Мультиплеер fivem для gta 5

Алан-э-Дейл       04.09.2022 г.

Мультиплеер Файв М ГТА 5 – не такой, как все

Давайте разберёмся, что же такое мультиплеер Файв М для ГТА 5 и почему он при схожих целях, местами сильно отличается от других

В чём же заключаются все особенности и есть ли то, что может насторожить?
В первую очередь отличительной особенностью от оригинальной онлайн-версии является то, что разрешено практически всё: модификации, новые объекты и изменение параметров…
Также Five M для GTA 5 не имеет каких-то особенных требований, всё просто – если у вас идёт сама игра, значит вы сможете установить мультиплеер и поиграть по сети.
Дополнительно можно выделить некоторые преимущества и недостатки, которые так или иначе присущи практически всему и на них в первую очередь стоит обращать внимание

Как начать играть на YDDY:RP?

Мы — закрытое Role Play сообщество в GTA 5, базирующееся на модификации FiveM, позволяющей добавлять различные модификации в игровой процесс, в отличие от привычного нам GTA 5 Online.

  1. Мы не опираемся на текстовый формат взаимодействий, как это было в уже устаревшем SA:MP.
  2. Мы не опираемся на программно-скриптовую часть сервера чтобы не ограничивать игроков и РП-ситуации, которые они могут создать.
  3. Мы считаем игроков нашей самой большой ценностью, благодаря которым наше сообщество растёт и развивается.
  4. Мы делаем классный Role Play, а не деньги, поэтому у нас нет доната, как и игровой валюты.

Прежде, чем Вы начнете играть в лучшем русскоязычном сообществе в FiveM* Вам нужно будет пройти через несколько стадий становления как участника сообщества:

  • Регистрация
  • Подача заявки
  • Интервью
  • Тренировка

Что на самом деле не сложно, и занимает не более двух дней общего потраченного времени. Так что сейчас настало время принимать решение. Сейчас. Или никогда.

*На самом деле никто не давал нам такой характеристики, поэтому мы сами это сделали. Начни играть уже сегодня!

  • Зарегистрироваться
  • Правила сообщества
  • Требования к кандидатам

Преимущества и недостатки FiveM для GTA 5

Давайте всё же остановимся подробнее на сильных и слабых сторонах FiveM для GTA 5 и ответим на вопрос – почему же столь многие отдают своё предпочтение именно в пользу этой платформы?


Неоспоримым преимуществом можно назвать то, что по большому счёту эта модификация позиционируется скорее, как клиент, который позволяет играть по сети. Ведь он написан на основе кода оригинального ГТА Онлайн, но позволяет забыть обо всех ограничениях, которые так волновали ранее.
До этого можно было пользоваться всеми тоннами доступных модов лишь в одиночке, в надежде не спалиться в многопользовательском режиме. Оставим эти неприятные моменты в прошлом!
Также неоспоримым преимуществом FiveM является простота использования, нужно лишь установить мультиплеер для ГТА 5 онлайн на компьютер, и он автоматически интегрируется в игру.


Нельзя слепо говорить о преимуществах и забывать про недостатки ФайвМ в ГТА 5, которые могут сыграть ключевую роль. Для того, чтобы выявить основные минусы, необходимо провести комплексный анализ и сравнить с ближайшими аналогами.
Для этого выберем несколько параметров, таких как стабильность работы, качество реализации и удобство использования, а также ведётся ли работа по дальнейшему улучшению разработчиками.
Рассматривая с технической точки зрения по первым двум пунктам видим, что мультиплеер работает достаточно бесперебойно и в целом доставляет только приятные впечатления. Что же касается простоты использования, здесь каждый должен решить для себя, но оценивая объективно – всё продумано достаточно хорошо.
Не может не радовать и то, что создатели Five M постоянно заботятся о новых версиях, которые приносят приятные обновления и улучшения.
Таким образом, каждый сам решит, что хорошо, а что нет, но в целом, клиент способен конкурировать с лучшими предложениями на сегодняшний день.

Решение проблемы

Существует немало вариантов разрешения проблемы в случае, если «онлайн» Вам надоел, и, поверьте, GTA 5 всё еще может доставить удовольствие от потраченного на игру время:

  • Попробуйте пройти историю еще раз, ведь она получилась у Rockstar очень недурной;
  • Установите моды для одиночной игры и играйте в свое удовольствие. Хочешь — будь полицейским благодаря моду LSPDFR и контролируй порядок на улицах, хочешь — отстреливай зомби в полностью отключенном от электричества Лос-Сантосе с десятком других выживших с модом Simple Zombies;
  • Или попробуйте перейти в новый, совсем отличающийся от старого «онлайн» — FiveM.

