
Алан-э-Дейл       11.09.2023 г.

Как стоять/играть против Poppy в LoL

Основная роль Поппи в игре — танк, поэтому в ранней игре вы должны стараться загнобить её на линии и не давать «откормиться» на вас и ваших союзниках.

Существует 2 основных стратегии, которые используют игроки за Поппи — агрессивная, со сбором БК (black cleaver), танца смерти и перчатки, и стандартная, где из всех предметов к атакующим можно отнести разве что броню мертвеца.

В зависимости от выбранных игроком за Поппи предметов, старайтесь играть либо аккуратнее, зовя на помощь лесника, либо усиливайте натиск или отправляйтесь на другие линии, пока Poppy спокойно фармит крипов, собирая стандартный билд.

Совет: На лайне Поппи опасна в комбинации с вражеским лесником из-за своего 2-х секундного оглушения (Е), поэтому не забывайте про варды и следите за мини-картой.


Poppy, the Iron Ambassador
  • Poppy was the first champion released in .
  • Poppy is the first and so far only post-launch champion to be priced at 1350 on release (all other champions with the same price were already present when the game officially launched in October 2009).
  • Poppy is one of two champions that went into the weekly champion rotation on the day of their release. The other one is Udyr.
  • Of all champion updates in the game, Poppy has gone the longest without an update to her base splash art prior to her VGU in .
Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer
  • Poppy is the first champion with full facial animation.
  • Poppy is the first champion to receive splash updates to all skins.
  • The splash art features the titular flower.
  • Poppy’s theme resembles (instruments used include a low brass and a flute).
  • Poppy’s dance references the Grunka Lunka’s dance from Futurama.

    A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.

  • Poppy was initially going to wear a red scarf as a ‘heroic thing’, it competed heavily with her pigtails and was deemed way too busy on her model, the scarf was trimmed down to a muffler.
  • Poppy’s favorite food / candy is the lollipop.
  • Poppy finds Yordles ‘too fluffy’ and disorganized, herself preferring the orderliness found in Demacia.
  • Poppy is the first champion to have a form of crowd control in all of her abilities.
  • Poppy is the first and only champion to have two skins released for the Snowdown Showdown event.

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Campeón protagonista

• Imagen • Referencia

Historia corta • Lectura de 4 minutos

Por John O’Bryan

Poppy no tenía nada en contra del lobo silvestre… excepto el hecho de que estaba por devorarla. De su hocico rezumaba el rojo carmesí de su víctima anterior, y la yordle no se iba a arriesgar a ser la siguiente. Estaba sobre la pista de un reconocido asesino de monstruos, y su intención no era morir sin antes encontrar al hombre y juzgar su valor.

Protagonistas: Poppy

• Imagen • Referencia


La Búsqueda del Héroe

Por John O’Bryan

Un arma que guarda las esperanzas de un reino, encontró a su campeón. Solo que ella aún no lo sabe.

Protagonistas: Poppy

• Imagen • Referencia


El rey regresa. Todo lo que toca, se torna en ruina.

Protagonistas: Darius, Karma, Lucian, Poppy, Samira, Senna, Vayne, Viego



      «I can do this.»
      «Here goes everything.»
      «I hope this works.»
      «No backing down.»
      «Swinging from the heels!»
      «Sorry about this.»
      «Careful, this packs a wallop.»
      «You should probably take cover.»
      «Ready, hammer?»
      «One whomp at a time.»
      «You might wanna’ look out.»
      «Keep swinging til’ you hit something.»
      «Better get your guard up.»
      «You’re in my way.»
      «Guess we’re fighting.»
      «You are… definitely not the hero.»
Attacking an Enemy Jarvan IV / Wukong / God-King Garen

  «Sorry, your majesty.»

Attacking the Dragon
      «This guy seems nice. I feel bad about killing him.»
      «I really don’t have anything against dragons.»
      «Nothing personal, but… I need to squash you.»
Attacking Baron Nashor
      «Whoa! You’re a big fella!»
      «This should really be the hero’s job.»
      «Wow. That’s a lot to hammer.»

Контр-пики Poppy

Поппи берут в 3-х вариациях — на топ, в лес или иногда в качестве саппорта.

На мидлейне

Выбор Poppy на центральную линию является настолько редким, что против неё подойдёт любой чемпион с хорошим уроном, контролем или просто возможностью не давать фармить — например, Ари, Кейл, Тимо (требует аккуратной игры), Мальзахар, Энни (оптимальный выбор для новичков).

