Civilizations (age of empires iii)

Алан-э-Дейл       13.09.2022 г.

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Игры Ensemble Studios

Age of Empires • The Rise of Rome • II: The Age of Kings • The Conquerors • III • The WarChiefs • The Asian Dynasties

Age of Mythology • The Titans • Halo Wars

Основная серия

Age of Empires · The Rise of Rome

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings · The Conquerors · The Forgotten

Age of Empires III · The WarChiefs · The Asian Dynasties


Спин-оффы Age of Mythology (The Titans) 
Ремейки для Nintendo DS Age of Empires: The Age of Kings  · Age of Empires: Mythologies 
Любительские моды Age of Empires III: The Napoleonic Era

Механика игры

Очень удобный и понятный интерфейс игры, облегчает все ваши действия, а это в свою очередь – освобождает время для анализа ситуации и позволяет скорейшим образом принимать ответственные и решительные действия. В процессе игры, необходимо будет, как и прежде, учитывать интересы своих подданных в различных жизненных сферах, а также их потребности в наличии достаточных запасов провизии. Только в том случае, если на территории ваших земель не будет проблемы с достатком продуктов питания, численность населения, проживающего в вашем королевстве – будет преумножаться и увеличиваться. Это имеет важнейшее значение. Скачать Эпоха Империй 3 через торрент вы сможете на нашем сайте абсолютно бесплатно.

Доступен режим мультиплеера, что не удивительно, поскольку игра и прежде была оснащена им. Кроме того, в игре присутствует возможность генерации карт, что позволяет вам, вступая в игру — самостоятельно создавать особенности ландшафта в любой из имеющихся локаций. Пробуйте свои силы в качестве не только стратега, но и тактика. Пригласите своих друзей принять совместное участие в режиме мультиплеера.

Особенности Эпоха Империй 3

  • Реалистичная картинка. Великолепное графическое оформление – изумляет. Прекрасные виды природного ландшафта, высокая детализация действующих персонажей, яркие спецэффекты, в виде разрывов пушечных снарядов и многое другое.
  • Новые локации. Множество новых неизведанных территорий, предстанут пред вашими глазами.
  • Дополнительные миссии. В данной версии игры предоставляется доступ к пятнадцати миссиям, в однопользовательском режиме игры, последовательно проходя которые вы получите в конечном итоге – целостный сюжет.

На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Эпоха Империй 3 через торрент бесплатно.


  • Host, Commentator:


  • Other Commentators:
    •  Lecastete 
    •  Mitoe 


  • 1 versus 1
  • Single-elimination bracket
    • Ro32 and Ro16 are Bo5
    • Ro8, Semifinals and 3rd Place Match are Bo7
    • Finals are Bo9
  • Civs:
    • Only legacy civs are allowed; Incas, Swedes, United States, Ethiopians, Hausa are banned
    • no repeat
    • G1: players agree on a matchup or blind pick
    • G2 onwards: winner of G1 picks civ first, then alternating picks

Map Pooledit

Arctic Territories Baja California Bengal Cascade Range Central Plains Colorado Dakota Fertile Crescent Florida Gran Chaco Great Plains Himalayas Kamchatka Korea Malaysia Manchuria Mexico Ozarks Painted Desert Pampas Sierras Punjab Saguenay

Prize Pooledit

$2,295 USD was spread among the players as seen below:

Place $USD Player Team
1st $1,147.90  kaiserklein ssMgc
2nd $573.95  Knuschelbär
3rd $344.37  Mitoe
4th $229.58  theonlybaus
5th-8th  Tabben
 Miyawaki Sakura
9th-16th  yurashic
 Aykin Haraka
 Ezad KEKs
17th-32nd  sheckler
 Optimus_prime Garde
 Don Artie
 Lecastete YumiW


The Barracks and the Blockhouse train and upgrade . The Blockhouse is only available to the Russians.

