Granado espada europe (2006)

Алан-э-Дейл       30.08.2022 г.

Сервер Granado Espada на отдельно взятом компе

В игре Granado Espada пиратские сервера обычно принадлежат таким же фанатам этой онлайновки, как и мы с вами. Естественно, сервера поднимаются на домашних компах, что само по себе может привести к некоторым проблемам.

Одна из самых распространенных – потеря интереса хозяина к своему серверу Granado Espad’ы. В этом случае теряется все, что игроки накопили на нем в течение всего времени пребывания в частной вселенной. Никто не вернет вам ваших наемников и деньги, которые вы накопили путем долгого гринда. Сервера больше не существует, и бывшим игрокам приходится мириться с этим фактом. Даже если это был сервер Granado Espada с рейтами х100, все равно неприятно, когда в одно мгновение исчезает абсолютно все, что было накоплено.

Часто бывает так, что компьютер владельца такого сервера просто физически не может выдержать большого количества посетителей. Это означает, что, во-первых, очередь на вход в игру будет раздражать каждый раз при попытке отдохнуть в виртуальном мире Гранады, а во-вторых, зашедшие будут вынуждены бегать в полупустом мире, тщетно разыскивая людей для похода на босса или в рейд. Любителям пиратских серваков придется смириться: не каждый самодельный сервер игры Granado Espada имеет такие же мощности, как официальный.

Также, на посвященных Granado Espad’е пиратских серверах обычно плохо отлажены скрипты (а некоторые и вовсе не работают). Объясняется это просто – не все создатели подобных серваков разбираются в языках программирования. Так что не удивляйтесь, обнаружив там колоссальное количество багов и неработающих квестов. Увы, это неизбежные издержки желания найти что-то лучше, чем игра на русской официалке.


 > Character / Skill
  — Fixed the issue that and is not applied at the same time.
  — Fixed the issue that attack motion is not shown normally when a character with fighter class attacks enemies knocked down during stance.

 > Graphic / UI
  — Fixed the issue that the looks of the Musketeer costume are different in low and high-quality options.
  — Fixed the issue that the motion animation of ‘Tom’ is awkward when moving in town. 

 > Quest
  — Fixed the issue that Castilla Episode does not proceed normally for some users. 
  — Fixed the issue that Reboldoeux scenario quest does not proceed normally for some users.

 > Other
  — Fixed the issue that Quest Warp, Saving to warp list, Family Summon is available in ‘Office of the Lord of Ailis’. (‘Office of the Lord of Ailis’ saved in the warp list will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance.) 
  — Fixed the issue that ‘Elite Legion Officer Assault Operation Box’ can be used with other roulette type box at the same time.
  — Fixed the issue that the entrance status of ‘Tigres Prison B1F’ and ‘Hard: Tigres Prison B1F’ is not correctly written in the ‘Info. Center’.
  — Fixed the issue that the speech bubble and graphic of ‘Butler Nibark’ NPC is awkward.
  — ‘Recipe — Talos Ring’ will be deleted from the drop information in the Info. Center(Ctrl+M) — ‘Talos(Expert)’ Mission.
  — ‘Pet Box (Talongo)’ will be added in the drop information of Info. Center(Ctrl+M) — ‘Talos(Expert/Master/High Master)’.
  — Fixed the issue that the debuff icon of is shown on the monster, ‘Orden’.
  — Fixed the issue that socket processing worked in ‘Vernier Shield Costume’.
  — Fixed the issue that the player automatically moves to the server selection window when using the ‘Alchemy table of Naraka’.
  — Fixed the issue that the information in the Info. Center(Ctrl+M) is written that unique accessories can be enchanted with ‘Enchant Chip Expert’.

