Прохождение дополнения beast of winter для pillars of eternity 2

Алан-э-Дейл       23.04.2023 г.

Путь в Порт-Маже

После того как разберетесь со всеми задачами в стартовой локации (например, выполните задание «Лечащие руки»), отправляйтесь в Порт-Маже – единственный крупный город на этом острове. Двигаясь по глобальной карте, вы наткнетесь на паломников Эотаса, идущих в туда. Начнется интерактивная сцена, в которой вам будут доступны следующие варианты действий:

  • Вы можете прокрасться мимо них незамеченным, закончив таким образом постановочное взаимодействие.
  • Можете выйти и поприветствовать их в открытую. Окажется, что у них застряло колесо и они не могут ехать дальше.
  • Можете использовать Силу, чтобы приподнять вагон и помочь паломникам. За это вы получите немного денег и положительную репутацию у Детей Утренней Звезды.
  • Можете использовать Ловкость рук, чтобы незаметно спереть ларец с деньгами, пока якобы осматриваете вагон, чтобы найти способ его починить.
  • Можете использовать Устрашение, чтобы ограбить паломников – получите деньги и алхимические ингредиенты. Затем можете либо оставить их в покое, либо убить и забрать все ценное с трупов. Это, понятно, приведет к понижению репутации у Детей Утренней Звезды.
  • Можете просто пойти дальше, отказавшись помогать им – это также снизит вашу репутацию у этой фракции.

Resting locations[]


You can build your own camp sites using your Camp Supplies. Each time the party rests in the middle of nowhere, they consume 1 unit of Camping Supplies. Based on your difficulty settings, the party can carry a maximum number of Camp Supplies (currently ranging from 6 to 2). The supplies are a single item type and can be purchased from vendors (also rarely can be found in the world). The supplies represent a party count, like wealth, and are represented by a number in the inventory and on the rest button in the main UI.


Resting at inns (including your stronghold once you acquire it) can grant additional bonuses. Based on the room you select at the inn, you will gain temporary bonuses that generally correlate to the expense of the room. I.e., more expensive rooms grant larger or more bonuses.

  • These bonuses last for a specific number of non-bonus rests (camping, inn rest in a room without a bonus).
  • Only a single resting bonus can be active at a time, so you can’t just chain-sleep for a collection of bonuses.
  • If you dismiss a party member, however briefly, their resting bonus disappears.

If you sleep at your stronghold, you select from the bonuses you’ve unlocked from your upgrades. These tend to be less varied than those found at inns and you have to pay for the upgrades upfront, but after that it’s effectively a free bonus of one specific type that lasts for a number of rests. Other inns can give resting bonuses that you can’t get with resting at your stronghold.