  • Ashigaru Musketeer (Japanese only)
  • Carolean (Swedes only)
  • Cassador (Portuguese only)
  • Crossbowman
  • Doppelsoldner (Germans only)
  • Gurkha (Indians only)
  • Halberdier
  • Janissary (Ottomans only)
  • Longbowman (British only)
  • Musketeer
  • Pikeman
  • Rajput (Indians only)
  • Regular (United States only)
  • Rodelero (Spanish only)
  • Samurai (Japanese only)
  • Sepoy (Indians only)
  • Sharpshooter (United States only)
  • Skirmisher
  • State Militia (United States only)
  • Strelet (Russians only)
  • Yumi Archer (Japanese only)


Lasalle, Napoleon’s most dashing and competent light cavalry commander, boldly stated that any Hussar who lived to see the age of 30 was «a blackguard.» Hussars were known for their daring and flamboyant displays in and out of combat. They could be an unruly and rowdy lot, though some, like the Prussian Death’s Head Hussars, looked quite severe. Hussars were used to scout, gather intelligence, run down their enemy counterparts, and in flanking and screening maneuvers. They were excellent horsemen and daring to a fault.The Prussian hussars, who served under Wellington at Waterloo, wore uniforms of almost entirely unrelieved black, with a large white skull and crossbones on the front of their short-brimmed, tall cylindrical hats. Hussars were typically armed with curved cavalry sabers and sometimes muskets or pistols.

Civilization differences[]

  • As seen above, the French and Germans can upgrade Skirmishers to Royal Guard and Imperial Guard.
  • The British cannot train Skirmishers but can ship 26 Guard Skirmishers through Roger’s Rangers.
  • Dutch Skirmishers can be trained from the Commerce Age; they will be automatically upgraded to Veteran once the player reaches the Fortress Age.
  • John Black’s Mercenaries can only upgrade Skirmishers to Guard.
  • Campaign United States can upgrade Skirmishers to Imperial.
  • Chinese and Indians can get Skirmishers by allying with British and Germans at the Consulate, which provides armies and shipments that includes Skirmishers (named Roger’s Ranger for the British, Prussian Needle Gun for the Germans) listed below. These Skirmishers start with +10% hit points and attack than their regular counterpart, and are automatically upgraded in every Age starting from the Fortress Age (see for the exact values).
    • British (Chinese and Indians): British Brigade (16 Skirmishers)
    • Germans (Chinese, requires a level 40 Home City): German Expeditionary Force (6 Skirmishers), German Expeditionary Army (11 Skirmishers), and German Brigade (15 Skirmishers)
  • The Incas can get Skirmishers through the «Tupac Rebellion» Home City Card, which turns Jungle Bowmen into Guard Skirmishers.


These fortified carts were used to great effect by the infantry armies of the Hussites, followers of the Czech religious reformer John Huss (Jan Hus), who was excommunicated and burned at the stake early in the fifteenth century. John Zizka lead the Hussite forces against the armies of Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund. His army was largely comprised of peasants, and Zizka developed new tactics to suit the farm-grown sensibilites of his untrained soldiers. They armored farm wagons, used flails and pitchforks, and a number of howitzer artillery pieces. The armored wagons moved in trains and would circle up, forming an overlapping impromptu fortress from which they would fire their artillery baiting opposing armies into a response. The wagons could also be used in offense, charging into ranks of soldiers and knights, loaded with men firing into the groups of knights and infantry. When Zizka died, his skin was made into a drum used to summon Hussites to battle. The Hussite revolution, however, was eventually put down.

Как разогнать видеокарту для AoE3

Все, что связано с «разгоном», направлено на увеличение производительности, но это довольно обширные темы, о которых в двух словах рассказать сложно. К тому же это всегда довольно рисковое дело. Если что, мы вас предупредили.

Чтобы добиться большего значения FPS в Age of Empires 3, сначала можно попробовать разогнать видеокарту. Самый простой способ сделать это — воспользоваться встроенными функциями ПО от производителя видеокарты.

Например, в комплекте с некоторыми видеокартами от GIGABYTE поставляется программа Graphics Engine, в которой есть несколько уже готовых профилей разгона. Это позволяет выжать из видеокарты 5-10 дополнительных кадров в секунду.

Если программы от производителя нет, то всегда можно воспользоваться универсальным решением — MSI Afterburner. Это одна из лучших программ для разгона, в ней множество разных настроек.

Но тут придется все настраивать вручную. Повышать следует в первую очередь частоту самого видеочипа («Core Clock») и частоту памяти видеокарты («Memory Clock»). Слева находятся базовые значения этих параметров. Справа отображаются температура и увеличение вольтажа — эти характеристики позволяют следить за «здоровьем» видеокарты.

При повышении частоты возрастает нагрев видеокарты. Если температура переходит отметку в 85 градусов, то следует увеличить скорость оборотов вентиляторов («Fan Speed»). Если температура повысилась до 100 градусов, то следует немедленно прекратить разгон, иначе чип может расплавиться. Мощный «разгон» требует водяного охлаждения, поэтому не следует повышать частоты более чем на 10%.

