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Алан-э-Дейл       04.09.2022 г.

MCreator 2021.3

Upcoming release

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 16
  • Added base support for Minecraft Forge 1.17.1
  •  Added support for mod elements: advancement, fuel, command, overlay, food, painting, procedure, tag, function, dimension, loot table, recipe, music disc, key binding, potion effect, potion item, GUI, armor, particle, custom element, enchantment, game rule, ranged item, living entity, and creative tab
  • Added Minecraft add-on generator for 1.17.x
  • Added Minecraft data pack generator for 1.17.x
  • Improved code generator performance and generated code
  • Improved code and import formatted
  • Water entities moved very slowly
  • Living entity arrow immunity did not work with certain arrow types
  • Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • Updated Minecraft Forge 1.12.2 to the latest recommended version
  • Gradle failed to setup on new computers
  • Updated generator for MCreator 2021.1
  • Added support for compound bounding boxes
  • Tag names of old workspaces were lowercased when they should be not
  • Updated generator for MCreator 2020.5 release
  • Return procedures did not work
  • Updated generator for MCreator 2020.5 1st snapshot
  • Fixed #10 (Slab recipes did not work)
  • Added support for new GUI editor
  • Added support for sound subtitles
  • Added support for multi-sound selection
  • Fixed some UI bugs (backported from 2020.5)
  • Overlays did not work properly
  • Added «get max entity health» procedure block support
  • Custom items can now use tool-like rendering support
  • Added entity width, height, getters procedure blocks support
  • Added custom block item texture support
  • Updated generator for MCreator 2020.4.28114
  • Added support for condition system to block and entity particles and overlays


Updated generator for MCreator 2020.4

  • #2 Ported some 2020.3 features into 1.12.2 generator:
  • Added support for itemstack variables
  • Added support for itemstack size procedure blocks
  • Added support for «Is item enchanted» and «Is item enchantable» procedure blocks
  • Itemstack procedure blocks should now work with custom dependencies
  • Added support for «Get ridden entity» procedure block
  • Entity procedure blocks now work with custom dependencies
  • Added support for «Block offset type» and «AI path node type» for blocks and plants
  • Added support for «Get light level» and «Get block hardness» procedure blocks
  • #3 Better macOS support
  • #0 Updated generator to support 2020.3
  • #1 — Bugfix


Finding your structure

If you are not sure if your structure is spawning or if it just varies rare you can increase the Spawn probability value temporarily to test to see if the structure is spawning at all. If you find your structure then you know it’s just very rare and the value needs to be slightly increased for the spawning probability.

Structure voids and blocks.

Structure blocks are a built-in vanilla block that can save builds as .NBT structures. You can use structural voids to allow the structure to let other blocks override air blocks in your structure when it is generated. For example, if you want your structure to be buried on the inside you can fill the inside of the structure with structure voids using the /fill command to allow natural blocks to spawn where the voids are. Also, voids will not generate in your structures they are just placeholder blocks to let other blocks override the area on generation.

Building the structure

Structure size

Structure blocks allow to create structures of 32x32x32 blocks. However, since Minecraft 1.16.x, Mojang has increased the maximal size for 48x48x48 blocks.Follow the steps below to build and export your «.NBT» structure file.

Build the structure

  • Start the test environment.
  • Make a new world. (We suggest using a flat world with no generated structure and use creative mode. With command enabled)
  • Build your structure.
    • Stay within the size of your Minecraft version.
    • You can use your own blocks for the structure too.
  • When you are ready to make your structure file follow the steps below.
    • Type /give <press tab> minecraft:stucture_block
    • Open F3 and find the corner where all the lines meet each other.
    • Place your structure block at the bottom of the axis where all the lines meet each other near your structure.
    • Right-click the structure and click data until you have a button where it says save.
    • The top cords are relative to the structure block’s location. The bottom cords are for the size relative to the structure block where you opposite corner of the structure block is located at.
    • Mesure your structure and type the appropriate cords to make your structure fit in the boundary box outline.
    • When you are happy with the outline you can name your structure something you can remember and press the save button on the right side of the UI.

