- Bandage Buddies — the ship between Mikan and Gundham Tanaka
- Chimiki — the ship between Mikan and Chihiro Fujisaki
- Hanamiki — the ship between Mikan and Teruteru Hanamura
- Hinamiki — the ship between Mikan and Hajime Hinata
- Kamumiki — the ship between Mikan and Izuru Kamukura
- Komamiki — the ship between Mikan and Nagito Komaeda
- Kuzumiki — the ship between Mikan and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
- Mimiki — the ship between Mikan and Ryota Mitarai
- Nursing Compass — the ship between Mikan and Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- Oumiki — the ship between Mikan and Kokichi Oma
- Owamiki — the ship between Mikan and Mondo Owada
- Rykan — the ship between Mikan and Ryoma Hoshi
- Soudamikan — the ship between Mikan and Kazuichi Soda
- Tsuguuji — the ship between Mikan and Korekiyo Shinguji
- Tsumaru — the ship between Mikan and Nekomaru Nidai
- Twomiki — the ship between Mikan and the Ultimate Imposter
- Band Aid — the ship between Mikan and Ibuki Mioda
- Junkan — the ship between Mikan and Junko Enoshima
- Kirumikan — the ship between Mikan and Kirumi Tojo
- Mikane — the ship between Mikan and Akane Owari
- Mikeste — the ship between Mikan and Celestia Ludenberg
- Mikuro — the ship between Mikan and Mukuro Ikusaba
- Nanamiki — the ship between Mikan and Chiaki Nanami
- Naokan — the ship between Mikan and Nao Egokoro from Your Turn To Die
- Pekomiki — the ship between Mikan and Peko Pekoyama
- Satomiki — the ship between Mikan and Sato
- Sayamikan — the ship between Mikan and Sayaka Maizono
- Scientific Syringe — the ship between Mikan ad Miu Iruma
- Seikan — the ship between Mikan and Seiko Kimura
- Snap Shot — the ship between Mikan and Mahiru Koizumi
- Sonikan — the ship between Mikan and Sonia Nevermind
- Tenmikan — the ship between Mikan and Tenko Chabashira
- Tsumatsu — the ship between Mikan and Kaede Akamatsu
- Tsumionji — the ship between Mikan and Hiyoko Saionji
- Twomiki — the ship between Mikan and the Ultimate Imposter
- Chapter 3 Culprits — the ship between Mikan, Celestia Ludenberg, and Korekiyo Shinguji
- Koizumikioda — the ship between Mikan, Ibuki Mioda, and Mahiru Koizumi
- Komahinamiki — the ship between Mikan, Hajime Hinata, and Nagito Komaeda
- Mikirumeste — the ship between Mikan, Celestia Ludenberg, and Kirumi Tojo
- Mitwomiki — the ship between Mikan, Ryota Mitarai, and the Ultimate Imposter
- Nanatsumioda — the ship between Mikan, Chiaki Nanami, and Ibuki Mioda
- Natsupekomiki — the ship between Mikan, Natsumi Kuzuryu, and Peko Pekoyama
- Pekomikibuki — the ship between Mikan, Ibuki Mioda, and Peko Pekoyama
- Twilight Syndrome Girls — the ship between Mikan, Ibuki Mioda, Hiyoko Saionji, and Mahiru Koizumi
Смерть Микана широко оплакивалась баскетбольным миром, а также привлекла внимание средств массовой информации к финансовой борьбе нескольких игроков НБА ранней эры. Многие считали, что нынешние игроки поколения больших денег должны сплотиться за более высокие пенсии для предшественников до 1965 года на предстоящих трудовых переговорах
Шакил О’Нил оплатил похороны Микана, сказав: «Без номера 99 нет меня». Перед пятой игрой финала Восточной конференции 2005 года между «Хит» и « Детройт Пистонс» была минута молчания в честь Микана. Боб Кузи заметил, что Микан образно носил НБА в первые дни и в одиночку сделал лигу заслуживающей доверия и популярной. Финал НБА 2005 года между «Пистонс» и « Сан-Антонио Сперс» был посвящен Микану.