League of Angels 2 [19.01.17] (2016)

Лига Ангелов 2 — продолжение знаменитой Лиги ангелов, созданных той же компанией. Игровой мир раздроблен на три независимых государства, сражающихся между собой, пытаясь вырвать пальму первенства. Игроку предстоит развить собственное королевство с целью восстановления Лиги Ангелов. Выбери себе Ангела по душе, улучшай экипировку и продемон …

Год выпуска: 2016Жанр: MMORPG, Фентези, OnlineРазработчик: YOUZU GameИздательство: R2Games, 101xpСайт разработчика:Язык интерфейса: РусскийПлатформа: РСОперационная система: Win XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10;Процессор: 1,4 ГГц и выше;Оперативная память: 512 Mб;Видеокарта: 512 Mб;


1. The saving of and will be changed.
— Amount of points earned will be reduced by 50%
— Amount of points earned when winning will increase by 50~100%
— Daily acquisition limit will be raised to 100,000 from 2,000

2. shop will be renewed.
— The available items, the Buy Points required and Catalyst Items are as follows:



Catalyst Required

Buy Points

Max. Purchasable


World PvP Manual (15 Days)

Shiny Crystal




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

World PvP Manual (15 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

World PvP Manual (15 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

Contract Earring (7 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

Contract Necklace (7 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

Contract Belt (7 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

Contract Gloves (7 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

Contract Boots (7 Days)




Item is timed from the moment it is purchased

HP Increase Potion 20000




SP Increase Potion 1000




High Abnormal State RES Potion




High Antimagic Potion




Pet Food




Reinforced Stance Book




Madrid’s Artifact Box




* Take note of the purchase limit of items. Item purchase records are reset on the first day of every Month.

— Players can obtain one of the following items at random by using Madrid’s Artifact Box:



 Bullet Shell


 Eagle Eyeball


 Vampire Heart


 Tough Refined Steel


 Complex Shaped Part


 Moon Stone


 Unwithering Rose Petal


 Complex Device


 Devil Heart


 First Hunt Spoil

2 ~ 5

 Blood Stained Fingernail

2 ~ 5

 Blood-stained Tooth

2 ~ 5

 Leg Bone

2 ~ 5

 Titan Alloy

2 ~ 5

 Fragment of Sacred Knight

1 ~ 3

 Fragment of Dark Leather

1 ~ 3

 Argus’ Blood


 Sekhmet’s Blood


 Einschiever’s Core


 Novia’s Blood


 Doll Watch Spring of Oblivion

1 ~ 10

 Machine Soldier’s Screw

1 ~ 10

 Magical Powered Rose

1 ~ 10

Rune of Talos – Purified Rhodolite

1 ~ 10

Rune of Talos – Purified Holy Water

1 ~ 10

Rune of Talos – Purified Otite

1 ~ 10

Rune of Talos – Purified Stone Gas

1 ~ 10

Rune of Talos – Purified Korazon

1 ~ 10

Fin of Uraeus


Underjaw of Uraeus


Feather of Griffon


Claw of Griffon


Resin of Queenz-eater


Wing of Queenz-eater


Trigger of Vergo the Cursed


Blade of Vergo the Cursed


Cranium of Dekaravia


Rib of Dekaravia


Black Fur of Diablo


Horn of Diablo


Essence of Ziz

1 ~ 10

Essence of Jurgen

1 ~ 10

Image of Sloth


Image of Rage


Image of Greed


Image of Envy


Image of Pride


Image of Trust



— Lyndon Box now available for purchase!
 — The Lyndon Box will be available at the in-game Cash Shop from the scheduled maintenance on November 27 to December 11.
 — You can check details about the box and how to purchase it at the corresponding announcement! (to be released at our official website soon)

— New Ware

 — Event Pioneer Premium (30 Days)
 — Event Pioneer Wing (15 Days)
 — Event Pioneer Wing (7 Days)

—  Ferruccio Medal Summon Stone

— Star Keeper
— 2019 Halloween Medal

— Costume Summon Stone 

 — Moon
 — Moon Halloween Costume / Hair
 — Aisha
 — Aisha Halloween Costume / Hair
 — Javed
 — Zaved Halloween Costume / Hair

— ‘Zaved’s Reading Glasses’ are purchasable from the Costume Shop. (300,000 Feso)


New Character

— Sargent Barrel

New Stance
 — Prid

Raid System Improvements
 — Raid monsters will now regenerate on a set schedule.
 — Each monster will appear every day of the week, except Sunday, at 20:00 and 21:00 (local SEA/NA server region time).
 — If a monster hasn’t been attacked 1 hour after it first appears, it will automatically disappear.