Resting Bonuses
Location Inn Room Resting bonus Lasts for Cost Notes
Caed Nua Brighthollow Training Grounds 3 rests 0 cp requires Training Grounds upgrade
Library 3 rests 0 cp requires Library upgrade
Forum 3 rests 0 cp requires Forum upgrade
Hedge Maze 3 rests 0 cp requires Hedge Maze upgrade
Craft Hall 3 rests 0 cp requires Craft Hall upgrade
Tower 3 rests 0 cp requires Tower upgrade
Woodland Trails
  • + 3 Constitution
  • + 2 Athletics
3 rests 0 cp requires Woodland Trails upgrade
Warden’s Lodge 3 rests 0 cp requires Warden’s Lodge upgrade
Artificer’s Hall 3 rests 0 cp requires Artificer’s hall upgrade
Chapel 3 rests 0 cp requires Chapel upgrade
Gilded Vale The Black Hound The Common Room 0 cp
Dyrwood’s Pride 2 rests 150 cp 113 cp if Late for Dinner has been completed
Laborers Rest
  • + 1 Perception
  • + 1 Mechanics
2 rests 110 cp 83 cp if Late for Dinner has been completed
Defiance Bay — Copperlane Goose and Fox The Common Room 25 cp
Merchant’s Stay
  • + 1 Perception
  • + 1 Resolve
2 rests 120 cp
Fletcher’s Stay
  • + 1 Athletics
  • + 1 Mechanics
  • + 5 Ranged Accuracy
2 rests 140 cp
Suite of Worldly Wonders
  • + 2 Lore
  • + 1 Intellect
2 rests 150 cp
Vixen’s Burrow
  • + 2 Dexterity
  • + 1 Survival
  • + 10 Defense while Disengaging
2 rests 160 cp
Defiance Bay — Brackenbury The Charred Barrel Criminal’s Getaway
  • + 2 Perception
  • + 1 Stealth
2 rests 150 cp
Noble’s Stay
  • + 2 Intellect
  • + 10 Will
2 rests 170 cp
Defiance Bay — Ondra’s Gift Salty Mast The Common Room 25 cp free if Supply and Demand has been completed
Shiny Pearl
  • +1 Constitution
  • +2 Athletics
2 rests 140 cp free if Supply and Demand has been completed
Broad Beam
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Perception
2 rests 180 cp
Dyrford Village Dracogen Inn Stables 30 cp
Wurm’s Nest
  • + 2 Dexterity
  • + 6 Damage Reduction (Burn)
2 rests 120 cp
Drake’s Den
  • + 1 Might
  • + 2 Constitution
  • + 10% damage against beasts
2 rests 150 cp
Dragon’s Lair
  • + 2 Might
  • + 2 Constitution
  • + 2 Intellect
1 rest 200 cp
Twin Elms — Hearthsong The Celestial Sapling Celestial Suite
  • +2 Might
  • +2 Constitution
  • +2 Resolve
1 rest 200 cp
Wanderer’s Reprieve
  • +1 Resolve
  • +1 Survival
2 rests 140 cp
Stalwart Village The Gréf’s Rest Copper Minnow
  • +2 Might
  • +2 Dexterity
1 rest 50 cp MIG bonus only included if The Ogre Matron is completed with Matron Beregan dead
Silver Catfish
  • +2 Might
  • +2 Constitution
  • +2 Dexterity
1 rest 100 cp CON bonus only included if The Ogre Matron is completed with Matron Beregan dead
Golden Whale
  • +2 Might
  • +2 Constitution
  • +2 Dexterity
  • +2 Resolve
1 rest 150 cp RES bonus only included if The Ogre Matron is completed with Matron Beregan dead


A former mining colony established in the White March by the Aedyr Empire, to supply ore to the empire. As long as the colonial presence remained in the Eastern Reach, the village saw a reliable amount of traffic from both sides of the March.

Stalwart has experienced difficulties in recent times due to the closure of the mines after the Aedyr Empire pulled out of the Eastern Reach. With no proper economy to anchor it in place, the village is facing oblivion. Each month more and more people leave, due to a lack of work or supplies necessary to sustain them. The combination of a particularly cold season that affected elk populations across the March and the aggression on part of the ogre clans and wolves are the primary reasons behind the recent difficulties.

To avoid that fate, Renengild, the mayor of the village has decided to reawaken the White Forge of Durgan’s Battery and establish Stalwart as the sole supplier of Durgan steel or an approximation thereof. She contacts The Watcher for assistance after the first dozen attempts fail, as the village came under attack from an Ogre tribe, seemingly in retaliation for attempts to access the Battery. Although numerous adventuring parties have been trying to batter down the doors into the battery for over a year, none succeeded.

Once The White March — Part I is completed

Stalwart is reinvigorated by the opening of Durgan’s Battery and the influx of people and money into the town. Having completed her mission, Renengild stepped down as mayor, allowing the younger generation to take over. Houses ruined in the ogre attack have been torn down, replaced with yurts, while the Temple of Ondra has been rededicated to Abydon, in accordance with the Battery. The mines have also been opened, providing the Battery with a fresh source of ore for the Forges.

However, the influx of newcomers interested in making a life for themselves has caused tensions across the town, as old-time Stalwart residents are aggravated by the fact that newcomers are taking the best jobs, refuse to pay respects to Ondra, and overcrowd the town.