Как создать блок в Майнкрафте

Хотя инструмент переполнен функциями и возможностями, начинать творческий путь стоит с малых достижений. Вот инструкция по MCreator, призванная облегчить процесс подготовки нового блока:

  • Первый шаг – подготовка рабочего пространства с помощью кнопки, изображающей плюсик и расположенной на панели быстрого доступа слева;
  • В появившемся меню необходимо выбрать вариант Block (Блок) и выбрать название для будущего ресурса или декоративного элемента. Вводить текст рекомендуется на английском языке (поэкспериментировать над переводом помогут плагины и расширения);
  • Дальше предстоит разобраться с оформлением блока. Предусмотрен вариант с загрузкой текстур файлом (поддерживаются основные форматы изображений) или же подготовкой оформления вручную через встроенный редактор. Вне зависимости от выбора менять дизайн предстоит с помощью 6 квадратов, обозначающих грани блока в развертке.

    Если оформление одинаково со всех граней, то достаточно заполнить цветом или изображением лишь левую часть (Left) – остальным значение передается автоматически.

  • Не обойтись и без настройки характеристик: MCreator разрешает выбирать тип рендера, задавать прозрачность (Transparency), менять параметры «твердости» (Hardness), влияющей на скорость добычи, взрывоустойчивой силы (Resistance), способов выпадения (Dropping Properties) и свойств земли, редстоуна, пропускной способности.
  • Переход между каждым шагом сопровождается нажатием на кнопку Next. Если необходимо вернуться назад – необходимо выбирать Back на панели быстрого доступа.
  • Последующие шаги подготовки нового блока связаны с вместимостью и способами компоновки в инвентаре (сколько блоков вмещается в ячейку, максимальное количество стаков). Дополнительно предусмотрена возможность стирать блок после разрушения: достаточно снять галочку с пункта Drop items from inventory when block destroyed.
  • Процесс подготовки нового блока заканчивается на этапе выбора параметров генерации (Generation Properties). Разработчики MCreator предлагают выбрать, куда добавлять блок (биом, примерная высота, тип мира – стандартный, нижний), в каком количестве и объеме, необходимы ли специальные обозначения редкости. Каждый из пунктов меню подбирается с помощью выпадающих меню, а потому знать значения и дополнительную информацию необязательно – инструмент подскажет, куда нажимать.

информация о новом блоке

MCreator – не единственный представитель жанра: схожие по замыслу инструменты периодически появляются в сети. Но где-то необходимо знать языки программирования или подбирать подходящую версию под Minecraft, а где-то не обойтись без дополнительной подготовки. MCreator призван помочь каждому реализовать задуманное в полуавтоматическом режиме: справятся даже новички.

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New procedure blocks

Many new grat procedure blocks were added. Two of them are improved execute command block and execute the command in the name of the provided entity command block. Both blocks execute commands without spamming the chat and execute the command with the permission levels like command block so any commands that work with command blocks can be used in MCreator too. This opens doors to many new options for procedure mechanics.

Another new procedure block is an item cooldown procedure block that will disable item right-click use actions for the given amount of the ticks. The cooldown will be shown as a progress bar over the item in the hotbar too. The system currently does not support cooling down left click actions.

Yet another important procedure block we added is «cancel event that triggered a global trigger» procedure block. This one can only be used by procedures triggered by the global trigger. One example of usage of such block is shown below, where we can see how we can make the bonemeal only work when it is not raining.

Improved code editor

Code editor got many improvements too. Autocomplete window is now automatically triggered based on context now. We have added documentation window with a direct display of Minecraft Forge JavaDoc for easier programming and understanding of individual Java methods. Import formatter and code formatter has been improved. Jump to declaration now supports multiple packages and jumping between them. The automatic tab indentation was improved.

There were many other small improvements to the code editor too. On the image above, the new smart autocomplete can be seen in action. Jumping to lines of code in case of crashes and compilation errors was improved too.

New procedure triggers

Many new global procedure triggers were added. These triggers will make all sorts of new things and functionalities possible, including many changes to the core gameplay of Minecraft by intercepting important events, such as when the player joins the world.