Увеличить файл подкачки, если не хватает оперативной памяти для AoE3

Чтобы компенсировать недостаток оперативной памяти, можно увеличить файл подкачки. Это позволит системе хранить часть необходимых Age of Empires 3 данных прямо на жестком диске. Вот что нужно сделать:

  • Открыть «Проводник»;
  • Правой кнопкой нажать на «Этот компьютер» (или «Мой компьютер»);
  • В контекстном меню кликнуть на «Свойства»;
  • В открывшемся окне слева нажать на «Дополнительные параметры системы»;
  • В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку «Дополнительно»;
  • В разделе «Быстродействие» нажать на кнопку «Параметры…»;
  • В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку «Дополнительно»;
  • Снять флажок с параметра «Автоматически выбирать объем файла подкачки» (если есть);
  • Поставить флажок напротив опции «Указать размер»;
  • В текстовых полях «Исходный размер (МБ):» и «Максимальный размер (МБ):» указать в мегабайтах значение, равное половине объема оперативной памяти.

Следует понимать, что файл подкачки эффективен только тогда, когда системе не хватает оперативной памяти. Если компьютер имеет 8-16 Гб, то файл подкачки практически не используется. А при использовании SSD-диска в качестве системного наличие файла подкачки и вовсе может замедлить производительность AoE3, поэтому не следует бездумно задавать большое значение файла подкачки.


  • Torps can gather resources when built next to them
  • Mercenary shipments cost -10% coin and arrive 20 seconds faster
  • Always have access to advanced Arsenal technologies
  • Royal Guard units: Pikeman (Dalkarl), Hakkapelit (Drabant)

Unique units

Carolean: Swedish Musketeer that fires quickly and counters Cavalry from range instead of at melee distance. Can charge quickly with his sword equipped. Good in melee combat.
Hakkapelit: Heavy Hand cavalry from Finland with a powerful short-ranged attack.
Leather Cannon: Light, affordable artillery than can fire and reposition quickly. Good against infantry.

Основные части[править]

  • Age of Empires (1997). Повествует о войнах древности. Начинаем в каменном веке, затем переходим в неолит, бронзовый век и заканчиваем в железном. Всего доступно 12 фракций (с дополнением The Rise of Rome — 16). Получила огромный успех, была обласкана критиками и игроками, но спустя два года вышла вторая часть, которую полюбили еще больше. Недавно выпустили ремастер эксклюзивно под Win 10 — кто играл — отпишитесь.
  • Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (1999). Культ. Классика. Эталон. Хранить вечно. При упоминании серии — 99 % представляется именно она. От войн древности переходим к средневековью. Начинаем в Темной эпохе, затем переходим в феодальную, эпоху замков и эпоху империй, соответствующую XV—XVI столетиям. Изначально было доступно 12 цивилизаций, по состоянию на 2020 год их аж 35. Да, игра непрерывно развивалась на протяжении 20 лет и поддерживается до сих пор. Выход HD Edition (2013) и особенно Definitive Edition (2019, игра, по сути, перерисована заново с современной графикой) только добавили ей популярности, способствуя притоку свежей крови, так что не удивляйтесь, если встретите в мультиплеере людей, которые младше самой игры. Кстати о мультиплеере: наверное, это единственная живая на данный момент классическая RTS не от Blizzard. Матчи, даже эпические 4×4, почти никогда не ищутся дольше полутора-двух минут, а онлайн не падает меньше 10-15 тысяч человек. Правда, из стран СНГ народа почему-то очень мало, у нас все-таки исторически больше любили Warcraft.
  • Age of Mythology (2002). Спин-офф со всего тремя фракциями (греки, египтяне, викинги, с дополнением The Titans (2003 года) добавятся четвертые — атланты, а с дополнением Tale of the Dragon (2016 года)  — еще и китайцы), но зато очень разными, в отличие от номерных частей. В отличие от классической трилогии, игра сосредоточена на мифах и представляет собой историческое фэнтези с магией и артефактами. Вместо камня использовался ресурс «благосклонность», который добывался у каждой расы по-своему: грекам нужно было отправлять рабочих молиться в храме, викингам — сражаться, египтянам — строить монументы. Благосклонность тратилась на различные заклинания и призывы мифических существ. Важную роль играли боги. Главный бог выбирался в начале игры, младшие — при переходе в каждую новую эпоху. Разные боги давали разные абилки и бонусы. А еще это первая игра в серии, у которой был сквозной сюжет: предыдущие довольствовались несвязанными между собой короткими кампаниями за разных крутых исторических личностей. Игра была очень тепло принята и долго сохраняла популярность. Автор правки (и ДАЛЕКО не он один) лелеет мечту о том, что когда-нибудь и она получит Definitive Edition и восстанет, аки Феникс из пепла.
  • Age of Empires III (2005). Эпоха Возрождения, великих географических открытий и Новое Время. Повествует о колониальной гонке, добавлены метрополии — присутствующие в виде отдельного экрана города у вас на родине, где можно покупать различные бонусы. Начинаем с эпохи колоний, затем переходим в эпоху крепостей, индустриальную и опять имперскую. Доступно 8 фракций (со всеми дополнениями — 14), нейтральные поселения на карте, промежуточные цели в сражениях. Сюжет опять сквозной, повествует о злоключениях нескольких поколений семьи Блэков и их вражде с загадочным сообществом под названием Круг Оссуса. Словом, сама по себе игра хороша, но осталась в тени второй части. Таки вышел Definitive Edition. Как минимум, шведов и инков добавили.
  • Age of Empires IV. Разрабатывается компанией Relic Entertainment. Ждем в 2022. Обещают небольшое количество фракций, но зато очень разных, в трейлерах мелькают эпохи, начиная от римлян и заканчивая Наполеоном. Должно получиться хорошо, потому что у Реликов нет права на ошибку (как уже вышло с провальной DoW 3). Наверное, это последний шанс на возрождение RTS как жанра.