Прохождение побочных квестов Beast of Winter

Те, что наверху

Как начать: поговорите с Бриде.

Брида попросит нас решить вопрос с паломниками, которые сделали лагерь неподалеку и мешают пройти в храм. Как только мы подойдем к ним, идя в гору, они сразу же набросятся на нас. К сожалению, мирным путем закончить эту миссию нельзя.

Разбираемся со всеми врагами (не забываем о белых мишках), а потом идем обратно к квестодателю. После окончания квеста стоит разговорить Бриде, чтобы она поведала о своей сестрице – это запустит новое задание.

Вознаграждение: 5 тысяч единиц опыта и 3,5 тысячи меди.

Последнее паломничество

Как начать: поговорите с Бриде.

Проходим по маршруту, который описан в миссии «Восход и падение», а потом идем в Заиндевелый храм, воспользовавшись восточным проходом. Убиваем противников, идем в помещение с левой стороны и встречаем Эрис. Уговорить ее не становится Хранителем, не получится. Поэтому помогаем барышне, чтобы впоследствии она провела нас вглубь подземелья до саркофага, в котором находится щит «Зимний оплот».

По дороге к вышеуказанному предмету, замечаем ледяную глыбу, стоящую в углу коридора. Уничтожаем ее с помощью Ледобоя и получаем доступ к сундуку с отличными вещицами. Далее проходим в пещеру, обезвредив все ловушки, и натыкаемся там на замерзшего беса. Пробуем достать из его рук вещицу, а затем видим, как тот оживает. Мы можем приобрести у него Око Римгранда за 20 тысяч меди или просто прибить его.

Идем обратно к Бриде и сообщаем ей, что мы смогли отыскать ее сестру.

Вознаграждение: 6 тысяч единиц опыта и 5 тысяч меди.

Нектар мертвых

Как начать: поговорите с Нивадиром.

Для начала добираемся до Заиндевелого храма, воспользовавшись маршрутом, указанным в миссии «Восход и падение». Спустившись по веревочке, находим в правом уголке сломанного заледенелого конструкта. Изучаем его и выливаем жидкость. Это создание потом тут же нападет на нас.

Эта жидкость может быть также получена нами в квесте «Последнее паломничество». Помогаем Эрис и ждем ее превращения в конструкта. Затем обыскиваем ее труп и получаем нужный предмет. Потом относим его Нивадиру. Далее мы можем либо уничтожить это ядовитое вещество (получим лишь опыт) или выбрать в качестве награды 4 тысячи меди вместо магического колечка. В последнем случае Нивадир даст опробовать новое пиво персонажу, стоящему неподалеку, и тот тут же умрет.

Вознаграждение: 2 тысячи единиц опыта, 4 тысячи меди или кольцо «Зов окончательности».


Priest presents the best choice for sole healing. Depending on how well your group’s front line holds things together, you may find your character either healing some or a lot. Priest very much defines what a back line healer consists of, but their spells easily reach any where. If someone goes below half health, a priest can quickly cast a Withdraw spell to temporarily take them out of battle for some seriously huge healing. The default AI tends to be somewhat intelligent about this, especially with Xoti. As a side note, Xoti performs best as a Contemplative (Priest + Monk multiclass). Otherwise, you may find the character passing out a lot as she tries to «reap» those souls from your enemies at the front line. This will tend to draw much aggression her direction that leads to her spells never going off, and no healing means you may quickly lose the battle.

Priest offers some of the best aggressively defensive spells available. This may involve laying down spell traps in the form of seals that damage your enemies as they walk through them. However, the class’ direct damage spells lack much of the oomph seen in several other classes. A properly built Cipher or Wizard will out-perform well in that area given a long battle. If you want to engage often in melee with your opponents as a single class Priest, then you should learn to focus on Blessing and Dire Blessing. You can use the Withdraw spell for emergencies.

As mentioned earlier with Xoti, Monk makes a fantastic Multi Class option if you prefer mixing it in with melee on the front line in battle.