На топе

В Лиге Легенд одним из хороших выборов против Поппи будет Дариус, который представляет наибольшую угрозу для этого чемпиона из-за возможности постоянного харасса Q и навязывания боя в удобном положении при помощи притягивания (Е).

Дариуса можно назвать идеальным контр-пиком против Поппи. Можно взять агрессивные руны, чтобы загнобить противника.

Контр-пики Poppy в LoL

На нижней линии

Оптимальный контр пик Поппи — Сорака. Благодаря возможности отхила, она сможет сделать харасс с пассивки Поппи бесполезным, при этом используя свою Q против самой Poppy.

У Сораки также есть сайленс (немота, «сало»), с помощью которого она может легко делать ультимейт Poppy бесполезным — на его подготовку требуется время, и завидев анимацию ультимативной способности Поппи, Soraka может использовать свою E для её отмены.

В лесу

В джангле Поппи не наносит особо много урона, но остается опасной из-за своей Е-способности

Старайтесь держаться подальше от стен и играйте осторожно, пытаясь подловить Поппи на низком уровне здоровья.. Хорошим выбором против Поппи могут быть Хекарим, Ли Син, Ка’Зикс.

Хорошим выбором против Поппи могут быть Хекарим, Ли Син, Ка’Зикс.


  • Poppy’s belonged to Demacia’s founder and weaponsmith Orlon, who passed it on to her on his deathbed. She is searching for the ‘Hero of Demacia’ meant to wield the hammer (without realizing she is the one).
    • When Orlon passed the hammer to Poppy, he did not specifically identify her as the Hero (or meant to, but died before he could), leading to Poppy’s misunderstanding.
    • Poppy and Kled are notable for being Yordles responsible for helping in building the human civilizations they align themselves with (Demacia and Noxus, respectively).
  • Poppy knows about the existence of Lulu and Tristana

    Lulu states that Poppy and Tristana has «a little furrow just above her nose when she gets mad».

    , though it is uncertain what she thinks about them.

  • During a Black Mist attack by Viego on a Demacian city, Vayne and Poppy fought side by side against the undead army.


      «Seems you left your brave pants at home. Want me to wait while you go get them?»
      «This hammer has two sides. Did you want to feel the other one too?»
      «Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, uh… hammer!»
      «Could you maybe get out of the way? Y’know, so I don’t have to flatten you.»
Taunting an Ally Galio
      «You know, gargoyles and Yordles have a lot in common.»
         «Gargoyle? No, I’m more of a magic-nullifying colossus.»
         «Gargoyle? No, I’m more of a demonic vessel of torment.»
Taunting an Ally Garen
      «Oh, wow, Garen, do you think you could sign my shield?»
      «Garen, I think you might be the one!»
Taunting an Ally Jarvan IV

  «A pleasure to fight for you, your majesty.»

Taunting an Enemy Cho’Gath

«You sure you wanna do this? You don’t even have a weapon.»

Taunting an Enemy Jayce

  «That’s not a hammer! This is a hammer.»

Taunting an Enemy Leona

  «Look at all that shiny armor. Sorry I gotta mess it up.»

Taunting an Enemy Taric

  «I’m about to hammer you in the jewels.»

Taunting an Enemy Yordle

  «I don’t get Yordles. Too fluffy.»

Что такое контрпик в LoL

Контр-пик — использование лучшего решения (чемпиона, предмета) против выбора соперника. Применяя контр-пик, вы стараетесь максимально уменьшить преимущество противника.

Для примера приведём аналогию с чемпионами. При выборе контрпика против Поппи вы должны выбрать чемпиона, который сможет нивелировать её сильные стороны и при этом раскрыть свои собственные. Таких героев мы разберём чуть позже.

Контр-пик может касаться не только выбора конкретного чемпиона или предмета, но и ваших действий в игре. В шахматах, играя за чёрных, одним эффективный вариант ответа на ход королевской белой пешки Е2 – Е4 будет ход Е7 – Е5.


First Move

      «The hammer isn’t mine, just keeping it until the real guy shows up.»
      «I’ve heard a lot about this hero with a hammer, can’t wait to meet him.»
      «Hmm… if I were a hero, where would I hide…?»
      «Not coming back ’til I find that hero.»
      «One time I thought I found the hero… but he died.»
      «Today’s the day I find that hero.»