New global triggers that were added: an entity joins the world, entity travels to dimension, world loaded, world unloaded, entity wakes up, an explosion is spawned, player global tick, on crafted, on smelted, the player joins or leaves the gameplay, when the player respawns, when block breaks, when block is placed. All existing global triggers were made server compatible, so this is a big and important step towards full SMP compatibility of MCreator mods.

PATCH UPDATE 30. 9. 2019, 15:45 CEST

There were some minor bugs found in MCreator 1.9.1 so we decided to release a patch update. If you are having one of the following bugs or want to have the features added in this path and downloaded MCreator before the time of the patch, consider reinstalling version 1.9.1:

  • Mod dependencies did not work
  • Existing buttons in GUI editor could not be resized
  • MCreator could get extremely laggy with large console tab contents
  • Duplicate mod element button did not work for some mod element types
  • Improved mob spawning in custom dimensions
  • Added template manager to preferences
  • Instead of default UI background images, custom images and mod screenshots can be used

To apply the patch (fix these bugs and get the listed features), download MCreator 1.9.1 again and install it over the current installation.

Leave a comment below and tell us what is your favorite new feature of MCreator 1.9.1. Stay tuned!


Contrary to the Windows version, the OS X version of MCreator doesn’t
come with JDK, so you need to install it first. To get MCreator for
Mac, download the zip version of MCreator from our official website.

Before you run MCreator for the very first time, please run the following commands in the terminal:

  1. CD to the directory of MCreator
  2. Type in: «chmod 777 MCreator» (you might need to use sudo)
  3. Type in: «ln -s

/usr/bin/java_home» (you might need to use sudo )

  1. Close the terminal window.

To run MCreator, open a terminal window, cd to the folder of MCreator and run: ./MCreator


These are the settings for particles for entities.

  • Particles — Ticking the ‘spawn particles around mob’ box allows particles to spawn around your mob. Be careful since too many particles at once will cause players’ games to stutter. The image on the right shows a preview of the spawning shape.
  • Particle type — Set the type of particle for the mob to create.
  • Spawning shape — Sets where particles will spawn around the mob.
  • Spawning radius — The area, in blocks, around the mob where particles can spawn.
  • Amount — The amount of the particle to be spawned each time.
  • Spawning condition — This is set to always, and does not serve a purpose yet.


  • Enable entity spawning: When this is check entities will spawn in the world naturally without the need for procedures.
  • Despawn when idle: If ticked, this mob will despawn upon the player moving far away enough. Turn this off for bosses and summonable mobs to stop them despawning.
  • Spawn weight: This is the priority that the mob has over others when the game is choosing what mob to spawn. A higher weight means more mob spawns in the game will create this mob. Make this lower for animals, compared to monsters. A detailed explanation of mob spawn weight is available here.
  • Mob natural spawning type: A mob marked as Monster will only spawn in the dark or at night. A mob marked as Creature will spawn under any conditions. A mob marked as Ambient also spawns under any conditions, but this category should be used for mobs with no gameplay effect such as bats. WaterCreature will spawn in water, but with no other limitations.
  • Spawn groups: Be warned that mobs that try to spawn in groups of over 20 will struggle to do so.
    • Minimal number of entities in a spawn group: The minimum size of the group that the mob will spawn in.
    • Maxmial number of entities in a spawn group: The maximum size of the group that the mob will spawn in.
  • Only in specific biomes: Check this if you want to make mobs spawn in certain biomes. Hell represents the Nether and Sky represents the End.
  • Does this mob spawn in dungeons?: If you check this, your mob may show up in dungeon spawners.
  • Custom spawning conditions: A procedure that controls additional spawning conditions.


You are welcome to support this project by opening pull requests. Before we can use your code, you must sign the MCreator CLA, which you can do online. The CLA is necessary mainly because you own the copyright to your changes, even after your contribution becomes part of our codebase, so we need your permission to use and distribute your code. We also need to be sure of various other things—for instance, that you’ll tell us if you know that your code infringes on other people’s patents. You don’t have to sign the CLA until after you’ve submitted your code for review and we approved it, but you must do it before we can put your code into our codebase.

WARNING: Minecraft 1.12.2 is no longer supported by MCreator (Pylo). This repository here is only for reference purposes and for community use. It is not officially supported.