ID Objectives
10000 The Crucible Knights are calling for the arrest of an orlan man named Eorn. Apparently he’s eluded capture thus far, though the Knights continue to hunt for him.
1 Find Eorn.
10001 The Edict of Arrest I found is recently dated. Eorn could not have traveled far, and it seems unlikely he could get past the guards at the gates. I should look for him in the city.
20003 Aldmar told me a rumor that Eorn hides in the catacombs under Copperlane.
20000 I found Eorn hiding down in the catacombs. He’s trying to flee Defiance Bay, but doesn’t have enough pands to get out of the city. I must decide what’s to be done about him.
20004 I recall meeting an orlan in the Copperlane catacombs. Aldmar might want to hear of it.
5 Decide Eorn’s fate.
10005 I met an orlan named Eorn down in the catacombs. He told me he’s being hunted by the Crucible Knights for the crime of murder. He’s trying to flee Defiance Bay, but doesn’t have enough pands to get out of the city, and has begged me to keep his secret long enough that he can gather the necessary coin.
6 Report to the Crucible Keep.
10006 I’ve killed Eorn, a man wanted for murder. Someone at Crucible Keep will likely be interested in knowing that I’ve solved this problem for them.
End states
I Killed Eorn
30000 I found the fugitive, Eorn, hiding from the Crucible Knights in the catacombs. I killed him on behalf of the city guard, and reported the deed to Steadman Aldmar. He thanked me for my service to the city, and the Knights in particular, and gave me a sizable reward.
Crucible Knights Killed Eorn
30001 I found the fugitive, Eorn, hiding from the guards in the catacombs. He pleaded for me to keep his location a secret, but I decided to turn him in to the authorities. Steadman Aldmar sent a group of Crucible Knights down into the catacombs to finish him off, and gave me a sizable reward for finding the fugitive.
Eorn is Free
30002 In the catacombs, I found an orlan named Eorn who’s hiding from the Crucible Knights. He was trying to scrape up enough money to leave Defiance Bay. I gave him enough coin to buy passage out of the city. He thanked me and told me that he would never forget my kindness.
I Took Eorn Prisoner
30003 I found the fugitive, Eorn, hiding from the Crucible Knights in the catacombs. He pleaded for me to keep his location a secret. I decided he didn’t deserve the Knights’ vengeance or his freedom. I took him prisoner myself and sent him to the dungeon at my stronghold.
Quest Failed
30004 Someone critically important to this quest has died.

Обыскиваем Руины Старого города

Далее вам нужно попасть в центральную часть Старого города. Это несложно – нужно просто идти прямо, и, поднявшись по лестнице, вы найдете вход. Однако в таком случае вы пропустите несколько интересных вещей.

Для начала справа от входа в центральную часть можно найти говорящий меч Модвир – это мощное легендарное оружие с Духовной связью. Если в центре карты свернуть направо, вы сможете добраться до прохода в опциональное ответвление Руин. Там довольно много интересного (как и опасного!), в том числе – труп Ботаро, который нужно найти в рамках задания «Все на борт». Однако больше всего нас интересуют Руины храма, которые находятся в центре локации.

Нажмите на них, и начнется постановочное взаимодействие, в ходе которого вам придется много плавать. Лучше всего для этого подойдет персонаж с высокой Атлетикой: 16 должно вполне хватить, но лучше – больше. Пройдя проверки, вы найдете Корнет Глубин – еще один артефакт, который позволит получить доступ к нескольким уникальным сокровищам, хотя для прохождения квеста это и не является обязательным.

Получив второй Корнет и упокоив зарвавшуюся нежить, отправляемся-таки в главную локацию Старого города.


Notable loot

  • Bittercut: A unique sabre, looted from Vamrel.
  • Tattered Map: In the southwestern corner, used to find Ninagauth’s Black Pages.
  • Greyjaw’s Hide: Looted from Greyjaw, a short distance northeast of the Flames-That-Whisper Caverns entrance.


Note: For a complete list of random loot found in Russetwood, see here.