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Heavy infantry, light cavalry, Eagle Runner Knights
Weak vs. Heavy cavalry, Coyote Runners, artillery
Hit points Flint Lock (+10%) Thin Red Line (+20%; British only) Grand Encampment (+25%; campaign United States only) Cree Tanning (+5%) Navajo Weaving (+5%)
Attack Counter Infantry Rifling (+1.0x multiplier vs. heavy infantry) Paper Cartridge (+15%) Iroquois Lacrosse (+10%; vanilla Age of Empires III only) Yoga (+5%) Smokeless Powder (+30% siege attack) Clenched Fist (+30% melee attack) Somali Jile Daggers (-35% melee attack ROF)
Armor Hualcana (+10% resistance; Incas only) Somali Oryx Hide Shields (additional 10% melee/ranged resistance)
Speed Military Drummers (+10%) Tilly’s Discipline (+20%; Germans only) Incan Road-building (+20%) Apache Endurance (+5%) Akan Fontomfrom (+5%)
Sight Town Watch (+2)
Creation speed Standing Army (-25%) Incan Chasquis Messengers (-25%) Akan Fontomfrom (-20%)
Train cost Mapuche Ad-mapu (-10% coin cost)
Other Roger’s Rangers (ships 26 Guard Skirmishers; British only) Meritocracy (-20% upgrade cost)
Penalties Coffee Trade (-10% speed; Dutch only) Tilly’s Discipline (+10% cost; Germans only) Grand Encampment (-25% speed; campaign United States only)