Jaquin, Gehenna Bridge: Wild Gerero

Camellia Teia:
Starved Ogsef


Bahamar, Sky Altar:

Steel Leather Divino

River of Fire: Blood-thirsty Queeny Tula


Bahamar, Prophet’s Forest: Ruincruger Anima

Armonia, El Soltado:

Memory-eating Navas


Bedel Field:

Ancient Golem Talos

Truman’s Secret Laboratory: Evil Humanity Annihilator


Vernier Mansion, 2nd Floor: Enhanced Auto Baron T


Land of Death:

Ambition Sheol

Armonia, El Templo:

Prime Abyss Oscuras

Raid Reward Improvements
 — Revised special raid monster rewards as follows.
 — Armor recipes: ‘Recipe – Greek Croma’ ~ ‘Recipe — Valeron Armor’
 — Accessory recipes: ‘Recipe – Strata Devil Accessory’ ~ ‘Recipe – Valeron Accessory’
 — Armor: ‘Elite le Noir’ ~ ‘Valeron Armor’
 — Accessory: ‘Strata Devil Accessory’ ~ ‘Valeron Accessory’
 — Other materials: items used for crafting armor or accessories
 — Rewards dropped only by each corresponding raid monster remain the same (e.g.: Book dropped by Oscuras).

Raid Monster Stats Increased
 — Increased the value of monster HP and attack/defense stats.
 — Largely increased monster HP recovery.

Raid Monster AI Simplified

 — Deleted all complex combat AI, leaving only the AI and combat patterns used by certain monsters.

New Raid Monster Accessories
 — Added a low chance of obtaining exclusive raid boss accessories after a raid boss is defeated.

Raid Progression Changes
 — BEFORE: Four Devas → Fire/Ice Disciple → First Sheol → Spire → Sheol
 — AFTER: Four Devas → Fire/Ice Disciple → Sheol
  Truman’s Secret Laboratory
 — BEFORE: Truman’s Underground Workshop, Elevator 1F ~ 2F → Truman’s Underground Laboratory → Evil
 — AFTER: Laboratory accessible via clock tower → Evil
  Auto Baron T
 — BEFORE: Click 4 power sources + main power source → activate monster → Auto Baron T
 — AFTER: Auto Baron T generated automatically

NEW Character EXP UI
— This new feature allows you to check the EXP of your character’s in your Barracks.

— The feature displays character level, EXP and La Atencion status.

Dress Room Costumes Added



Price (Feso)


Rose Blanche Hair


Rose Blanche Costume — Spirit


Crusader Daria

Rose Blanche Hat — Dawn


Rose Blanche Hat — Dusk


Rose Blanche Costume — Dawn


Rose Blanche Costume — Dusk


Other Content Changes
— Changed the location of ‘Demonic Controllers’ in demonic missions.
— Added arrows to demonic missions that let you move to your previous map.
— Added ‘Messenger of the Star Earring’ recipe to the Info Center.

Bug fixes

1. The issue that ‘Information Center — Item’ showed items for Custom Battle Mission of some quests is fixed.

2. The issue that ‘Upgraded Flame-Guard Ring’ and ‘Upgraded Aiming Shot Ring’ increased irrelevant skill levels when equipped is fixed.

3. The issue that ‘Treasure Hunter’ NPC led you to ‘Forgotten Treasure Maiden’ mission when you tried to enter ‘Mystic Treasure’ mission is fixed.

4. The issue that the completion condition of ‘ Seal Ointment (1)’ did not display the conditions properly is fixed.

5. The issue that the Start Quest for Charlotte was applied with Rare Character in ‘Information Center’ is fixed

6. The followings are regarding to ‘Twisted Armonia’ Scenario Quest.

— Typos in NPC dialogue is fixed.
— The issue that monsters often attacked player characters during ‘The Last Demon’ mission is fixed.
— Skills of ‘Archbishop’ now properly work in ‘Asphode’ battle mission.

7. The issue that ‘Battle Cook Panfilo’ NPC became not interactive in certain situations during ‘Altria’ Scenario Quest is fixed.

8. The issue that Inventory did not show ‘weapon costume crystal’ properly during Socket expansionis fixed.

9. illustration for ‘Battle Cook Panfilo Card’ is now shown as a Rare Card.

10. Bahamar, Room of Witch area is now properly shown on map during ‘ Spirit of Forest’ quest.

11. The issue that Pioneer Merchant points from ‘Twisted Armonia’ and ‘Twisted Armonia, Apostadero’ disappeared is fixed.

12. The issue that ‘ Rich History’ quest cannot be proceeded via ‘Old Bookshelf’ NPC during ‘Trace of Montoro 5’ quest, is fixed.