Hollow Log (Hidden, Difficulty 2 — Hunter’s camp during The Hunter’s Favor):

  • Potion of Major Regeneration
  • 12x Golden Scelling
  • Hunter’s Totem

Crate (Hidden, Difficulty

Tattered Map

4 — Southwestern corner):

  • Tundra Clothing
  • Tundra Hood
  • Rope and Grappling Hook
  • Camping Supplies

Crevice (Hidden, Difficulty 5 — Western side of Russetwood pond):

  • 6x Meat
  • Scroll of Revival
  • 3x Potion of Major Regeneration
  • Camping Supplies


  • 5x Speckleback Jerky
  • Camping Supplies
  • 7x Lockpick


  • 3x Meat
  • 2x Poultry

Corpse (near Greyjaw, left):

  • Arquebus
  • Potion of Fleet Feet
  • 3x Stag Hide
  • Random currency (

Corpse (near Greyjaw, center):

  • Fine Hatchet
  • Arquebus
  • Coil of Resourcefulness
  • Camping Supplies
  • Journal Page
  • Random currency ()

Corpse (near Greyjaw, right):

  • Fine Dagger
  • Arquebus
  • 4x Lockpick
  • Stag Hide
  • Wolf Hide
  • Random currency ()


  • Boots of Speed
  • Potion of Flame Shield
  • 3x Lockpick
  • 32x Stalwart Boney


Eothas is the god of light, redemption, hope, and rebirth. Priests of Eothas are honest and kind in their dealings, condemning all expressions of cruelty and falsehood.

Gaun is an aspect of Eothas that emphasizes the natural ending of mortal life. Commonly represented as a farmer carrying a lantern and sickle, Gaun is a figure of cyclical death as opposed to Rymrgand’s entropic one or Berath’s cold inevitability. The sickle he carries, reaps what is sowed in life, and the lantern guides the deceased through death and rebirth. It is believed that Gaun, instead of Berath’s avatars, visits those who embrace death with acceptance.


Find Sagani in Woodend Plains to begin the quest. She is looking for the reincarnation of a former village elder, Persoq. Your character initially sees a vision of cliffs overlooking water. In order to complete each step of the quest, Sagani must be in your party.

Travel to Searing Falls and walk far West, clicking the compass will reveal Pearlwood Bluff on the global map.

Travel to the cliffs in Pearlwood Bluff to initiate a vision of a forest with an adra arch.

Travel to the adra arch at Elmshore to initiate a vision of a burned forest with ruins.

  • With Hiravias in the party, you will get Journal 20006.
  • With Lore 9, you will get Journal 20007.
  • With Survival 12, you will get Journal 20008.

Travel to the north side of Northweald, near the entrance of Northweald Cave, where hunters (Fang tribe) have mortally wounded the white stag that Persoq’s soul inhabits. You decide what Sagani will say to Persoq, this will influence the game ending.

After the stag dies, Sagani is unhappy with the hunter’s attitude.

  • If you say, «You’ve performed your ritual, Sagani. Let them have theirs.» (this will fail if you tell her to tell Persoq about his family impact) or appeal to your reputation with the Fangs, or just say that it doesn’t matter what Sagani tells Persoq you can avoid a fight. First option additionally gives you minor reputation increase with the Fangs.
  • Otherwise, a fight follows (loot: only a few fine equipment pieces and some money, around 1,500 all in all), and you lose Moderate Reputation with the Fangs.


If you talk to Nedyn on the street outside of the Sanitarium entrance in the Brackenbury district of Defiance Bay, she’ll ask you to steal a valuable book (the Theorems of Pandgram) for her.

Travel to the Copperlane district, enter the Hall of Revealed Mysteries in the Northwest, and find Grimda. The book is in a room to the left of her (the «Elder Archives»), but it is locked.

You now have three options:

Earn your access to the Elder Archives
Talk to Grimda, but don’t tell her about Nedyn. Instead, get the quest The Parable of Wael from her. Complete that quest, then report back to Grimda. She’ll now give you access to the Elder Archives, where you can take the Theorems of Pandgram without anyone noticing.