The Ming Dynasty, beginning in 1368 and continuing until 1644, was a period of great stability in China, but also of tightening authority under an autocratic leadership. Its founder was a simple peasant, Zhu Yuanzhanga, a man who spent his formative years in a Buddhist monastery only to abandon those views for a form of neo-Confucianism and a growing mistrust of foreign influence. In the waning years of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, famine, unrest, and bitterness plagued China’s native Han populace, and tempers had reached a breaking point. In the eyes of the people, the once mighty Yuan Dynasty was little more than an illegitimate foreign empire lording over them from afar. Leading a peasant revolt against the Mongols, Zhu Yuanzhanga forced them out of Dadu, present day Beijing, and unified China under him.Taking the title “Hongwu,” meaning “vast military,” the first emperor of the Ming established his capital in Nanjing and focused his attention on centralizing power, abolishing the office of prime minister and developing a warrior class that ranked higher than any class of civil servant. He also turned his attention to economic recovery and improving peasant life, lowering land taxes, stocking granaries to guard against famine, and maintaining the great rivers of China, the Yellow and the Yangtze. Predictably, his Confucian point of view led him to support the creation of local, agricultural based communities, diminishing the importance of trade with the outside world, and lowering the prestige of merchants as a class.Although his policies benefited the people, encouraging a sharp jump in population due to agricultural reforms, the Hongwu Emperor was often ruled by his own paranoia and ignorance. He constantly feared rebellions and coups, or an invasion by the former Mongol rulers. These suspicions caused him to declare it a capital offense for any advisors to criticize his ideas. Not understanding inflation, he issued paper currency in such large amounts that by 1425 the money was worth 1/70 of its original value, causing a return to copper coins.The second ruler of the Ming Dynasty, the Jianwen Emperor, held power for a short four-year reign (1398-1402) before being toppled by his uncle in a coup that ushered in the next great age of China. Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor, ruled from 1404 to 1424, often called the “Second Founding” of the Ming. “Yongle” means “perpetually jubilant.” During this two-decade period, the capital of China was moved from Nanjing to Beijing, where the newly built Forbidden City became the nucleus of Chinese power and would remain so for the next 500 years. To preserve Chinese culture and literature, the Yongle Emperor commissioned the writing of the «Yongle Encylopedia», one of history’s greatest achievements.Arguably, the most enduring and influential event of the Yongle period was the emperor’s sponsorship of the fabled treasure fleets, China’s only major attempts at seafaring exploration. Part truth and part legend, the seven treasure expeditions began in 1404 and ended in 1424, the year of the emperor’s death. Commanded by the eunuch admiral, Zheng He, the voyages helped to strengthen trade with China’s diplomatic partners in Southeast Asia, and opened new relationships with lands as far west as the coast of Mozambique and Madagascar; and, if some theories are to be believed, the fleets may have even discovered the New World years before Columbus even set sail in search of his route to the Orient.
—In-game history section

Further statistics[]

As War Wagons are unique to the Germans and John Black’s Mercenaries, only technologies that they have access to are shown in the following table:

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. , light infantry, artillery
Weak vs. , ranged infantry,
Hit points Comanche Horse Breeding (+10%) Cree Tanning (+5%) Navajo Weaving (+5%)
Attack Ranged Cavalry Caracole (+10%) Yoga (+5%) Smokeless Powder (+30% siege attack)
Range Ranged Cavalry Caracole (+2)
Sight Town Watch (+2) Ranged Cavalry Caracole (+2)
Speed Comanche Mustangs (+10%) Apache Endurance (+5%)
Creation speed Mass Cavalry (-35%) Cheyenne Horse Trading (-25%) Incan Chasquis Messengers (-25%)
Train cost Mapuche Ad-mapu (-10% coin cost)
Other Meritocracy (-20% upgrade cost)

Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties — обзор журнала «Страна Игр»

21.04.2011 AD

Одним из предков Конфуция был великий Хоан-ти: богатырь, философ и рационализатор от бога. Именно он придумал компас и стал основателем славной династии воинов и ученых. Тогда как именитый потомок, собственно Конфуций, уже в возрасте трех лет отличался особой рассудительностью и степенностью, его главными забавами стали церемонии и жертвоприношения. Вот что значит хороший генофонд и преем ственность поколений.

Жаль, что правило работает не всегда и многие продолжения оказываются хуже оригинала. Но Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties совсем не тот случай. С наследственностью тут полный порядок. Второй по счету add-on обещает стать еще одной хорошей стратегией, своего рода подарком для всех любителей баталий в реальном времени. Игру делает студия Big Huge Games, успевшая прославиться двумя RTS-фантазиями Rise of Nations и Rise of Legends. Хотя отзывы критиков и были неоднозначными, в итоге все сошлись в одном: парни умеют делать неординарные игры. Вот и теперь разработчики обратили взоры не на прагматичную Европу, а на волшебный Восток.

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Hussar
Green: TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team


Card Description Age HC level
3 Hussars Ships 3 Hussars 1
4 Hussars Ships 4 Hussars 1
7 Hussars Ships 7 Hussars 10
5 Hussars Ships 5 Hussars 10
8 Hussars Ships 8 Hussars 25
Cavalry Combat get +15% hit points and attack 10
Riding School Cavalry train time -40% 10
  • «3 Hussars» is available to Dutch, French, Ottomans, and Swedes.
  • «4 Hussars» is not available to the Portuguese.
  • «7 Hussars» is not available to the Portuguese and Swedes.
  • «5 Hussars» is not available to Dutch, French and Portuguese.
  • «8 Hussars» is available to British, Ottomans and Swedes.
  • «Cavalry Combat» that affects all is available to Dutch, Ottomans and Russians; British «Cavalry Combat» that only affects Hussars and Dragoons are listed separately.