Awesome Hosting Features

We have dedicated server rental, which can handle large amounts of traffic. The major catch in online role playing is that, you need a special host server for the job. This will be efficiently done by our FiveM server which allows you and your friends to engage in intensive gaming.

At FiveM Cartel, we offer outstanding FiveM hosting features for an extremely low price. By renting a server from us, you get:

  • Free mod installation
  • Maximum DDoS protection
  • Access to unlimited bandwidth
  • Choose your custom RAM and processor

Our state-of-the-art FiveM server hosting will grant you the power to customize the GTA 5 multiplayer mode precisely as you imagined.

Extensive DDoS protection

Disturbed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection is one of the top features which we focus on as it can significantly affect the performance of the game.

For instance, the absence of DDoS protection can cause the FiveM server to slow down when there is a disturbance such as fake service permission. As the server starts to slow down, the game will begin to lag. DDoS protection prevents such external disturbances and provides smooth gameplay.

User friendly dashboard

Setting up the FiveM is so easy, and it can be completed with just a few clicks in just a few minutes. After the completion of the payment transaction, our pre-configured FiveM server hosting will be delivered to you within a few minutes.

The advanced installation system is automatic, which means the entire process is made easy. You don’t have to take trouble configuring the server on your own. Everything is simplified.

Upgrade RAM and processor

With the power to add and custom missions and maps, the gameplay may be affected if the memory runs low. For this reason, we give you the freedom to choose the RAM and processor power so you can meet the requirements and get the best performance.

Customization Options

Our server hosting plans offer almost unlimited customization options. The installation of the game mode is incredibly simple, and it only takes just a few clicks to complete. Adding or inserting new game elements like cars, weapons, and airplanes are also made easy. You can even add new customized missions.

Rent A Server Now

В чем уникальность FiveM?

  • Собственный клиент, работающий отдельно от GTA Online, но использующий его за основу;
  • Вы также сможете играть в GTA Online параллельно с FiveM;
  • Выделенные сервера с 32 слотами для игроков (что больше, чем в «онлайне») с возможностью добавления модификаций от автомобилей с самолетами до трейнеров с визуальными модификациями;
  • Поддержка от множества разработчиков и очень крутое коммьюнити, обособленное от GTA Online во всех смыслах;
  • Отсутствие каких-либо особых требований к компьютеру пользователя.

Если Вы можете комфортно играть в GTA 5 и Ваше «железо» подходит по системным требованиям игры — Вы сможете играть в FiveM.

Traditional installation steps



  1. Create a new directory (for example ), this will be used for the server binaries.
  2. Download the current recommended branch build for Windows from the artifacts server.
  3. Extract the build into the directory previously created.

3b. Use any archiving tool (such as WinRAR or 7-Zip).
4. Clone cfx-server-data in a new folder outside of your server binaries folder, for example, .
5. Make a server.cfg file in your folder (copy the file below into that file).
6. Set the license key in your server.cfg using .
7. Run the server from the folder. For example, in a plain Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) window:


Note that the Linux version of FXServer is only provided as a courtesy port due to issues regarding Linux distribution compatibility and availability of diagnostic tools for native C++ code.
If you’re experiencing any issues, you’re more likely to see them fixed if you use the Windows version.

  1. Create a new folder (for example ), this will be used for the server binaries.
  2. Download the current recommended branch build for Linux from the artifacts server(copy the URL for the latest server version and use to download it).
  3. Extract the build to the directory that was previously created, using (you need to have installed, on Debian/Ubuntu this is in the package).
  4. Clone cfx-server-data in a new folder outside of your server binaries folder.

4b. For example
5. Make a server.cfg file in your folder (copy the file below into that file).
6. Set the license key in your using .
7. Run the server from the folder.

  • If you don’t get any ‘resources found’, and it says ‘Failed to start resource’, you didn’t ‘cd’ to the right folder.
  • If no resources get started, and you can’t connect, you didn’t add +exec.
  • If you get ‘no license key was specified’, one of the above things applies.

Top FiveM trainer add-ons you need to try today

If you’re thinking of creating your own Mods, well someone might have already created it. Thanks to those amazingly talented GTA fans, there is no limit when it comes to FiveM, you can do whatever comes to your mind. There are numerous Mods you can find, so it’s always a good idea to check if there is a similar Mod out there. Here is a list of top Mod menus you should check out.