13. The ability of ‘Dullahan Cabeza’ where it absorbs HP and becomes invulnerable in ‘Individual Raid: Dullahan Cabeza’ is now replaced with reducing damage taken.

14. <Division Supporter> skill now properly increases AGI and DEX stats on use.

15. The issue of critical hits occurred upon Stance skill use is fixed.

16. The issue of skill damage of <Meteo Shower> is fixed.

19. Illustrations of ‘Sacred Sedecram Pass’, ‘Ancient En Celar Pass’ are changed.

20. The issue of displaying the Quest Area of ‘ Herbal Tea’ is fixed.

21. Icon illustrations for ‘Event Lu Card’, ‘Event Guardian Lu Card’, ‘Collection Lu Card’, and ‘Collection Guardian Lu Card’ are changed.

22. The menu ‘See the future…’ is removed in a dialogue with ‘Noah’ NPC in ‘Frourio.

23. The issue of Progression for Rank 6 Conqueror Achievement is fixed.

24. The issue of proceeding ‘Devil Weapon: Hunt Great Mandradora’, and ‘Devil Weapon: Hunt Hornet’ is fixed.

25. The damage issue of ‘Blood Navy Cano’ and ‘Supreme Commander Cano’ characters with buff is fixed.

The following is regarding to World Cross PVP.

1. The issue of charging damage when buff is not active is now fixed.


> ‘Lesson from the Star Keeper : Teacher and Student’ event will end.
 — Following contents will be deleted.
  * Npc 
   — Star Keeper 
   — Cassandra

  * Item
   — Precious Relationship

 > ‘Issac Episode Event’ will begin.(From 5/26 to 6/9)
   — You can receive the event quest mail upon entering the city.

 A. Count Baselrane’s Holiday (Day 1~7) Quest
   — You can proceed with the quest by talking to NPC ‘Issac Baselrane’ at the Reboldoeux Civic Center.
   — 1 of the following quests will be given randomly.

How to Proceed Complete Condition
Defeat the monsters in the field Obtain quest item by hunting the monsters in ‘M. Dr.Torsche, Reception Hall’
Event Mission Evade the ‘Patrikyon Soldier’ by the customized ‘Issac’ and reach the marked destination.
Select the countersign via NPC ‘Magic Corps, Correspondence Manager’ and escape
Collect Item Give either 1 Yellow Rafflesia Leaf, Red Rafflesia Leaf, or Blue Rafflesia Leaf‘ to NPC ‘Issac’

  * : when selecting the ‘do not remember choice’ the chance of succeeding in the mission is 50%.

 B. Alchemist’s Giant Rabbit (Day 8~14) Quest
    — You can proceed with the quest by talking to NPC ‘Brute’ at the Reboldoeux Civic Center.
    — You can receive 1 of the following quests randomly.

How to Proceed Condition
Defeat the monsters in the field Obtain the quest item by hunting the monsters in ‘Thueringenwald’
Event Mission Defeat 30 Vanguard or more within the time limit
Event Mission Reduce the HP of ‘Brute’ 50% or less

 C. Reward
    — By completing the daily quest, you will receive the following basic rewards.

Daily Quest Reward Quantity
Event Principal Ampule 2
Veteran G EXP Card 10

   — Depending on the number of quests completed, you may receive the following additional rewards.

Number of Times Completed Reward Quantity
1 time Pet Food 50
Event Training card G 30
3 times Portable Ancient Star Orb Box 5
Veteran G EXP Card 30
5 times  Event Master Card 3
Event Total Status Ampule 10
Event 34 Grade Weapon Box 2
6 times Event Ana’s Tears 5
Event 35 Grade Weapon Box 2
Event Soul Crystal 5
8 times Event Principal Potion 5
Event Triumph Potion 5
Shiny Crystal Box 10
9 times Event Portable Bullet (1 Day) Box 2
Event Barrack Slot License 5
Event 36 Grade Weapon Box 2
10 times Event Steroid Liquor 5
Event 37 Grade Weapon Box 1
Event Principle Liquor 5
11 times Sewing Kit (Artifact) 1

 D. ‘Brute’s Carrot Juice’ Item
    — You can give ‘Cabbage’ or ‘Beet’ to NPC ‘Brute’ and receive 10 ‘Brute’s Carrot Juice’.
    ※ ‘Brute’s Carrot Juice’ effect: Recover 20,000 HP, 2,000 SP