Микан считается пионером современного баскетбола. Он был первоначальным центровым, который набирал 11764 очка, в среднем 22,6 очка за игру, ушел с позиции лучшего бомбардира за всю историю и набирал в среднем 13,4 подбора и 2,8 передачи в 520 играх НБЛ, BAA и NBA. В подтверждение своего жестокого стиля игры он также трижды лидировал в лиге по личным фолам. Он выиграл семь чемпионатов NBL, BAA и NBA, трофей All-Star MVP и три чемпионских титула, а также был участником первых четырех игр All-Star NBA и первых шести команд All-BAA и All-NBA . Помимо того, что Ассошиэйтед Пресс объявил Микан величайшим игроком первой половины века, Микан входил в состав всеамериканской команды Helms Athletic Foundation , выбранной в опросе 1952 года, став 25-й и 35-й юбилейной командами НБА. В 1970 и 1980 годах он был избран одним из 50 величайших игроков НБА в 1996 году. Микан был введен в Зал баскетбольной славы в своем первом классе 1959 года, став первым игроком НБА, занесенным в Зал. Влияние Mikan на игру также отражено в Mikan Drill , который сегодня является основным упражнением «больших мужчин» в баскетболе.
Рекордная карточка Mikan 1948 Bowman
Когда суперзвезда центрового Шакил О’Нил стал членом Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс, Микан появился на обложке Sports Illustrated в ноябре 1996 года вместе с О’Нилом и Каримом Абдул-Джаббаром , назвав Абдул-Джаббара и Микана «легендами Лейкерс», для которых О’Нил Сравнивали Нила. С апреля 2001 года статуя Микана, стреляющего своим фирменным выстрелом из крюка, украшает вход в Центр мишеней Миннесоты Тимбервулвз . Кроме того, баннер в Staples Center увековечивает память Микана и его товарищей из Миннеаполис Лейкерс. Он также удостоен статуи и изображения на фреске в его родном городе Джолиет, штат Иллинойс .
Коллекционная карточка Боумена 1948 года, выпущенная Миканом, когда-то была самой дорогой баскетбольной карточкой из когда-либо проданных.
Изменения правил
Микан стал настолько доминирующим, что НБА пришлось изменить свои правила игры, чтобы уменьшить его влияние, например, расширив дорожку с шести до двенадцати футов («Правило Микана»). Он также сыграл роль во введении таймера для броска; а в NCAA его доминирующая игра вокруг корзины привела к запрету защитных ворот. Микан был предвестником будущего НБА, в котором будут доминировать высокие и сильные игроки.
Как официальное лицо, Микан также непосредственно отвечает за трехочковую линию ABA, которая позже была принята НБА; существование Миннесотских Тимбервулвз; и разноцветная ABA мяч, который до сих пор живет как «деньги мяч» в NBA All-Star трехточечный конкурсе .
The reason people ship this is because at first, Nagito worries about Mikan, as he scolds Hajime after thinking he bullied her and asks if she’s okay after having one of her many exaggerated falls. He is also very humbled during the first trial when he mistakenly assumed that Mikan complimented his appearance when she pointed out that there wasn’t any blood on him.
After Nagito caught the Despair Disease, Mikan took care of him along with the others. However, she also caught the disease, and despite his terrible condition, he noticed that she had fallen into despair. Because of this, and the murders she committed for the sake of despair, Nagito lost all respect for her and considered her an enemy, worthy of the name «Ultimate Despair». Unlike the others, he wasn’t fooled by her actions during the trial and he bitterly refused to forgive her.
However, Mikan told Nagito that he’s wrong and claimed that she had killed for «her beloved». Somewhat mockingly, she said that Nagito doesn’t understand because he doesn’t have anyone to love and isn’t accepted by anyone, leaving him at a loss for words.
Later though, after Nagito and Mikan awaken from their comatose state, he doesn’t seem to hold any more hatred towards her. This probably means that Nagito’s original relationship with Mikan, which was mostly him not paying attention to her, although thinking her talent is amazing, has returned.
In Nagito’s free time events, he used «Meeting a nice nurse after getting into a car crash» to explain his luck cycle, however, it’s not confirmed that he was actually talking about Mikan.
In the hope arc, when Mikan tried to talk to Makoto, Nagito moved her out of the way, making her fall, and sending Ibuki to chase after her
- “What I did…was for the sake of my beloved. If only they were still alive…”
- — Despair Mikan committing double murder in Chapter 3 of Danganronpa 2 for Junko Enoshima.
- “My beloved…was the only one… That’s right, the only one who… …never hated me. They forgave my existence. They forgave me and accepted me. They gave me value. They loved me. I loved them with all my heart and they returned it in full. This is…my reciprocation.”