      «What do you mean my hammer’s too big?»
      «If you’re waiting for me to give up, you might be here a while.»
      «Me? The hero? Nah, that’s ridiculous.»
      «I sure do a lot of walking.»
      «Yep, it’s even heavier than it looks.»
      «Oh, you like to fight? So does my hammer!»
      «Guess I’m going this way now.»
      «Do not make my hammer mad.»
      «Every step is one step closer.»
      «Some things are too important to give up on.»
      «Who knew there were so many heroes?»
      «I gotta’ see this through.»
      «The hammer does most of the work, I just swing it.»
      «How Demacian of you!»
      «I’m in one-hundred-percent! That’s everything, right?»
      «Okay, I admit it. I’m lost.»
      «I hope the hero likes me.»
      «Sometimes you just gotta’ do it yourself.»
      «Just had a thought — three pigtails!»
      «Man, quests are hard.»
      «Know what I could use? A cart.»
      «I could really go for a nap.»

Dev Blog: The Animation of Poppy

By Paul ‘PartiestCat’ Jarvis

Hey everyone! Paul ‘PartiestCat’ Jarvis here. I was in charge of driving the style and direction for how Poppy moves and wanted to give you all a little behind-the-scenes look on how we approached the animation for Demacia’s tiniest delivery service.


Okay, quick animation history lesson. There’s a set of animation principles that most animators follow that dictate and drive the choices we make when building out the motion for characters and they cover topics like posing, exaggeration, and visual/emotional appeal. One principle in particular — squash and stretch — is something we’ve adapted as a fundamental aspect to League’s in-house animation style. Broadly speaking, squash and stretch helps a character feel organic and alive. It’s used to emphasize weight, momentum, and speed of objects by warping and distorting their shape. When we use more extreme versions of these distortions to connect our most important ‘key’ poses, we call them smears or ‘smear frames’; single distorted frames between broad actions. Using smears helps to sell impacts on spells, attacks, or any super-quick motion. A champion’s animation needs to feel awesome in fractions of seconds, and smears help by adding texture and flavor between exaggerated motions.

Back to Poppy.

Yordles are squishy. I don’t mean that literally, but their short stature gives them lots of wiggle room for us to exaggerate how they move. Poppy has a tiny frame, so it’s also important that we can make her motion broad enough to not be hidden under her big Yordle head. Ideally, she should never look like she’s made of rubber, but her motions should have a certain extra snap to them to keep her feeling energetic and punchy.

We kept the same mindset with the motion of her hammer, but I’ll get to that below.


Historically, League isn’t the kind of game that normally needs facial animation. The camera angle and distance from your champion normally means a character’s face only takes up a handful of pixels on-screen at any moment and extra detail actually makes it harder to understand what is happening. As animators, we wanted to challenge that idea, and our early tests actually showed us that her expression changes were fully readable and felt like they added a lot to her personality.

In terms of her character rig (the set of bones that allow us to move our characters around) Poppy is the first champion in League to be built from the ground up to support such a wide range of facial expressions. Every champion has a budget in terms of rig complexity, so we had to be smart about how we fine-tuned her model and facial setup. Many high-end character rigs in modern games have more bones in the face alone than all of Poppy combined, so the challenge was to give us the widest control with the least amount of resources.

Poppy’s facial rig

Just to get technical stuff out of the way, Poppy’s face is only 11 joints in all:

  • 3 per eye (pupil, upper eyelid/eyebrow, and eye shape)
  • 3 to shape the mouth
  • 1 for the upper bridge of teeth
  • 1 for the jaw

After working closely with our tech artist (and waves and waves of iteration) we landed on what you see above. We were able to get a surprising amount of flexibility out of such a simple setup!

The first thing I did with Poppy was to carve out a set of base expressions to feel out her emotional range, and then develop them until that we all felt confident about the direction. Once we had a solid foundation, we were able to focus on the expressive timing — finding punctuated moments during and after her abilities and attacks where the expressions could be clearly seen. When you only have a fraction of a second to sell an attack, communicating a clear change in mood is really important.

…Fool me twice… HAMMER!

Poppy’s hammer is just as important as she is and we really wanted to reflect that in her animations. Why not give her hammer the same degree of personality that we give to the Yordle that wields it? We spent some time going back and forth about what kind of shapes we needed the hammer to make, which parts we wanted to push and pull, and which parts needed to twist, distort, or grow and shrink.