  1. vSync Server-side trainer – The first one on our list is a very popular and the most common trainer. It is user-friendly and has all the basic information you need to get started. It’s also easy to customize. Here at FiveM Cartel we offer affordable server hosting, you can get the latest version of this trainer with just a few clicks.
  2. JS four-pack – If you want to experience some serious role-play, this Mod is definitely worth trying. With this trainer, you get your own ID, firearm license, and Mobile Dispatch Computer. This Mod is highly recommended for serious players who want to get a feel of hardcore crime role-play.
  3. Bahama Mamas – This trainer allows you to enter those areas in the map that are sealed off in the single-player mode.
  4. ESX Essentials pack – If you’re looking for more GTA 5 adventure, this Mod is all you need. It allows you to play the role of banker, miner, mechanic, and many more. It also features a bank system.

What’s A Mod Menu (Trainer)?

If you’re an intermediate level gamer, you may already know what Mod menu is, how it works, and how to download and install it. Mod menu is basically a sort of a computer program which enhances GTA 5/FiveM by allowing the player to gain access to special abilities or powers.

In other words, a Mod menu is the games extra add-ons which grant the users or players to do amazing things in the game. For instance, with the Mod menu, you can get access to supernatural-like powers such as invincibility, or get unlimited ammo in the game.

Mods can also be defined as a trainer or glitches. Use of Mods is not considered hacking, as they don’t require programming language. But in order to Modify the Mods, the user must be comfortable with programming languages like C++ or Java.

How does a mod menu work?

For the starters, it can be quite difficult to fully understand how Mod menu works, but it’s also not a very complicated thing. You don’t have to be a qualified programmer who has lots of coding experience. Here is a simple explanation of how the Mod menu works.

Before we go any further, understand that Grand Theft Auto 5 is made up of a huge number of functions. It is because of the existence of those numerous functions. The game can be customized in any way the user or player so desires. All these functions can be found in the data structures, so what you’re actually doing by installing the Mods is that you’re changing the basic functions by replacing the values without disrupting the core structure of the game.

How to install and download our mod menu

Downloading and installing FiveM trainer is pretty straightforward. If you know how to download and install custom scripts on to your FiveM server, installing Mod menu or trainers should be a piece of cake.

Before you download the Mods, make sure you have FiveM installed. If you don’t have it, you can download it from the FiveM site. It’s free. And most importantly, we make sure that the Mods that you download from our FiveM server is undetected like the one at FiveM Cartel.

Installing the FiveM Mods can be done in a number of ways; we will discuss a few of them in details. Let’s take a look at the first method, which is probably the easiest way to download and install the Mods.

First Method

The first thing you have to do is find the Mods you want to download and acquire the files. When the download is complete, find the FiveM folder on your computer. Inside this folder, you have to open the FiveM application data folder.

If there is already a folder named ‘plug-ins’ inside the FiveM application folder, leave it as it is.

If you don’t find the plug-ins folder, create a new folder and name it ‘plug-ins’. The trainers or the Mods that you download should move into the plug-ins folder automatically.

If it doesn’t, you have to transfer the files manually. Try restarting the server when the installation process is completed. This method can be used to install any Mod menus to FiveM server.

Second Method

The second method is also very similar to the first one.To begin, go to FiveM website and look for the Mods you like to try. When you have found the Mods you’re looking for, download the files. These are usually downloaded in zip files.

After downloading the Mods, open the FiveM directory and look for resources folder and open it. To keep things organized, it is best to add a new folder (this will allow you to get rid of the file easily if something goes wrong, or you don’t like the Mod).

Rename the new folder that you just created. You can name whatever you want, but make sure that the name you use is easy to remember, and use a bracket. For example, the file name must look similar to this Adding a bracket to the folder name eliminates the need to move the files into the resources folder.

Now, move the downloaded files into the new folder you just created. All the files that you move into this folder should be edited. You don’t have to rename the contents, just use the default name, but the file names should begin with a start and space. You can do this with the help of Notepad ++. The edited file should look something like this; start FileName.

That’s it. The Mods should be in the game already. Restart FiveM and see if the Mod menu is working.

Why Host Servers with FiveM Cartel?