Break into the Elder Archives
Either kill Grimda and take the key to the Elder Archives from her body, or pick the lock (Difficulty 5). In the first case, the entire Hall turns hostile. You can grab the Theorems of Pandgram and fight your way out. In the second case, you can safely pick the lock and then enter the room as long as you’re in scouting mode — even if the icon shows you are visible to the nearby NPC.

Report Nedyn to Grimda
Grimda will thank you, and the quest completes immediately.
Also, you’ll no longer find Nedyn in Brackenbury — instead, you’ll encounter her hostile in Woodend Plains. (After the battle, you can loot the Ring of Eternal Funding from her body.)

Unless you betrayed Nedyn, return to her. If you say the reward is not enough, she will add the Ring of Eternal Funding.


As with other soulbound weapons, the in-game description of The Unlabored Blade is only gradually revealed. The description starts as just two paragraphs, and more are added each time the weapon is upgraded.

Level 1

«Simple» might be as specific as one can be when describing this dagger. Its handle is leather-wrapped and plain. Its blade is bronze. It has no markings, no filigree, no gems or fancy metalwork. It appears well made, but it is so unremarkable that it is a challenge to judge.

There is a sense in holding it that there must be something more there, if only because it is difficult to believe any craftsman would take so little pride in his work.

Level 2

It is difficult to say for sure, but the blade seems to have picked up tarnish with use, despite the relatively light usage it has seen since you acquired it. It is hard to imagine that the blade was made so cheaply that it is already near the end of its lifespan, yet it does not appear to be far off.

A single rune is visible along the blade. At first it looked more like a scratch. It seems impossible to remember now whether that rune had always been there.

Level 3

The leather on the handle has become brittle and begun to crack. The blade’s original luster has dulled, and the reflections cast into it are hazy and indistinct.

A second rune appears next to the first. But the blade seems altogether worse despite the new detail.

Level 4

The edge of the blade has lost much of its original sharpness. Every slice is a labor, and it seems increasingly better suited to break the seal on letters than to pierce flesh. The grip has started to fray considerably.

There is a third rune on the blade now. Perhaps it is the symbol for «dull.»

Level 5

The blade appears to be coated with a dense fog, its shine no more than a memory. There are deep scratches across it now, and it seems that all but the softest materials leave their mark upon it. Blobs of rust are spattered across the blade, and seem to spread from one moment to the next. They eat at the metal like a wasting sickness. The leather on the handle has begun to slough off entirely, and it needs to be secured in the palm to ensure a good grip before every use.

Four runes are visible along the blade. It seems increasingly likely that it is some kind of apology in a dead language.

Level 6

The blade has undergone a complete metamorphosis. The dagger is in every respect extraordinary — it seems like some transcendent realization of what a dagger would be in its purest, most perfect form.

Five runes grace the blade now, and their meaning seems to trickle into your mind as you look at them:

«Weather, die, and be born anew, free of old labors.»



Wrought of fine steel and engraved with gilded Eld Aedyran runes that read MODWYR, this blade would have been a fashionable Dyrwoodan noble’s favored accessory twenty years ago. Time has been rather unkind to it, however. The delicate filigree relief in its pommel has been scored by accident and violence, and the tightly-wound leather of its hilt is stained with patches of old blood. For all that, the blade itself is sharp and curiously warm to the touch, and the tongue of the soul inside it is sharper still.

Where it’s from and who might have forged are mysteries the sword has little interest in illuminating, though it does speak with a lively Dyrwoodwan twang — a fact that tells you more about its origins than it has any intention of doing itself.

Level 1

THIS IS INCREDIBLE. I’m- I’m buzzing. Can they feel it, too? Do they know? I should tell them. But what if it scares them away?

Gods, I don’t care. I thought I’d never have this again.

Level 2

This one’s better than the rest. When they hold me, it almost feels real, like the way things used to be. Joy, bright and buoyant, that grows with every swing, with every slick splash of hot blood across my blade. It almost feels right. I almost feel like… me. But I’m not me without her, am I, and what did she do? She left me behind. Abandoned me.