Card Description Age HC level
Cavalry Damage Hussars and Dragoons get +15% attack 10
Cavalry Hitpoints Hussars and Dragoons get +15% hit points 10
Cavalry Combat Hussars and Dragoons get +15% hit points and attack 25


Card Description Age HC level
TEAM Cavalry Attack Heavy cavalry, , and shock infantry get +15% attack 10
Polish Winged Hussars Ships 10 Winged Hussars (Guard Hussars) 25
Spanish Riding School Cavalry get +10% speed +4 Uhlans 25


Card Description
Magyar Hussars Each Outpost/Blockhouse spawns a Magyar Hussar (Hussar with +100% hit points); +1 Outpost/Blockhouse Wagon; Outpost/Blockhouse build limit +1


Card Description Age
Tupac Rebellion Turns Villagers into Revolutionaries, Plumed Spearmen into Guard Musketeers, Chimu Runners into Veteran Hussars, Jungle Bowmen into Guard Skirmishers, Bolas Warriors into Veteran Dragoons, Huaracas into Guard Grenadiers, and Macemen into Light Cannons; costs 2,000 food, 2,000 wood, 2,000 coin


Card Description Age HC level
Dragoon Combat Dragoons get +20% hit points and attack; Hussars get +15% hit points and attack 10


Card Description Age HC level
Hand Cavalry Hitpoints Hussars and Lancers get +15% hit points 10
Hand Cavalry Attack Hussars and Lancers get +15% attack 10
Hand Cavalry Combat Hussars and Lancers get +15% hit points and attack 25
TEAM Inquisition All units get +10 LOS 10


Card Description Age
Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Attack Melee infantry and melee cavalry get +15% attack
Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Hitpoints Melee infantry and melee cavalry get +15% hit points
Finnhorses Hussars and Hakkapelits get +25% hit points
March of the Hakkapelits Turns Hussars into Hakkapelits; Hakkapelits can be trained in the Commerce Age
Trample Tactics Hussars and Hakkapelits get +15% hit points and move and attack 50% faster in

United States

Card Description Age
Patriotism State Militia train time -45%; Regular and Sharpshooter train time -35%; Hussar and Carbine Cavalry train time -25%
Kovat’s Legion Ships 9 Magyar Hussars; Magyar Hussars can be trained at Forts; costs 1,000 food, 1,000 wood


The Dock trains and upgrades .

  • Atakabune (Japanese only)
  • Canoe (available only to the Native American civilizations of The WarChiefs or on American maps when a Trading Post is built on Native Settlements)
  • Caravel
  • Chincha Raft (Incas only)
  • Fire Junk (Chinese only)
  • Fishing Boat
  • Fluyt (Dutch only)
  • Frigate
  • Fuchuan (Chinese only)
  • Fune (Japanese only)
  • Galleon
  • Galley (Ottomans only)
  • Ironclad (United States only)
  • Marathan Catamaran (available only on Asian maps when a Trading Post is built on an Bhakti, Sufi or Udasi settlement or shipped from Indian Home City)
  • Monitor
  • Tekkousen (Japanese only)
  • Tlaloc Canoe (Aztec only)
  • Sloop (United states only)
  • Steamer (United States only)
  • War Canoe (Native American civilizations except Incas)
  • War Junk (Chinese only)
  • Wokou Junk (available only on Asian maps if a trading post is built on a Jesuit Mission, Shaolin or Zen settlement or shipped from Japanese, Chinese and United States Home Cities)


  • Has a population limit of 220
  • Has Villages which combines the functions of a House and a Livestock Pen
  • Train units in blocks as banner armies
  • Starts with a Goat
  • Villagers gather export as they gather resources
  • Build the Consulate to ally with an European civilization and get their units and technologies by spending export
  • Build Wonders to advance in Age

