display ambient level on the HUD
- Early Access Content Update 5
- Gameplay Changes
- PC Early Access Patch (Build ID No.4233443)
- Quality of Life
- Early Access ‘Skills 2.0’ Content Update
- Gameplay Changes
- ︎Fix health regeneration boost being applied outside of Drizzle
Drizzle difficulty is intended to have increased health regeneration of 250% for players. This was being accidentally applied to ALL difficulties since launch. Oops. We will be monitoring this closely to make sure the pacing of the game stays consistent.
- ︎Fix health regeneration boost being applied outside of Drizzle
- Early Access ‘Skills 2.0’ Content Update
- Bug Fixes
- Early Access Scorched Acres Content Update
- Bug Fixes
Version History
- PC Patch v1.1.1.2
- Bug Fixes
- Anniversary Update
- Major Content
- Added New Skill Variant:
Interrupts enemies and briefly stuns them.
. Slam your fists down, dealing 2000% damage on impact. - Added New Class Challenge: Loader: The Thunderdome
- Added New Lore Entry: Loader
- Added New Skill Variant:
- Quality of Life
- Bug Fixes
- PC Patch v1.0.1.1 (Build ID No.5440050)
- Bug Fixes
- Early Access Content Update 5
(Undocumented) Updated description for Spiked Fist, Charged Gauntlet, and Thunder Gauntlet to include keywords
- Early Access Hidden Realms Content Update
- Major Content
- Added New Skill Variant:
Charge up a single punch for 2100% damage that shocks enemies in a cone for 1000% damage. Deals more damage at higher speeds.
- Added New Class Challenge: Loader: Earthshatter
- Added New Skill Variant:
- Gameplay Changes
- Add small forward lunge
- Extend size of hurtbox and effect
- Minimum Length: 5m ⇒ 1m
- Quality of Life
- PC Early Access Patch (Build ID No.4233443)
- Bug Fixes
- Fix Loader disappearing when ragdolling
- Fix Loader’s wrists spinning around during certain animations
- Early Access ‘Skills 2.0’ Content Update
- Major Content and Changes
- Added Survivor: Loader
- Added New Skill Variant:
Fire your gauntlet forward, dealing 320% damage and stunning. Pulls you to heavy targets. Light targets are pulled to YOU instead.
- Added New Skin:
- Added New Class Challenge: Loader: Swing By
- Added New Class Challenge:
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