- — Despair Mikan about (how she views) her relationship with Junko.
- “Even so…the current me was most strongly influenced by my beloved’s existence. And it was also my beloved who created the me that everyone can’t forgive. But my beloved still forgives me and still accepts me… That is the key difference between all of you and my beloved.”
- — Despair Mikan about being strongly influenced by Junko.
Университет ДеПола
В старшей школе Микан познакомился с 28-летним новичком, тренером по баскетболу ДеПолом Рэем Мейером , который видел потенциал в ярком и умном, но также неуклюжем и застенчивом первокурснике . В перспективе мысли Мейера были революционными, потому что в то время считалось, что высокие игроки слишком неудобны, чтобы когда-либо хорошо играть в баскетбол. В последующие месяцы Мейер превратил Микана в уверенного и агрессивного игрока, который гордился своим ростом, а не стыдился его. Мейер и Микан интенсивно тренировались, и Микан научился точно выполнять удары с крюка любой рукой. Эта процедура позже станет известна как Mikan Drill . Вдобавок Мейер заставил Микана пробивать скоростной мешок , брать уроки танцев и прыгать через скакалку, чтобы сделать его полноценным атлетом.
Микан в игре против Университета Лонг-Айленда в Мэдисон-Сквер-Гарден, 1944 год.
Микан доминировал над своими сверстниками с самого начала своих игр колледжа Национальной студенческой спортивной ассоциации (NCAA) в ДеПоле. Он запугивал соперников своим размером и силой, был неудержим в атаке с помощью броска с крюка и вскоре заработал репутацию одного из самых сложных и упорных игроков в лиге, часто играя через травмы и наказывая центровых соперников жесткими фолами. Кроме того, Микан удивил баскетбольный мир своей уникальной способностью играть в ворота , то есть прыгать так высоко, что он отбрасывал мяч, прежде чем тот успел пройти через кольцо. В сегодняшнем баскетболе касание мяча после того, как он достигнет вершины, является нарушением, но во времена Микана это было законно, потому что люди думали, что никто не сможет достичь такой высоты. «Мы создавали зональную оборону, в которой было четыре человека вокруг ключа, а я охранял корзину», — позже вспоминал Микан в свои дни с ДеПолом. «Когда другая команда делала выстрел, я просто поднимался и стрелял». Как следствие, NCAA, а затем и NBA объявили вратарей вне закона. Боб Курланд , центровой из Оклахомы A&M ростом 7 футов 0 дюймов (2,13 м) , был одним из немногих центровых соперников, имевших хоть какой-то успех против Микана.
Mikan был назван Хелмса NCAA колледж игроком года в 1944 и 1945 годах и был Всеамериканское три раза. В 1945 году он привел ДеПола к титулу NIT , который в то время был таким же престижным, как титул NCAA. Микан лидировал по результативности с 23,9 очками за игру в 1944–45 и 23,1 в 1945–46. Когда ДеПол выиграл NIT 1945 года, Микан был назван самым ценным игроком за то, что он набрал 120 очков в трех играх, включая 53 очка в победе над Род-Айлендом со счетом 97–53 ; его сумма в 53 очка сравнялась со счетом всей команды Род-Айленда.
Chapter 1 — Destination Despair
«Y-You’re telling us to begin…but what are we supposed to do?»
«Oh…So that’s why we found duct tape there.»
«Does that mean…the killer painted them in advance?»
«But…With Peko’s height, I don’t think she’d be able to circuit breaker in the office…»
«Let’s just dismiss Peko’s stomachache as a coincidence…and go back to discussing the blackout…»
«T-Trashy skank!?»
«They probably messed with the breaker.»
«By the way, I’m not a trashy skank!»
«M-Me too! Please…Take me home already!»
«P-Power cord…?»
«H-Huh? Wh-Wh-What…?»
«P-P-Please wait!»
«U-Um, um…um… How should I put this…? Um…»
«I-Is Nagito…*really* the killer?»
«I-I already know that, but…Fngh…There’s just something a little strange…»
«A-A-Aaaah! I-I’m sorry!»
«I-I think it’s strange that…»
«Um…You know…»
«Ugh… Never mind…»
«But…Based on the entry wounds on Byakuya’s body, the actual weapon should be roughly five mm in diameter…»
«Eeeeeeeek! N-Not a whorehouse!»
«I-I’m sorrrrrrrryyyyyyy!»