FiveM Cartel one of the few hosting providers who put their customers in the first place. We make sure that each and every client is provided with the best service. If you’ve been dreaming of experiencing a flawless, high-performance multiplayer roleplay hosting in a lot of different modes, you can have access to all these benefits by renting the server hosting from us.

From roleplay to racing, and even Deathmatch, the gameplay you’ll experience will be incredibly smooth and fast. As already mentioned, FiveM Cartel uses a dedicated server which prevents all sorts of external disturbances that may affect the performance of the game. In short, by using our FiveM server hosting, you gain control of the game without restrictions or limitations.

We are always ready to comply with your requests. If you have any sort of complications or difficulty, do not hesitate to contact us; our team will be there to assist you in almost an instant. You can ask for any additional features that you want to add on your game server. In addition, you can also avail Rage MP and GT-MP mods if you want to. Here are some reasons why we stand out from the rest:

  • Very affordable pricing
  • Exceptionally great customer service
  • An incredibly fast and high-performance server that provides butter-smooth gameplay free from lags
  • Quick and easy set up
  • Lightning-fast cloud service for better performance

Rent your own server now and you will no longer be bound by in-game currency. You create your own RP world! Don’t forget to use the mod menu trainer for extra options.

Does Rockstar Games allow the use of Mod menus?

Quite a lot of GTA players in the past were banned from playing the game because of using the Mod menu. Does this mean that Rockstar does not allow the use of the Mod menu? Well, let’s take a look at what you’re permitted to do and what you’re not allowed to do with the Mod menu.

It’s obvious that those players that were banned by Rockstar did violate the terms. They tried to make use of this feature while playing the GTA 5 online. Let’s be clear of one thing, GTA players can use the Mod menu in single-player Mode (offline), and they won’t get into trouble. However, Modding in online or multiplayer Mode is prohibited, and whether the Mod is running or not, you just can’t enter the GTA online when you have Mod menu installed.

If you’re running the game on FiveM server, you don’t have to be concerned about getting banned or whatever. If not, it is best that you stay away from Mod menu although you may be able to use it in the single-player or offline Mode. However, if you still want to try the trainer without the FiveM, you can still do it, but it’s a lot of trouble. In this case, you should always remember to delete all the Mod menu content before launching the GTA online Mode.

As discussed earlier, running the multiplayer or online GTA with the trainer installed on your computer is too risky. So, to stay away from trouble, enable the firewall when using the Mod menu in the single player. If you wish to play online, close the game, remove the trainer files, and proceed with the game.

As you can see, the entire process is nothing but a pain in the butt. To experience more convenient and risk-free gameplay, it’s best to use your own FiveM server. Our server hosting will meet all your gaming needs. We provide maximum protection and incredibly high-performance FiveM server.

Что не так с GTA Online?

Все мы играли в старый-добрый GTA Online, и знаем, что он из себя представляет. В последнее время Rockstar особенно явно старается поддерживать онлайн на своих серверах на приемлемом уровне, и в этом нет ничего плохого, ведь с каждым новым DLC мы получаем десяток машин, несколько новых миссий, одежду, скины, оружие, какие-то новые психоделические трубы для гонок и прочие плюшки. Проблема заключается в том, что GTA 5 уже имеет более 20 DLC на момент написания статьи, и, как сами дополнения, так и фантазия ребят из Take-Two и Rockstar заканчивается. Не стоит забывать и о том, что дополнения хоть и бесплатные и загружаются в формате Free To Play, но у многих ли из Вас есть бункер из обновления «Торговля оружием»? Думаю, что нет. Потому что это стоит денег.

Ultimate easy setup guide

Download the server

  1. Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable 2019 or newer.
  2. Go to the artifacts server.
  3. Download the latest recommended build.
  4. Open the you just downloaded.
  5. Extract it somewhere you want to store it. We’ll pick .
  6. Open the folder you just extracted it to. It should look a little like this:

Start the server

  1. Double click .
  2. This site should open in your browser. Make sure a PIN is filled, and click .
  3. Log in to your account on Cfx.re in this tab and then click .
  4. Set a password to log in to your server’s admin page.
  5. Click ‘Next’.
  6. Type a name for your server and click ‘Next’.
  7. Select to use a ‘Popular Template’.
  8. Pick the ‘CFX Default’ template for now. Other templates may exist, but some will require a database server.
  9. Click ‘Save’ or select another path.
  10. Go to the ‘Recipe Deployer’.