Unique units

Villager: Villager that gathers resources.
Shaolin Master: Religious leader who trains Disciples, stuns Guardians, and has a chance to inflict a Critical Strike in combat. Explores, fights, and builds Town Centers and Trading Posts.
Disciple: Disciple to the Chinese Monk. Good against archers, skirmishers, and artillery.
Sentry: Quick-training, Pikeman who quickly loses hitpoints, becoming less effective over time.
Irregular: Quick-training, musketeer who quickly loses hitpoints, becoming less effective over time.
Chu Ko Nu: Archaic Chinese crossbow that fires at an extremely fast rate. Good against infantry.
Qiang Pikeman: Foot warrior armed with a pike. Good against cavalry and buildings.
Changdao Swordsman: Soldier armed with a very large sword. Good against cavalry.
Arquebusier: Cheap Chinese foot soldier armed with a rifle. Good against infantry.
Steppe Rider: Fast cavalry good at raiding villagers or buildings.
Keshik: Mongolian ranged cavalry. Good against cavalry.
Iron Flail: Chinese heavy cavalry. Good against archers, skirmishers, and artillery.
Meteor Hammer: Heavy cavalry that does hand damage from range. Good against archers, skirmishers, and artillery.
Flamethrower: Chinese siege weapon that shoots fire at a short range. Better against infantry than buildings.
Hand Mortar: Weak light artillery. En masse, good against other artillery.
Flying Crow: Heavy artillery that fires a rocket and is good against infantry or buildings.
Fire Junk: Fire Junk. Rams anything on the water and explodes.
War Junk: War Junk. Good at exploring, fishing or transport.
Fuchuan: Fuchuan. A heavy warship that can train units.

Unique buildings

Village: Supports 20 population, which can be increased here with improvements. Also fattens livestock faster and trains Goats.
Rice Paddy: Slow, infinite source of Food or Coin. Limited to 10 gatherers.
Monastery: Trains repentant outlaws and mercenaries. Provides Monk improvements.
Castle: A powerful defensive building that can also train and upgrade artillery.
Consulate: Spend Export here to enter into relations with European powers and gain a powerful bonus. Also use Export to purchase European troops and technologies.
War Academy: Chinese combination of Barracks and Stable. Trains infantry and cavalry in mixed groups. Also, upgrades infantry and cavalry.


Confucian Academy: Generates Flying Crow artillery automatically.
Porcelain Tower: Generates resources automatically. Configure it to produce different things.
Summer Palace: Generates Banner Armies automatically. Configure it to produce different things.
Temple of Heaven: Casts the Transcendence ability to heal your units.
White Pagoda: Increases attack and hitpoints of Shaolin Master and Disciple.
Main article: Chinese Home City Cards

Civilization differences[]

  • As seen above, the Dutch can upgrade Halberdiers to Royal Guard and Imperial Guard.
  • The Russians train Halberdiers in groups of four at the Blockhouse for 75% of the price but with 20% less hit points and attack.
  • The Spanish cannot train Halberdiers but can ship 13 Guard Halberdiers through Royal Alabarderos

    Similarly, the Swedes can ship 16 Veteran Halberdiers through Gustavian Guards and turn all Pikemen into Halberdiers through the «Dalcarlian Rebellion» Home City Card.


  • John Black’s Mercenaries can only upgrade Halberdiers to Guard.
  • The Haudenosaunee can ship up to 31 Halberdiers through the «Renegade Dutch» cards.


The Halberdier is a powerful hand infantry unit, good against cavalry, but vulnerable to Skirmishers. It is similar to the Pikeman in terms of its purpose and function. However, it is more versatile, dealing more damage to non-cavalry units, has more health and damage, and can be upgraded to Guard and Imperial, but has less speed and siege damage when accounted for cost. Halberdiers have extremely high attack and hit points for an infantry unit, but are slow, and thus unable to catch up to almost anything to get into melee. This makes them much better at defensive purposes than as a primary offensive unit. The Dutch are somewhat able to overcome this weakness by combining the «Military Reforms» Home City Card and Military Drummers for a total of 5.2 speed. Training 5-10 Halberdiers and placing them behind artillery to guard from cavalry flanks is an extremely cost-effective way to defend cannons. Unlike Musketeers, they will automatically block and melee down cavalry, and can go into cover mode, which greatly increases their durability.

Additionally, Halberdiers are able to beat almost any melee infantry that gets into combat with them (with the notable exception of the Jaguar Prowl Knight), making them more versatile than Pikemen.

In the Definitive Edition, the Dutch can train Halberdiers as early as the Commerce Age if they Age up with The Logistician.


The Halberdier starts at the Veteran level, though this does not increase their hit points and attack.

If made available in the Commerce Age by Aging up with The Logistician for the Dutch, Halberdiers will be automatically upgraded to Veteran when the player reaches the Fortress Age.