«B-But…there is another reason why I don’t think Nagito is the killer…»
«Based on what we’ve discussed…Byakuya was killed under the table, right?»
«Well…Even if that’s true, I feel Nagito looks…you know…clean…»
«Nyehhh… I’m not talking about your looks!»
Статистика карьеры BAA / NBA
GP | Игр сыграно | GS | Игры начались | MPG | Минут за игру |
FG% | Цель поле процент | 3P% |
Процент 3-х очковых попаданий с игры |
FT% |
Процент штрафных бросков |
РПГ | Подборов за игру | ПНГ | Передачи за игру | САУ | Кражи за игру |
БПГ | Блоки за игру | PPG | Очки за игру | Смелый | Карьера высокая |
† | Выиграл чемпионат НБА | * | Возглавлял лигу |
Регулярный сезон
Год | Команда | GP | MPG | FG% | FT% | РПГ | ПНГ | PPG |
1948–49 † | Миннеаполис | 60 | — | 0,416 | 0,772 | — | 3,6 | 28,3 * |
1949–50 † | Миннеаполис | 68 | — | .407 | 0,779 | — | 2,9 | 27,4 * |
1950–51 | Миннеаполис | 68 | — | 0,428 | .803 | 14.1 | 3.1 | 28,4 * |
1951–52 † | Миннеаполис | 64 | 40,2 | 0,385 | 0,780 | 13,5 * | 3.0 | 23,8 |
1952–53 † | Миннеаполис | 70 | 37,9 | .399 | 0,780 | 14,4 * | 2,9 | 20,6 |
1953–54 † | Миннеаполис | 72 | 32,8 | 0,380 | 0,777 | 14,3 | 2,4 | 18,1 |
1955–56 | Миннеаполис | 37 | 20,7 | 0,395 | 0,770 | 8,3 | 1.4 | 10,5 |
Карьера | 439 | 34,4 | .404 | 0,782 | 13,4 | 2,8 | 23,1 | |
Все звезды | 4 | 25,0 | 0,350 | 0,815 | 12,8 | 1,8 | 19,5 |
Год | Команда | GP | MPG | FG% | FT% | РПГ | ПНГ | PPG |
† | Миннеаполис | 10 | — | 0,454 | .802 | — | 2.1 | 30,3 |
† | Миннеаполис | 12 | — | 0,383 | 0,788 | — | 3.0 | 31,3 |
1951 г. | Миннеаполис | 7 | — | .408 | .800 | 10,6 | 1.3 | 24,0 |
† | Миннеаполис | 13 | 42,5 | 0,379 | 0,790 | 15,9 | 2,8 | 23,6 |
† | Миннеаполис | 12 | 38,6 | 0,366 | 0,732 | 15.4 | 1.9 | 19,8 |
† | Миннеаполис | 13 | 32,6 | .458 | 0,813 | 13,2 | 1.9 | 19,4 |
1956 г. | Миннеаполис | 3 | 20,0 | 0,371 | 0,769 | 9,3 | 1,7 | 12.0 |
Карьера | 70 | 36,6 | .404 | 0,786 | 13,9 | 2.2 | 24,0 |
Owamiki is one of several ships that sailed as a result of the interactions between characters in Danganronpa V3’s bonus mode, Ultimate Talent Development Plan. It gained its popularity because of the two’s «Nice Girl, Bad Boy» status, as well as due to their personalities being considered matching, with Mondo’s talent causing him to get injured often and Mikan treating his injuries, and with Mondo showing the nice side of his personality (i.e. his code to never hit a girl) around her.
Nonetheless, because they only interact with each other in a bonus mode, only a small part of the fanbase is aware of the ship. Additionally, both characters have their much more popular ships from the canon. In spite of this, the ship has a fair number of fan fictions dedicated to it.
- Her Japanese voice actress, Ai Kayano, who also voiced Kirika Akatsuki in Senki Zesshou Symphogear G, Darkness in KonoSuba, Inori Yuzuriha and Mana Ouma in Guilty Crown, Juliet Persia in Boarding School Juliet, Alice Zuberg in Sword Art Online: Alicization, Kanae Kocho in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Y’shtola Rhul in Final Fantasy XIV, Meiko «Menma» Honma in Anohana, Itsuwa and Vera in A Certatin Magical Index, Muginami in LAGRANGE -The Flower of Rin-ne, Morsayati in Dragalia Lost, Kyôka in Fairy Tail, Madoka Orimura in Infinite Stratos, Rin Toyama in New Game!, Liu Xuelan in Darwin’s Game, Erika in Pokémon Masters, Sayaka Saeki in Bloom Into You, Zethia, Julietta, and Zena in Dragalia Lost, Ophilia Clement in Octopath Traveler, Shiro in No Game No Life, Mayura Tsukishiro in Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky, Saori Takebe in Girl und Panzer, and Mashiro Shiina in The Pet Girl of Sakurasou.