 > Below are the information on the ‘Grimore’ ‘Issac’ uses:
  a. Ingredients required for crafting weapon is reduced by 50% (From 5/26 to 6/9)
   * Applied weapon grades:
    — 34 grade : Divine
    — 35 grade : Elite Constellation, Strata Devil
    — 36 grade : Elite Bristia, Armonia
    — 37 grade : Valeron
    — 38 grade : 5 Elemental, Abyss Arma, Deus Machina

  b. Drop rate increases in Rank Missions (From 5/26 to 6/9)
   — 35 grade : Rank4, Rank5 (Elite Constellation, Strata Devil)
   — 36 grade : Rank5 (Elite Bristia), Rank6 (Elite Bristia, Armonia)
   — 37 grade : Rank7 (Valeron)
   — 38 grade : Rank7+ (5 Elemental, Abyss Arma, Deus Machina)

«Клиент игры Granado Espada: Вызов Судьбы»

Краткий обзор игры:

MMORPG «Grando Espada: Вызов Судьбы» среди бесплатных многопользовательских онлайн игр занимает особое место. Она отличается в положительную сторону не только изысканным стилем, великолепной графикой и увлекательным сюжетом, но и целым рядом уникальных особенностей. Вам будет предоставлена возможность управлять одновременно тремя персонажами, составляющими Ваш отряд, состав которого Вы можете менять по своему усмотрению в любой момент времени. Принимая участие в личном или командном поединках, в крупномасштабных сражениях «Город против Города», по своему желанию на стороне Роялистов или Республиканцев, Вы можете заработать репутацию самого бесстрашного завоевателя. Окунитесь в это увлекательное действие и примите активное участие в создании истории нового мира!

Скачать клиент Granado Espada


Что бы начать играть, Вам необходимо зарегистрировать свой аккаунт

и скачать игру одним из приведенных ниже способов:

Скачать игру Granado Espada: Вызов Судьбы через торрент программу

Для того чтобы бесплатно скачать Granado Espada с помощью torrent-файла, вам необходимо воспользоваться торрент загрузчиком.

Скачать последние версии популярных торрент-программ Utorrent и Bittorrent можно нажав на соответствующую картинку.

Bittorrent Utorrent

Launcher.exe – специальная программа-загрузчик, позволяющая скачивать или устанавливать игры в режиме онлайн. Принцип ее работы схож с «Торрент» программами, с тем только отличием, что Launcher-загрузчики создаются разработчиками отдельно для каждой игры.

Примечание: Если у Вас возникнут проблемы с созданием аккаунта, установкой клиента или запуском игры – обратитесь в раздел «Техническая поддержка» официального сайта.

Системные требования


ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven
Процессор: Intel Pentium III 1 Ghz или аналогичный
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 3 или ATI Radeon 8500 от 32 Мб
ОЗУ: 512 Мб
DirectX: 9.0c или выше


ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven
Процессор: Intel Pentium IV 2 Ghz или аналогичный
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 3 или ATI Radeon 8500 от 128 Мб
ОЗУ: 1 Гб
DirectX: 9.0c или выше

Последнюю версию библиотеки DirectX, а также последние обновления драйверов для видеокарт NVIDIA и ATI Radeon можно скачать по следующим ссылкам

DirectX NVIDIA ATI Radeon

Чтобы узнать системные параметры своего компьютера:

1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» => «Выполнить» 2. В появившейся строке введите команду «dxdiag» (без кавычек) и нажмите ОК 3. Выберите вкладку «Система» и посмотрите параметры компьютера


— New Character

 — Freya

— New Stance
 — Geirskogul

— ‘Character Book’ system added. 

 — View your Character Book with a shortcut. Ctrl + Shift + D.

— 49 items from ‘Katovic Snowfield’ are integrated and revised.