Age Upgrade Cost Effect Civ.
Guard Halberdiers 600 wood,600 coin Upgrade Halberdiers to Guard (+30% hit points and attack)
Stadswachts 1,000 wood,1,000 coin Upgrades Halberdier to Stadswachts (Guard Halberdiers with +10% hit points and attack)
Imperial Halberdiers 1,500 wood,1,500 coin Upgrade Halberdiers to Imperial (+50% hit points and attack); requires Guard Halberdiers
Imperial Stadswachts Upgrade Stadswachts to Imperial (+50% hit points and attack); requires Stadswachts


  • Warrior Priests can work at the Community Plaza and are counted as two units
  • War Chief aura doubles the experience from nearby friendly units’ kills
  • Starts with a Warrior Priest and all Trading Post sites visible
  • Build the Community Plaza and task Villagers on it to perform powerful ceremonies
  • Choose Tribal Council members to advance in Age

Unique units

Aztec War Chief: The leader of your Tribe. Possesses many powerful bonuses and abilities. Explores, fights, builds Town Centers and Trading Posts.
Eagle Scout: Aztec scout that flings javelins from an atlatl. Helps the War Chief explore the map and defeat Treasure Guardians.*
Villager: Villager that gathers resources.
Warrior: Quick-training Native defender who quickly loses hitpoints, becoming less effective over time.
Warrior Priest: Heals injured units and are also effective in combat. Warrior Priests are extremely effective when dancing at the Fire Pit.
Coyote Runner: Fast armored warrior. Good against skirmishers and artillery.
Otontin Slinger: Slinger. Good against heavy infantry.
Puma Spearman: Warrior armed with a deadly spear. Good against cavalry and buildings.
Arrow Knight: Long-ranged noble that fires flaming arrows. Good against artillery and buildings.
Eagle Runner Knight: Nobleman that flings javelins from an atlatl. Good against cavalry and Coyote Runners.
Jaguar Prowl Knight: Stealthy noble armed with an obsidian sword. Good against cavalry and heavy infantry.
Skull Knight: Aztec elite berserker.
Canoe: Native boat that can attack or transport units.
War Canoe: Strong in naval combat when built in number.
Tlaloc Canoe: Strong in naval combat when built in number.

Unique buildings

Farm: Slow, infinite source of Food. Limited to 10 gatherers.
Community Plaza: Task Villagers on the Community Plaza to perform powerful ceremonies.
War Hut: Trains and upgrades infantry units as well as defends an area with a ranged attack.
Nobles’ Hut: A powerful temple that provides an excellent defense and trains elite Aztec units.

Unique ceremonies

Healing Ceremony: Units regenerate hit points while idle
Garland War Ceremony: Spawns Skull Knights
Main article: Aztec Home City Cards

Trading Post/Native Embassy/Tambo[]

The Tambo is only available to the Incas.

  • Apache Cavalry (Apache, The WarChiefs onwards)
  • Captured Mortar (Native American civilizations only, since update 23511 of the Definitive Edition)
  • Carib Blowgunner (Carib only)
  • Chakram (Udasi Temple, The Asian Dynasties onwards)
  • Chasqui (Incas only)
  • Cherokee Rifleman (Cherokee)
  • Cheyenne Rider (Cheyenne, The WarChiefs onwards)
  • Comanche Horse Archer (Comanche)
  • Conquistador (Jesuit Mission, The Asian Dynasties onwards)
  • Cree Tracker (Cree)
  • Cree Coureur des Bois (Cree)
  • Huron Mantlet (Huron, The WarChiefs onwards)
  • Incan Bolas Warrior (Incas)
  • Incan Huaminca (Incas)
  • Klamath Rifleman (Klamath, The WarChiefs onwards)
  • Mapuche Ironwood Clubman (Mapuche, The WarChiefs onwards)
  • Mapuche Bolas Rider (Mapuche, Definitive Edition onwards)
  • Maya Holcan Spearman (Maya)
  • (Maya)
  • Navajo Rifleman (Navajo, The WarChiefs onwards)
  • Nootka Clubman (Nootka)
  • Rattan Shield (Shaolin Temple, The Asian Dynasties onwards)
  • Seminole Sharktooth Bowman (Seminole)
  • Sohei (Zen Temple, The Asian Dynasties onwards)
  • Tiger Claw (Bhakti Temple, The Asian Dynasties onwards)
  • Tupi Blackwood Archer (Tupi)
  • War Elephant (Sufi Mosque, The Asian Dynasties onwards)
  • Zapotec Lightning Warrior (Zapotec, The WarChiefs onwards)
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