- Her English voice actress, Stephanie Sheh, who also voiced Hinata Hyūga, Rin Nohara from Naruto series, Lotte Jansson from Little Witch Academia, Orihime Inoue from Bleach, Yui from Sword Art Online series, Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon (Viz dub), Minami Uehara from Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers, Megumi Shirakawa from Digimon Data Squad and Kuro from Blue Exorcist series.
Mikan, identified as the murderer.
In Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy, Mikan is a student of Class 77-B enrolled in Hope’s Peak Academy with the other Remnants of Despair. Among the members of the Remnants of Despair, excluding Izuru Kamukura, she is the first to fall into despair after being brainwashed by Junko Enoshima and becoming a part of Ultimate Despair.
Following the fall of Hope’s Peak and the beginning of The Tragedy, Mikan joined the rest of Ultimate Despair in spreading chaos across the ruined world. She was eventually apprehended by the Future Foundation and put into the Neo World Program for rehabilitation.
After catching Despair Disease in Chapter 3 and regaining her school memories in Danganronpa 2, Mikan set up a plan to murder Ibuki Mioda, who also contracted Despair Disease, but ended up murdering both Ibuki and Hiyoko Saionji after the latter witnessed her attempt to murder Ibuki. After she confessed that she had murdered for the sake of “her beloved”, Monokuma dragged her to her execution. However, due to this happening in the Neo World Program, her physical body remained in a comatose state following the end of the simulation.
The illusory Mikan appeared in the 30-minutes long OVA titled Super Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the Destroyer of the World as a part of Nagito Komaeda’s world.
Mikan later awakens from her coma and together with her classmates helps the Future Foundation in stopping Ryota Mitarai from brainwashing the world with his Hope Video. With the other awakened Remnants of Despair, Mikan decides to atone for her sins as the former member of Ultimate Despair.
While under the influence of the despair disease in Chapter 3, Mikan recovered her memories of school life. At the end of the trial that unveiled her identity as the culprit, she revealed that she did it for the sake of ‘her beloved’, claiming that they forgave and accepted her for who she was, in stark contrast to the maltreatment she had been exposed to her entire life, and that they would appreciate her actions if they were alive.
Mikan proceeds to ramble feverishly about how their love transcends the cruelty of her misdeeds, and how this person was a major factor in her drastic personality change. Due to her wording and the circumstances of her past, it is heavily implied that this person is Junko, who may have brainwashed her.
This is later confirmed in Danganronpa 3 — Side: Despair where their relationship is revealed. Mikan is brainwashed by Junko, and acted towards her in a way similar to Mukuro Ikusaba, only much more insane and unnatural. She is glad when Junko abuses her or gives her attention, and learns to share Junko’s love of despair.
However, Mikan later returns to her original state, before the brainwashing, no longer holding these feelings for Junko and even assisting the Future Foundation in wiping out despair.
In one event in Danganronpa V3’s bonus mode, Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Junko visits Mikan in the nurse’s office and wants to chat with her out of boredom. Mikan is at first reluctant as the nurse’s office is supposed for treating the patients rather than conversations, but Junko tricks her into starting one by asking if she doesn’t want to talk with her. She then suggests talking about Mikan’s classmates as she might find this information useful in the future, which is a callback to their interaction in Despair Arc.
Mikan seems to have formed a liking for Hajime as he is the first person (on the island) to approach and speak to her, not wishing to bully her but only to have a casual conversation. Though nervous and stuttering at first, she gradually lightens up, even asking him to come back and talk to her again.
Hajime is also the first person she admits to that she is glad that there is nobody to stomp on her and abuse her on the island. Mikan also chases Hajime around with a syringe a few times, wanting to give him an injection, and is found sleeping on him several times in Chapter 3. In the third trial, she uses him to give herself an alibi in the morning when they first discover the corpse.