Squashing, stretching, and smearing is just as important for the hammer as it is for Poppy, so we needed to crank it up to 11. The head of the hammer scales to cartoonish sizes for single frames so you can really feel the force behind the swing, and the neck of the hammer bends to compensate. With a little sorcery and a lot of clever rigging we were able to build really clean smear trails for the hammer that gave us a nice, stylized alternative to motion blur. It’s a more traditional animation method that meshed really well with how we normally animate our champions.

Ability Casting


Hitting an Enemy with
      «Shield to the face!»
      «Left hand!»
Upon Picking up
      «Hope it’s not dented.»
      «Got it.»
      Poppy giggles.


      «Comin’ down!»


Stopping an Enemy with
      «Not so fast!»
      «What’s the hurry?»
      «No getting through me.»
      «Hold up!»
      «Uh uh.»
      «Hold on… «
      «Keep fighting… «
      «Not like this!»
      «Not today!»


      «Back off!»
      «Look out!»
      «Outta’ my way!»
      «Move it!»
Stunning an Enemy with
      «Hold it right there!»
      «You. Sit.»
      «Don’t move!»


Knocking Away an Enemy with a fully charged
      «Look at him go!»
      «Remember to roll!»
      «Up goes the guy!»
      «And don’t come back!»
      «And stay there!»
      «Huh. Didn’t know I could do that.»
      «Whoa. You went far.»
When an Enemy Ekko Uses After Being Hit by
      «Wait, you’re here? I thought you were there.»
      «Didn’t I just knock you away?»


      «Jokes? Yeah, I know jokes.»
        «A Demacian, a Noxian and a Freljordian walk into a tavern.»
          «The barkeep asks, ‘What’ll it be?'»
            «The Demacian says, ‘Uh, I’ll have a wine.’ No, wait, an ale! Yeah… «
              «Then the Noxian says, ‘I’ll have a… a wine.’ Yeah, he wants a wine.»

              «And the Freljordian says, ‘I’ll drink anything, so long as— ‘ Wait, hold on, let me start over.»

        «A Noxian, a Targonian and a Piltie are robbing a bank.»
          «The bank guy says, ‘I’ll give you whatever you want.'»
            «The Noxian says, ‘I’ll take whatever gold you got back there.'»
              «The Targonian says, ‘Gimme’ all your gemstones!'»

              «And the Piltie says, ‘Can I own this ba— uh, I own this bank, so…’ He doesn’t want anything because he owns the bank… »

Previous Abilities

Valiant Fighter

When Poppy takes non-turret damage higher than 10% current health, she reduces the excess amount by 50%.

Valiant Fighter’s damage reduction is calculated after resistances.

Devastating Blow

Active: Poppy’s next basic attack is enhanced to deal magic damage up to a cap.

Magic Damage:
20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 8% of target’s maximum health)
Maximum Magic Damage:
75 / 150 / 225 / 300 / 375

(+ 100% AD) (+ 60% AP)

Devastating Blow resets Poppy’s basic attack timer.

  • Devastating Blow has no cast time and does not interrupt Poppy’s previous orders.
  • An enemy target must have a minimum 688 / 1375 / 2063 / 2750 / 3438 maximum health in order to reach Devastating Blow’s maximum bonus damage (55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275)

Paragon of Demacia

Passive: Poppy gains  bonus attack damage and  bonus armor for 5 seconds every time she deals or takes damage, stacking up to 10 times.

Bonuses Per Stack:
1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5
Total Bonuses:
15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35

Active: Poppy gains maximum Paragon of Demacia stacks and  bonus movement speed for 5 seconds.

Bonus Movement Speed:
17 / 19 / 21 / 23 / 25%

Paragon of Demacia has no cast time and does not interrupt Poppy’s previous orders.

Heroic Charge

Active: Poppy dashes to the target enemy, dealing them magic damage and carrying them along with her. If they collide with terrain, she deals them bonus magic damage and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.

Initial Magic Damage:
50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 40% AP)
Total Magic Damage:
125 / 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 (+ 80% AP)
  • Heroic Charge applies spell effects twice (once when Poppy hits her target and once she stuns them against a wall)
  • Poppy can use Heroic Charge to go through walls (provided her target is on the opposite side when she casts)
  • Heroic Charge interacts with impassable player-created terrain ( , , , )

Diplomatic Immunity

Active: Poppy focuses the target enemy champion for the next few seconds, dealing them increased damage and becoming immune to all effects not originating from her target for the duration.