Mobs can have procedures for being struck by lightning, taking fall damage, dying, being damaged, being right-clicked by a player, killing another mob, bumping into a player, spawning, or a procedure that runs each tick. View this tutorial for how the procedure system works. Entities have a number of triggers that can be used to expand the mechanics of the entity a list of them are below.

  • When it is struck by lighting: Runs a procedure when the entity is struck by lighting.
  • When entity falls: Runs a procedure when the entity is falling.
  • When entity dies: Runs a procedure when the entity dies.
  • When entity is hurt: Runs a procedure when the entity takes damage.
  • When right-clicked on entity: Runs a procedure when the player right-clicks on the entity.
  • When this entity kills another one: Runs a procedure when the entity kills another kind of entity.
  • On entity tick update: Runs a procedure every tick (20 times per second).
  • When player collides with this entity: Runs a procedure for every tick the player collides with the entity.
  • On internal entity spawn: This will run a procedure when the entity spawns for the first time, but not after.

Как установить MCreator

Распространяется набор инструментов для разработки модификаций в виде стороннего программного обеспечения, устанавливаемого не в каталог Minecraft, а в отдельную директорию, откуда в дальнейшем запускается для разработки нового контента. Переносить новые предметы, текстуры или декоративные элементы предстоит уже после, через специальное меню и раздел Build & Run. Сначала же предстоит разобраться непосредственно с установкой:

  • Дважды нажать на дистрибутив MCreator левой кнопкой мыши и дождаться загрузки инсталлятора;
  • Принять соглашение, кликнув по кнопке I Agree;
  • Выбрать директорию для распаковки файлов MCreator. Разработчики рекомендуют не менять значения, выбранные по умолчанию (C, Program Files);
  • Если установка прерывается и поверх интерфейса инсталлятора появляется ошибка Error Opening File For Writing, то сначала стоит попытаться нажать на кнопку Retry, а после – загрузить и установить Java и Java Development Kit 8;
  • Ярлык MCreator появится на рабочем столе и в меню «Пуск», а набор инструментов для разработчиков Майнкрафт модов станет доступен для запуска.

Скачать программу для создания модов для Майнкрафт 

СКАЧАТЬ с Modsfire

СКАЧАТЬ с Google Диск


  • See this post to introduce you to events.
  • Procedure triggers
    • On block right clicked: Trigger a procedure when the block is right-clicked. It won’t be called if the player is sneaking.
    • When block added: Trigger a procedure when the block is added.
    • When neighboring block changes: Trigger a procedure when a block nearby updates.
    • Update tick: Trigger a procedure when the tick-rate updates.
    • Random tick update event: Trigger a procedure randomly (player side only)
    • When block destroyed by player: Trigger a procedure when the player breaks the block.
    • When block destroyed by explosion: Trigger a procedure when the block is broken by an explosion.
    • When player starts to destroy: Trigger a procedure when a player starts to destroy the block.
    • When entity collides in the block: Trigger a procedure when an entity is in the block.
    • When entity walks on the block: Trigger a procedure when an entity walks on the block. It won’t be called if the entity is sneaking.
    • When block is placed by: Trigger a procedure when something places the block (entity/block)
    • Redstone on: Trigger a procedure when the block is powered by Redstone.
    • Redstone off: Trigger a procedure when the block is not powered by Redstone.

Visual and sound

These are the settings for visual and sound settings for the entity.