In Chapter 3, when Hajime accuses Mikan of killing Ibuki Mioda and Hiyoko Saionji, she becomes furious, and obviously denies this. This act upsets Hajime, who doesn’t want to believe she’s the culprit as much the others, who are in shock at his accusation. Despite this, Hajime reluctantly shows evidence that points to her being the murderer. He tells Mikan to give it up, so he can still believe in her in the end. But Mikan’s personality has already changed, and she is executed, leaving nothing but her malice for Hajime and the others.
In her free-time events, when Mikan explains her reasons for becoming a nurse, Hajime is disturbed and is afraid to show any signs of weakness or sickness around her. However, he also feels bad for her and believes that she is not to be blamed for the way she is now.
During the events of Island Mode, Mikan is very happy to be Hajime’s friend and has a clear romantic interest in him. In her ending, she is even ready to go as far as to cripple him in some way so that they can be together forever. However, Hajime proposes to her instead, causing her to declare that she would become his own private nurse and take care of him forever.
Mikan Tsumiki is one of the characters featured in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair and a participant in the Killing School Trip. Mikan has the title of Ultimate Nurse. In Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School, Mikan is a student of Class 77-B enrolled in Hope’s Peak Academy with the other Remnants of Despair. Among the members of the Remnants of Despair, excluding Izuru Kamukura, she is the first to fall into despair after being brainwashed by Junko Enoshima and becoming a part of Ultimate Despair. Following the fall of Hope’s Peak and the beginning of The Tragedy, Mikan joined the rest of Ultimate Despair in spreading chaos across the ruined world. She was eventually apprehended by the Future Foundation and put into the Neo World Program for rehabilitation. After catching Despair Disease in Chapter 3 and regaining her school memories in Danganronpa 2, Mikan set up a plan to murder Ibuki Mioda, who also contracted Despair Disease, but ended up murdering both Ibuki and Hiyoko Saionji after the latter witnessed her attempt to murder Ibuki.
After she confessed that she had murdered for the sake of “her beloved”, Monokuma dragged her to her execution. However, due to this happening in the Neo World Program, her physical body remained in a comatose state following the end of the simulation. The illusory Mikan appeared in the 30-minutes long OVA titled Super Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the Destroyer of the World as a part of Nagito Komaeda’s world. Mikan later awakens from her coma and together with her classmates helps the Future Foundation in stopping Ryota Mitarai from brainwashing the world with his Hope Video. With the other awakened Remnants of Despair, Mikan decides to atone for her sins as the former member of Ultimate Despair.
- Bandage Buddies — the ship between Mikan and Gundham Tanaka
- Hanamiki — the ship between Mikan and Teruteru Hanamura
- Hinamiki — the ship between Mikan and Hajime Hinata
- Komamiki — the ship between Mikan and Nagito Komaeda
- Kuzumiki — the ship between Mikan and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
- Mikiyo — the ship between Mikan and Korekiyo Shinguji
- Mimiki — the ship between Mikan and Ryota Mitarai
- Owamiki — the ship between Mikan and Mondo Owada
- Twomiki — the ship between Mikan and Ultimate Imposter
- Band Aid — the ship between Mikan and Ibuki Mioda
- Junkan — the ship between Mikan and Junko Enoshima
- Kirumikan — the ship between Mikan and Kirumi Tojo
- Nanamiki — the ship between Mikan and Chiaki Nanami
- Mikeste — the ship between Mikan and Celestia Ludenberg
- Mikuro — the ship between Mikan and Mukuro Ikusaba
- Pekomiki — the ship between Mikan and Peko Pekoyama
- Seikan — the ship between Mikan and Seiko Kimura
- Snap Shot — the ship between Mikan and Mahiru Koizumi
- Tsumatsu — the ship between Mikan and Kaede Akamatsu
- Tsumionji — the ship between Mikan and Hiyoko Saionji
- Twomiki — the ship between Mikan and Ultimate Imposter
- Chapter 3 Culprits — the ship between Mikan, Celestia Ludenberg, and Korekiyo Shinguji
- Koizumikioda — the ship between Mikan, Mahiru Koizumi and Ibuki Mioda
- Mikirumeste — the ship between Mikan, Kirumi Tojo, and Celestia Ludenberg
- Mitwomiki — the ship between Mikan, Ryota Mitarai, and Ultimate Imposter
- Nanatsumioda — the ship between Mikan, Chiaki Nanami, and Ibuki Mioda
- Natsupekomiki — the ship between Mikan, Natsumi Kuzuryu, and Peko Pekoyama
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