 Eternal Flame

 Golden Apple

 Silver Powder

 Silver piece

 High Quality Floccus

 High Quality Suede

 High Quality Velour

 High Quality White Fur

 High Quality Cripte

 White Steel

 Steel piece

 Ice Crystal

 Snowfield Crystal

 Marble Stone

 Glacial Lily

 A Lump of Jade

 Snow Quartz

 Blue Stone

 Aqua Marine

 Fragment of Ice


 Mist Sapphire

 Lapis Lazuli

 Blue Powder

 Glacial Blade

 Black Sap

 Snowfield Sap

 Blue Sap


 Dried Maroon Grass

 Maroon Henna

 Blue Enamel

 Black Enamel

 Black Cloth

 Snowfield Silk

 Dragonfly Silk

 Scale of Lazim-Lam

 Wing of Ice Rufus faux

 Spool of Ice Thread


 Hard Scale

 Ebony Tree

 Snowfield Ore

 Diamond Ore

 Black Steel

 Silver Splinter

 Tangled Fur

 Snowfield Leather

 Molar of the Yeti

 Horn of Elgum

 Well-processed Fur

 Artificial Ivory


 Silver Metal

 Gray Feather

 Leather of Elviot

 Fur of Wolf

 Nail of Bear

— Items you possess will be replaced with new items as mentioned above and sent to Cabinet.

— Items in Faction Inventory will be replaced and sent to Faction Leader’s Cabinet of each Faction.

— Recipes for Snowfield weapons will be not purchasable and the weapons can be crafted via Custom Weapon Costume instead. 

— Recipes for Snowfield weapons you possess will be removed and 900,000 Vis will be granted for each recipe in compensation.

— The item exchanging functions at the anvil, rack, and Battle NPC in ‘Katovic Snowfield’ will be disabled.

— The following field raid monsters are revised.

Day of the Week



Wild Gerero

Starved Ogsef


Steel Leather Divino

Blood-thirsty Queeny Tula


Ruincruger Anima

Memory-eating Navas


Ancient Golem Talos

Evil Humanity Annihilator


Enhanced Auto Baron T



Ambition Sheol

Prime Abyss Oscuras

a. Appearance on the Field

— Currently: Appears 20:00 ~ 21:00 and 21:00 ~ 22:00 each

— After Change: Both appear 21:00 ~ 22:00

b. Changes in Monsters

— Raid boss monsters’ HP is increased.

— HP regeneration during non-combat time is disabled.

— buff upon raid monsters’ appearance will be modified as follows:

— The buff will be applied at level 50 and the level decreases by 1 level every 90 seconds.

— Increase in RES against AoE attack will be decreased. The additional damage reduction effect increases by 1% per the buff level.

— All damage taken will be decreased by 40%.

c. The drop rate of unique accessories upon defeating raid monsters will be increased.

— Buffs from premium/event consumable items will be shown with buff icons with a silver frame.

(e.g. Principle, Steroid, Increase, and Enhance Potions)

— Buffs for faction will be shown within a separate UI.

 a. Character Buff

 b. Family Attribute

 c. Manual Buff

 d. Attendance Buff

 e. Book Buff

 f. Faction Buff 

※ We have confirmed the issue that the UI for faction buffs does not reset upon relocating barracks or moving to another place. We will announce our fix plan via a follow-up patch note. Thank you in advance for your patience.

— The Following fields are revised.

a. Portus

 — Drop rate for items upon defeating common monsters will be decreased.

 — The drop rate of Portunium will be increased.

b. — Twisted Armonia / Twisted Armonia, Apostadero

 — Drop rate for items upon defeating common monsters will be decreased.

 — The drop rate of Black Armonium Ore will be increased.

c. Bedel Plain

 — Drop rate for items upon defeating common monsters will be decreased.

d. Truman’s Secret Workroom

 — Drop rate for items upon defeating common monsters will be decreased.

— ‘Faction Mission Point Card — 1000′ and ‘Faction Mission Point Card — 10000’ are now purchasable at ‘Faction Mission Point Merchant, Judy’.


> Character / Skill
 — Fixed the issue that the drop chance of is not applied as 100% when ‘Maria’ uses <Memory Piece>.

> Graphic / UI
 — Fixed the issue that the graphic is awkward when ‘Cassandra’ equips some weapons or weapon costumes. 
 — Fixed the issue that the weapon costume effect of ‘Awakening of Tempest’ does not activate.

> Quest
 — Fixed the issue that the buff is intermittently not applied during ‘’ scenario mission.
 — Fixed the issue that the ‘Looking For a Mysterious Man — A Lady Who Wears a Glove’ quest is still activated even after completing the quest.