This one will, too.

But maybe I’ll get lucky. Maybe we’ll get to Dunnage before they realize they don’t want me.

Level 3

Something’s not right.

We were good at first. A real team. The way we fought — it wasn’t the same as it was with Yngfrith, but it wasn’t bad, either. There was a fire between us, and it roared when we killed. I felt… alive. Like things might be okay. That this one might not leave me after all.

But that fire died. What if it doesn’t return?

I can’t go back to being alone. I can’t. I can’t.

Level 4 (with soul)

Wrought of fine steel and engraved with gilded Eld Aedyran runes that read MODWYR, this blade would have been a fashionable Dyrwoodan noble’s favored accessory twenty years ago. Time has been rather unkind to it, however. The delicate filigree relief in its pommel has been scored by accident and violence, and the tightly-wound leather of its hilt is stained with patches of old blood. For all that, the blade itself is sharp and curiously warm to the touch, and the tongue of the soul inside it is sharper still.

Where it’s from and who might have forged are mysteries the sword has little interest in illuminating, though it does speak with a lively Dyrwoodwan twang — a fact that tells you more about its origins than it has any intention of doing itself.

Level 4 (soul released by Xoti)

Wrought of fine steel and engraved with gilded Eld Aedyran runes that read MODWYR, this blade would have been a fashionable Dyrwoodan noble’s favored accessory twenty years ago. Time has been rather unkind to it, however. The delicate filigree relief in its pommel has been scored by accident and violence, and the tightly-wound leather of its hilt is stained with patches of old blood. For all that, the blade itself is sharp, though what warmth it once held is gone.


Modwyr’s conversation portrait

  • You can ask Modwyr what she thinks about your companions.
    • Eder: Poor guy’s none too bright, but those MUSCLES mmh.
    • Xoti: I half expect Xoti to crawl into your tent when you’re not looking.
    • Aloth: Iselmyr asked me if she could buy me a drink — I told her I only thirst for blood. Almost made Aloth pee his pants.
    • Aloth: If Aloth wants anymore scars, let him know I volunteer to help.
    • Serafen: I asked him which of us he thinks is taller. Now he won’t talk to me.
    • Tekehu: Fishboy’s so self-satisfied, it’s a wonder he has time for anything else.
    • Tekehu: He wants Rekke to touch his hair. I can tell.
    • Konstanten: Konstanten and I have an understanding. The nature of that understanding is none of your business.
    • Fassina: Fassina’s probably the smartest person in this merry band of idiots. Other than me, obviously.
    • Rekke: Do you think Rekke got that scar from doing something noble or stupid? Actually, never mind — I know the answer.»
  • Modwyr will comment on the soulbound mace Magistrate’s Cudgel if you take her to the Subterranean temple north of Poko Kohara (if the soul is still in the sword of course) calling it «really really stupid».
  • Finding Kith enemies could be difficult depending on your progress, but you can always attack ships and start deck-to-deck combat.
  • After completing each requirement, you have to talk to Modwyr in order to advance to the next stage. During the dialogue, she has unique interactions with each of the members of your party. After level 2, you can ask her about what she thinks of each member of your party.
  • You can skip level 3 by going straight to Dunnage to find Yngfrith.
  • The final dialogue with Yngfrith determines Modwyr’s ultimate fate, ranging from freeing the bound soul (if Xoti is present during the dialogue) to handing it over to Yngfrith, to keeping it, as well as some options in-between.
    • Keeping the soul in Modwyr: the sword can still talk, the description is the same as when you first found it.
    • Releasing the soul from Modwyr: the sword stop talking, the description is changed to a new one, describing the change after the soul is gone.
    • Either way, it loses Jealous and soulbound function entirely and can be enchanted like a normal unique sword. Of course, you can’t see these changes if you give Modwyr away.
    • You can also attack Yngfrith, the result is that you lose Modwyr forever.
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