11. Click ‘Next’ once you’re sure the recipe looks fine. It should be fine the way it comes.
12. Enter the key you just made on the Keymaster in the ‘Before you begin’ step and click ‘Run Recipe’.
13. If everything’s correct, you can click ‘Next’ again.
14. … and finally, «Save & Run Server», and you’re done!

List of FiveM resources you must have

Fire Scripts

Fire Scripts are also known as Fire Starter Mod in GTA 5 role playing. This is a great resource that allows players to ignite a fire in-game. Once you use the Fire Scripts, a fire will start along with a considerable amount of smoke.

Along with that, an in-game message which says, ‘a fire has been spotted on XYZ Street.’

In order to start the fire, press F7 on the keyboard and hold it down till the fire spawns. The direction in which the fire spreads is quite random. It has the potential to become a hazard or not within the first five minutes of being started.

You can also choose a set location to start the fire on the map, particularly the garages.

Speed Limit

Using this resource, players on our server can set their preferred speed limits for driving. You will also be able to see the speed limits that are posted on the particular road that you are driving.

Area of Patrol

This is a simple script, but it allows staff members to alter the Area of Role Play or AOP. Some of the features of this script are Peacetime toggle, the ability to change the area of patrol, display date and time, and many more.

You will be able to see AOP displayed below the title of the map. If you configure the Area of Patrol correctly, you can also spawn points.

ELS or Emergency Lighting System

This script equips all police cars with ELS or Emergency Lighting System. To use this script, players require separate .xml files for the cars.

CIV Toolbox.

Using this script allows almost everyone, including civilians, to perform their tasks a lot easier and faster. It is also called the Vehicle Toolbox or LEO CIV Toolbox.

Calm AI

This is the script that you will need to keep the AI in a good and relaxed mode. In GTA 5 role playing, sometimes when you fire your weapon, the AI can go berserk and do something unexplained like ram your car or make gangs to start attacking you. This script prevents that from happening.

However, the script will not stop dogs or other animals from attacking or pedestrians to panic when you fire a weapon.

EUP Menu

This is a great script that you can use while role playing as a Law Enforcement Officer. It will give you the power to change the PEDs into built-in PEDs.

Fuel System

Players on our server can use this script to fuel their ground vehicles. When you use this script, the fuel level will be displayed on the dashboard, the fuel level also gets synchronized between the different players, and you can also view all the gas stations within the game.

A great feature of this resource is that players can configure the consumption rate of the fuel as well as the refueling rate. This gives the players an edge as they can customize it to their exact requirements. The acceleration, as well as the maximum torque of the vehicle, will also influence the rate of fuel consumption.

Police Vehicles

Of course, you need special police vehicles if you want to be a Law Enforcement Officer. This script is also called the New York State Police Mega Pack. Here, you get a fleet of 41 cars ranging from 2013 Ford Explorer, 2016 Dodge Challenger, 2014 Chevrolet Caprice 2011 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, and many more.

Sheriff Pack

The Los Santos County Sheriff Pack includes 12 vehicles, which are an indispensable resource for all LEOs. You can take your pick from a couple of Dodge Charger models, an Impala, a couple of Tahoe models, Ford Explorer, Ford Taurus, or CVPI models.

However, the vehicles in the Sheriff Pack are non-ELS. This means that you cannot equip them with Emergency Lighting System.

Add-on CIV Vehicles

This resource is for all the fearsome leaders of notorious gangs, the deadly criminals, and the speed lovers. Add-on vehicles are the perfect resource to establish your credibility in role-playing and also make a statement with your ride.

Here, players can choose from a wide range of automobiles, which would make James Bond proud. The cars are:

  • Lamborghini Huracan 2018 model
  • Tesla Prior design
  • Porsche Cayenne Turbo S 2016 model
  • Rolls-Royce Cullinan 2019 model
  • Ferrari 488 Pista 2019 model
  • Ford Crown Victoria 1999 model
  • Ferrari 812 Superfast 2018 model
  • McLaren 650S 2015 model
  • Range Rover Evoque
  • Ferrari 458 Speciale
  • BMW M2 2016 model
  • Porsche 718 Cayman S

Using this impressive fleet of cars, you can fly over your competitors and race ahead in the game. The resources on our server are not comprehensive by any means. We are continuously on the lookout to improve our inventory and make GTA 5 role playing as seamless and fun as possible for the players on our server.

Therefore, whenever a new script or a resource is published, you will be the first to experience it.

Use these resources on our server to advance your game of role playing and establish yourself in the county of Los Santos.

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