6 / 7 / 8
Increased Damage:
20 / 30 / 40%
  • Diplomatic Immunity blocks all damage from all sources (including  true damage) except the Nexus Obelisk, Diplomatic Immunity’s target, and their respective pets.
  • Diplomatic Immunity can target champion clones ( , , , ) to turn Poppy invulnerable to the champion who spawned them (and by extension the entire enemy team)
  • Diplomatic Immunity’s damage amplification can be removed with (the invulnerability will remain until either Poppy or her target die)

Previous Quotes

Upon Selection

  «Valoran will know harmony.»

      «Fighting is serious business.»
      «I’ll settle this issue!»
      «Their defeat is non-negotiable!»
      «Let me demonstrate Hammer Diplomacy!»
      «They’ll beg for peace.»
      «If it is necessary.»
      «If it will bring peace.»
      «Valoran will know harmony.»
      «We are in accord, Summoner.»
      «My convictions will not falter!»

  «Why don’t you just lay down your weapons now?»


  «Jokes? I don’t know any jokes.»

      Poppy laughs.
      Poppy laughs.
      Poppy laughs.
      Poppy laughs.
      Poppy laughs.

Previous Splash Art

  • 1st Classic Poppy
  • 1st Noxus Poppy
  • 2nd Noxus Poppy
  • 1st Lollipoppy
  • 2nd Lollipoppy
  • 1st Blacksmith Poppy
  • 1st Ragdoll Poppy
  • 1st Battle Regalia Poppy
  • 1st Scarlet Hammer Poppy


  • Classic Poppy
  • Noxus Poppy
  • Blacksmith Poppy
  • Lollipoppy
  • Ragdoll Poppy
  • Scarlet Hammer Poppy


The Arsenal: Forging Poppy’s Hammer

By Rumtumtummers

Reworking Poppy was a chance to tune up her biggest, baddest character elements while giving her completely new play patterns. We knew the , her signature weapon, would be critical in solidifying her refreshed identity; like Jinx’s , Nautilus’ , or Riven’s , Poppy’s hammer is an integral part of both her kit and her personality. We had to get it right for both to ring true.

In short, it was hammer time.

Small character; big impact

Poppy’s original and were designed to fit her small stature. «Before, Poppy had a Yordle hammer and a Yordle shield», explains concept artist Gem Lim. «But we wanted to do more with it.» The team realized that by choosing one primary item for Poppy to wield and over-emphasizing it, they could create a champion with a silhouette and style different from any other champion in League. «Instead of equal attention for the hammer and shield, we toned the down and made the ginormous», says Gem. «What struck me the most about Poppy was this sense of disproportionate power. She’s a small character who does big things. The hammer should communicate that.»

ChampUp played with several hammer designs while working on the Poppy update

Poppy’s new champion-smasher wasn’t custom-made to fit her; it’s a regular-sized hammer she wields with incredible power. «The new hammer is more than a weapon», Gem says. «Its humongous size contributes to her silhouette and her movement. No champion moves like her. When you see her swing that hammer, it’s so different from Sion with his or Garen with his .» Senior narrative writer John O’Bryan adds, «It’s almost like she puts all of herself into every swing.» The new hammer design contributed to Poppy’s new and each of her re-tuned abilities.

Gem emphasizes the idea of a tiny character packing a big punch: «We want people to feel that crazy disproportionate power. Like, ‘Oh, look at the cute little— ouch!’ It’s over-the-top and unexpected.»

A hero’s journey

Poppy’s hammer is an important part of her personal journey. ‘A Hero’s Calling’, which offers players a glimpse into Poppy’s world, is centered on the hammer and what it means to her. O’Bryan elaborates, «Even she doesn’t think it’s hers. She thinks it’s a tool for someone else.» Scaling the hammer to make it a normal hammer size helps emphasize the idea that Poppy doesn’t necessarily believe the hammer is hers to wield, that somewhere in the world is a hero meant to carry it. The hammer existed long before Poppy took possession of it.

Poppy’s hammer has hints of Demacia and a human-sized scale

Though she’s been carrying the hammer for a long, long time, Poppy hasn’t yet realized that she’s what gives the hammer its strength. O’Bryan explains, «If you were to ask Poppy, she would probably think she’s nothing special. Everything she’s doing is because of this hammer she’s carrying around. But really, it’s all coming from her.» Players know one thing Poppy doesn’t: the hammer is right where it needs to be.