  • Name of the mob: Supply a name for your mob here. Multiple mobs can have the same name.
  • Mob model: Select a model to use here for your mob. You may want to import a custom model instead.
  • Texture of entity: Select a texture to map onto your mob’s model. This can be a custom texture for a custom model or a retexture of a vanilla model. Figure out how to get Minecraft’s texture files here.
  • Glow texture of entity: This is an optional texture map that allows you to make the entity glow similar to how spider eyes glow. Use your texture map as a guide to making your glow map.
  • Mob model bounding box: This represents the size of your mob’s hitbox in blocks, as well as the size of its shadow.
    • The first option sets the width and depth.
    • The second option sets the height.
    • The box after that sets the size in blocks for the radius of the mob’s shadow.
    • The last box on the right-hand side controls the Y coordinate location where the player sits when riding the entity.
  • Spawn egg options: Untick the box to remove a mob’s spawn egg. This also allows you to set the colors used for the spawn egg; the left is the primary color while the right is the color of it’s spots.
  • Boss health bar: This option adds the boss health bar used for the Ender Dragon and Wither to your mob. You can also select a color and bar-style for this bar.
  • Mob label: This allows you to set a name for your mob that will show above their head.
  • Sounds: Leave this blank for a silent mob. You can also import your own sounds, provided that they are .ogg files.
    • Living sound: This is the ambient sound that plays randomly for the entity. 
    • Step sound: This is the sound made by the entity when it steps on blocks. 
    • Hurt sound: This is the sound made by the entity when it takes damage to it’s health. 
    • Death sound: This is the sound that plays when the entity dies.

PATCH UPDATE 23. 9. 2019, 18:45 CEST

There were some bugs found in MCreator 1.9.1 so we decided to release a patch update. If you are having one of the following bugs and downloaded MCreator before the time of the patch, consider reinstalling version 1.9.1:

  • Mods did not contain any mod elements if they were located in a path or had a name containing any special character or whitespace
  • Custom blocks and items had logWood selected for ore dictionary by default
  • Added ore dictionary to plants
  • Added option to disable harvest level specification for blocks

To apply the patch (fix these bugs), uninstall MCreator 1.9.1, download it again and install it again. After reinstalling it, make sure to regenerate code in all the workspaces you already opened with MCreator 1.9.1 by clicking Build & run -> Regenerate code and build.


There are the settings for the entity behavior.

  • Behavioral characteristics: A mob set to Mob will be able to attack, while a mob set to Animal cannot attack even if it’s AI tells it to. A WaterMob is able to attack, and will not drown in water whilst dying out of it.
  • Creature type: This allows you to set a creature’s type, causing certain changes. 
    • Undead take extra damage from the Smite enchantment, are healed by Harming and harmed by Healing, and are unaffected by Poison or Regeneration. 
    • Arthropods take extra damage from the Bane of Arthropods enchantment. 
    • Illager does not seem to have any effect.
  • Mob health: Sets the health of the mob. 2 health = 1 heart
  • Experience amount: Sets the amount of experience earned from killing the mob. This is usually 1-3 for an animal and 5 for a monster.
  • Mob default drop: the item dropped when the entity is killed. Leave this empty to disable drops.
  • Movement speed: Sets the movement speed of the mob in some unknown measurement. Most normal mobs move at around 0.25, while faster ones such as spiders and wolves move at 0.3.
  • Tracking range: This controls how far the entity can be seen by the player (e.g. render distance).
  • Attack strength: Sets the amount of damage the mob deals when attacking.
  • Armor protection base value: Sets the number of built-in armor points the mob has. Zombies by default have 4 armor points.
  • Attack knockback: This is how much the entity deals with knockback.
  • Attack knockback resistance: This is how much the entity can resist knockback effects.
  • Equipment: Allows a Biped/Zombie modeled mob to have the equipment. From left to right the slots represent the right hand, then the left, then the head, chestplate, leggings, and boots.
  • Mob immunities: Any attack types you choose here will not affect the mob.
    • Fire: This blocks all fire damage.
    • Arrows: This will block all damage from arrows. 
    • Fall damage: This blocks all fall damage for the entity.
    • Cactus: This blocks all damage from the cactus block.
    • Drowning: This blocks all damage from drowning when under liquid sources.
    • Lightning: This blocks all damage from the entity being struck by lighting.
    • Potions: This blocks all damage from potions.
    • Direct player attack: This blocks all damage from the player.
  • Rideable: This allows a player to mount this mob. It will not be controllable
  • Forward movement control: This allows the player to direct the entity forward, similar to how pigs work.
  • Strafe movement control: This allows the player to move the entity in the left or right directions, similar to horses.
  • Is water entity: This makes the entity breath liquid rather than air, and is not pushed by liquid flowing blocks.
  • Is flying entity: This disables gravity for the entity and disables fall damage.
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