> Other
 — Fixed the issue that , stance ring can not be obtained when using ‘Ring Box of Veiren’.
 — Fixed the issue that the ‘Wildlife’ in the category of exchange equipment shortcut is mistranslated.


— Event Episode of Tom will begin.
 — The event will be held between the scheduled maintenance on April 22 and the scheduled maintenance on May 6 (2 weeks).
 — NPC ‘Tom’ will spawn when you enter the Redolboeux region.
 — A quest mail will be sent upon entering the village region, and the quest can be proceeded by talking to NPC ‘Tom’ at Reboldoeux Civic Center.
 — The progress method will differ based on the number of quest proceeded.

Number of Quest Proceeded Content
1 ~ 6 Obtain quest item by clearing Rank Missions
7 ~ 12 Obtain quest item by defeating Field Monsters

— When Rank mission is cleared, item ‘Monster By-product’ will be given depending on the mission rank entered. 


> Character / Skill
 — Fixed the issue that skill level of Chirstina’s <Floren T. Buster> is not shared between the and stance.
  : Skill point of and stance is rest.
  : Stance level changes to ‘Lv.25’ and 79 skill points will be given.  ※ This only applies to Christina created before the scheduled maintenance.

 — Fixed the issue that the normal attack damage of some character’s stance does not show.
 — Fixed the issue that the damage of Barrol’s and Rachel’s applied lower than it should be.
 — Fixed the issue that the effect of ‘Leather Sheath’ is not applied to Catherine Torsche.
 — Fixed the issue that the stat, ‘Increase Attack’ of Auxiliary Hammer for Repairing is not applied.
 — Fixed the issue that ‘Bedel’ and ‘Maria’ cannot equip Leather type Gloves, Shoes, and Belt.
 — Fixed the issue the skill level of skill that changes buff each time activated does not increase when using <Additional Training>, <Encore>. 
 — Fixed the issue that and buff is removed when changing stance of ‘Chung Ha’.
 — Fixed the issue that the additional damage of Strata Devil Rifle’s buff is applied 2x against monsters.
 — Fixed the issue that the graphic of ‘Sorang’ is shown awkwardly.
 — Fixed the issue that is not applied when using <Floren T. Buster> with Lv.5 buff of Christina’s stance.
 — Fixed the issue that the target of the dolls summoned by ‘Catherine’ does not change when the monster/PC target under is defeated.
 — Fixed the issue that the attack sound of the ‘Doom Slave’ is awkward when it inflicts normal attack.
 — Fixed the issue that the buff of ‘Olivia’ and ‘Spy Olivia’ is not removed upon changing stance.

> Graphic / UI
 — Fixed the issue that the location of some ‘Greatsword’ is awkward when equipped.
 — Fixed the issue that the pose of Catherine(DEX)’ is awkward when equipping ‘Rifle’, ‘Shotgun’, ‘Pistol’.
 — Fixed the issue that ‘Sharon the Sage’ takes a different pose when activating ‘Look to the right’, ‘Get Down’ pose.

> Quest
 — The following content is about ‘Tigres Prison’, ‘Hard : Tigres Prison’ mission.
  : Fixed the issue that ‘Tigres Prison Key (B6F)’, ‘Hard : Tigres Prison Key (B6F)’ is dropped in ‘Tigres Prison B6F’ and ‘Hard : Tigres Prison B6F’ .
  : Fixed the issue that the information on how to acquire ‘Tigres Prison Key’ is misinformed in the item tooltip.

 — Fixed the issue that ‘ Sister’ quest cannot proceed.
 — Fixed the issue that ‘ What is this sound..?’ quest is not removed even after recruiting Grandma.
 — Fixed the issue that the speed of the NPC line is awkward in some quest missions.
 — Fixed the issue that ‘Pickaxe’ is not removed intermittently after mining ‘Iron Ore’ during ‘Castilla, Relic’. 

> WcPvP
 — Fixed the issue that ‘Additional Damage in proportion to the extra DEX value’ is applied higher than intended when buff is applied to ‘Meister Lorch’.