The immovable object

Poppy’s new weapon is meant to emphasize core elements of her personality. «She’s purposeful», says O’Bryan. «Nothing can stop her; if you knock her down, she’s going to keep getting back up.» The team behind the Poppy update wanted to give a sense of solidity to Poppy, the idea that to get to Poppy’s team, enemies have to go through her. «When others run away, Poppy runs forward», says Gem. «She’s indomitable.»

The hammer is a symbol of Poppy’s strength, her unflinching dedication to her task, and her worldview. «Poppy doesn’t think of herself as a small character», O’Bryan says, «because she really isn’t.» Gem says, «She’s the pebble you thought you could kick, but couldn’t. There’s no one like her.»

Keeper of the Hammer

As legend describes it, this hero is the only person who can unlock the full power of the hammer and lead Demacia to true greatness. Though Poppy has searched the furthest corners of the kingdom for this legendary fighter, her quest has proven fruitless. Each time she has attempted to pass the hammer on to a potential hero, the results have been disastrous, often ending in the warrior’s death. Most people would have abandoned the task long ago, but most people do not possess the pluck and resolve of this indomitable heroine.

Poppy was once a very different yordle. For as long as she could remember, she had been in search of a purpose. Feeling alienated by the chaotic whimsy of other yordles, she preferred to soak up stability and structure where she could find it. This drive brought her to the human settlements of western Valoran, where she gazed in wonder at the caravans striping the countryside in an endless file. Many of the people there looked tattered and weary, but they stumbled on in pursuit of some ephemeral better life that might lie just beyond the horizon.

One day, however, a different sort of caravan passed through. Unlike the other travelers, these people seemed to move with purpose. They all awoke at exactly the same time each morning, roused by the sound of a watchman’s horn. They took their meals together every day at the same hour, always finishing within a few minutes. They set up their camps and took them down with remarkable efficiency.

While yordles used their innate magic to fashion extraordinary things, these humans achieved equally astounding feats through coordination and discipline. They acted in concert like the cogs of a gear, becoming something much larger and stronger than any single person could ever be. To Poppy, that was more marvelous than all the magic in the world.

As Poppy watched the camp from the safety of her hiding place, her eyes caught the gleam of armor emerging from a tent. It was the group’s commanding officer, wearing a brigandine of gleaming steel plates, each piece overlapping, each an integral part of the whole. The man’s name was Orlon, and his presence seemed to stir the souls of everyone there. If someone became discouraged, he was there to remind them of why they pressed on. If someone collapsed from exhaustion, he inspired them to get up. It reminded Poppy of certain yordle charms, though again, without magic.

Poppy crept in for a closer look. She found herself following this shining commander, as if drawn to him by fate itself. She observed Orlon as he led his soldiers in training exercises. He was not a large fellow, yet he swung his massive battle hammer with surprising alacrity. At night, Poppy listened intently to his hushed discussions with the elders of the camp. She heard them making plans to pull up stakes and head west to build a permanent settlement.

Poppy’s mind was overwhelmed with questions. Where was Orlon going? Where did he come from? How did he assemble this meticulous band of travelers, and was there a place for a yordle in it? At that moment, she made the most important decision in her life: for the first time ever, she would reveal herself to a human, as this was the first time she’d ever felt a connection with one.

The introduction was a jarring one, with Orlon having just as many questions for Poppy as she had for him, but the two soon became inseparable. He became a mentor to her, and she a devotee to his cause. In the training grounds, Poppy was an invaluable sparring partner — the only member of Orlon’s battalion who was unafraid to strike him. She was never obsequious, questioning his decisions with an almost childlike innocence, as though she didn’t know she was supposed to meekly follow orders. She accompanied him to the site of the new settlement — an ambitious new nation called Demacia, where all were welcome, regardless of station or background, so long as they contributed to the good of the whole.

Orlon became a beloved figure throughout the kingdom. Though few had actually seen him wield his hammer, he always bore it on his back, and the weapon quickly became a revered icon for the fledgling nation. People whispered that it had the power to level mountains and tear the earth itself asunder.

Orlon passed the hammer to Poppy on his deathbed, and with it, his hope of an enduring kingdom. It was only then that Orlon told her the story of his weapon’s creation, and how it was never truly intended for his hands. He explained to Poppy that the hammer was meant to go to the Hero of Demacia — the only one who could keep Demacia whole. As her friend drew his last breath, Poppy swore to him that she would find this hero and place the weapon in his hands.

But what Poppy possesses in resolve, she lacks in ego, as it never even occurred to her that she might be the hero Orlon described.

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