> Other
 — Fixed the issue that the character moves to the ‘Ancient Blessing Statue’ when moving to ‘Coimbra Nimrod Bridge’ from ‘Garden of the Kings’ by using ‘Directional Arrow’.
 — Fixed the issue that the complete location of the ‘Lucifer Castle, Entrance’ quest differs from the map. 
 — Fixed the issue that PC is not hit intermittently by monster Doiorl’s <Doiorl Swing>, <Doiorl Smash> even though located in the skill area.
 — Fixed the issue that the summons of ‘Viki’ does not recognize the monsters during ‘Individual Raid: Dragon General Doirol’.
 — Fixed the issue that the count does not decrease normally when failing to stop Machina during Bedel’s recruitment quest — ‘Stop the Machina’ mission.
 — Fixed the issue that ‘Additional Attack against enemies of all type +80% ’ and ‘Attack Speed +20%’ effect of Legion Cube is not applied.
 — Fixed the issue that the buff is removed when changing stance.
 — Fixed the issue that ‘Glasses of Honor’ is missing from the Character Costume Summon Stone. 


— Skills & Stances

   — <Wave Illusion> will now correctly evade regular attacks of all intended stances.

   — Your HP will now recover as intended after a successful counterattack with the <Crollonia> skill.

   — The skill attack of monsters with the will no longer incorrectly increase.

   — (WPVP) Using <Geas> will no longer incorrectly apply the debuff to the casting character.- Graphics
   — Corrected some buff icons that weren’t displaying properly.
   — Corrected the death animation of ‘Orden’.
   — When attacking ‘Orden’ from a distance, your projectiles will no longer seem to float through the air.
   — ‘Rada’’s weapons and weapons costumes will now display as intended in city maps.
   — Corrected the appearance of the ‘Sonora Hair Costume’ in the ‘Elisa’ and ‘Cadet Elisa’ characters.

— Quests, Systems and Other Functions

— In ‘ Duke Rose’, the Family Reputation quest will now check the correct requirements as intended.
— Fixed the error causing character HP to appear as 0 of buffs to be hidden after clearing certain missions.
— The ‘Mission Again’ function in ‘The Remains of Sky Road’ will now work as intended.
— Fixed the issue where ‘Violet’’s NPC dialog appeared as complete even without meeting all the requirements for ‘ Recover the Insignias’.
— WPVP points will now be correctly calculated and displayed in all situations.
— and stance changes will now produce the correct sound effects as intended.
— Reward Box records will now correctly display for ‘Info Center — Mission’.
— ‘Mediator Berthe’ hair costumes can now be purchase as intended at the Dress Room.
— Using the ‘Ring Box of Genos’ will now correctly allow you to obtain the ‘Seismic Wave Ring’ as intended.
— ‘Event Strata Devil Weapon’ and ‘Event Armonia Weapon’ will now display at the Info Center.
— Changed the price of ‘Valeron Hammer’, ‘Valeron Controller’, ‘Valero Pendant’, ‘Valeron Rosario’ and ‘ILE-525 Large Caliber Rifle’ to 110 Vis at the shop.
— ‘Recipe – Brandistock (Quest)’ can now be correctly stored in the personal inventory.


— Skills & Stances
  — Buffs and will now apply to characters using flying stances, as intended.

— Graphics
  — Corrected graphic glitches occurring in the ‘Doom Slave’ character when equipping an earring accessory.- Quests, Systems and Other Functions
  — Cooking items required for the ‘ Sick Coa’ and ‘ Negotiation — Food’ quests can now be correctly used as intended.
  — NPC Lisa’s shop will now be available to use when playing quest ‘’ as intended.

  — NPC Nilli’s shop will now be available to use when playing quest ‘’ as intended.

  — ‘’ quests will no longer incorrectly appear as incomplete at the ‘Info Center — Quest’.

  — Corrected deposit gauge display errors occurring in the World Map (Alt+W) UI.

  — NPC ‘Reen, the Gatekeeper’ will now allow you to play the ‘Grandies Recruitment Quest’ and ‘Gracielo Stance’ quests simultaneously as intended.

  — Corrected the error which caused the damage reduction stats of certain items not apply when the PC was attacked by monsters.

  — Corrected errors affecting the ‘equipment replacement’ function when used with character ‘Lhote’.

  — Fixed errors in the display of certain regions affecting the ‘ Altria Trade Goods’ quest.

  — Fabric, leather and metal enhancement attributes (Insight Attributes) will now apply to monster skills as well, as intended.

  — Corrected display errors affecting the requirements of quest ‘ Simon’s Request’ in the Quest Info UI.

  — Corrected the categorization of certain weapon costumes.

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